Антиох I (царь Коммагены): различия между версиями

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|автор=Chahin, Mark,
}}</ref><ref>{{citeкнига book|author= Michael Blömer |titleзаглавие= Religious Life of Commagene in the Late Hellenistic and Early Roman Period |pagesстраницы= 95–12995—129 |chapterчасть= The Letter of Mara bar Sarapion in Context |seriesсерия= Proceedings of the Symposium Held at Utrecht University, 10–12 December 2009 |publisherиздательство= BRILL |dateязык=en |автор= Michael Blömer |год= 2012}}<blockquote>Beyond the line connecting the cities of Seleuceia on the Euphrates, Doliche and Nicopolis, traces of Greek culture are minimal until we reach the Roman period. Instead, the country was for a long time exposed to Armenian influence, a tradition probably rooted in the Persian period. This Armenian supremacy saw the creation of an elite with Iranian traditions, and the slow recovery of the country. The Armenian nobles eventually became independent kings, and Antiochos I was recognised as a regional power broker by the Romans and their Parthian opponents in the troublesome period following the final demise of Seleucid rule</blockquote></ref> c 70 г. до н. э. до своей смерти, самый знаменитый правитель этого царства.
Похоронен в построенной по его повелению в 62 году до н. э. [[Гробница Антиоха I Коммагенского|гробнице]] на горе [[Немрут-Даг (гора)|Немрут]] Таврского хребта.