Малаккский пролив: различия между версиями

[отпатрулированная версия][отпатрулированная версия]
Содержимое удалено Содержимое добавлено
автозамена скриптом ПРО:ВО
автозамена скриптом ПРО:ВО, CoordScale
Строка 3:
|Национальное название = ms/Selat Melaka/id/Selat Malaka
|Координаты = 1.4333/102.8833
|CoordScale = 5000000
|Вышестоящая акватория = Андаманское море/Южно-Китайское море
|Страна = Индонезия/Малайзия/Сингапур
Строка 17 ⟶ 18 :
|Позиционная карта = Индонезия Суматра
[[Файл:Map of the Strait of Malacca-de.jpg|мини|250px]]
'''Мала́ккский пролив'''<ref>{{книга:СГНЗС|212}}</ref> ({{lang-ms|Selat Melaka}}, {{lang-id|Selat Malaka}}) — [[пролив]] между [[Малакка (полуостров)|Малайским полуостровом]] (западная [[Малайзия]]) и [[Индонезия|индонезийским]] островом [[Суматра]].
Строка 70 ⟶ 69 :
== Ссылки ==
* {{cite web |url = http://www.expert.ru/news/2007/04/12/nefteprovod/ |archivedate = 2007-04-24 |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20070424170020/http://www.expert.ru/news/2007/04/12/nefteprovod/ |title = Эксперт |author = |date = |website = |accessdate = 2018-12-11|lang = |deadlink = yes}}
* {{cite web |url = https://archive.is/20120525115312/www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/choke.html |title = World oil transit chokepoints |author = |date = |website = archive.is |accessdate = 2018-12-11|lang = }}
* {{cite web |url = http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/3925277.stm |title = BBC News report on the increased security in the Straits |author = |date = |website = news.bbc.co.uk |accessdate = 2018-12-11|lang = }}
Строка 76 ⟶ 75 :
* {{cite web |url = http://www.washingtontimes.com/national/20050117-115550-1929r.htm |title = China builds up strategic sea lanes |author = |date = |website = www.washingtontimes.com |accessdate = 2018-12-11|lang = }}
* {{cite web |url = http://www.imo.org/includes/blastDataOnly.asp/data_id%3D3668/marineelectronichighwayarticle.pdf |title = A report from the International Maritime Organisation on the implementation of a Straits «Marine Electronic Highway» — a series of technological measures to ensure safe and efficient use of the busy waters |author = |date = |website = www.imo.org |accessdate = |lang = |deadlink = yes |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20100706051608/http://www.imo.org/includes/blastDataOnly.asp/data_id%3D3668/marineelectronichighwayarticle.pdf |archivedate = 2010-07-06 }}
* {{cite web |url = http://www.fsas.upm.edu.my/~masdec/web/straits.html |archivedate = 2005-03-17 |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20050317141338/http://www.fsas.upm.edu.my/~masdec/web/straits.html |title = The Malacca Straits Research and Development Centre homepage |author = |date = |website = |accessdate = 2018-12-11|lang = |deadlink = yes}}
* {{cite web |url = http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/7E69A41A-E46F-41D9-AD34-26BA06933A87.htm |archivedate = 2005-12-21 |archiveurl = https://web.archive.org/web/20051221005030/http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/7E69A41A-E46F-41D9-AD34-26BA06933A87.htm |title = Al-Jazeera: Malacca Strait nations plan air patrol |author = |date = |website = |accessdate = 2018-12-11|lang = |deadlink = yes}}
[[Категория:Водные объекты Малайзии]]