Дело о кредите МВФ: различия между версиями

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Coopers, these documents were removed from this site on September 30, 1999.|date=|publisher=www.imf.org|lang=en|accessdate=2018-01-28}}</ref>. Первый из опубликованных докладов содержал информацию о связях ЦБ с его неким дочерним оффшорным банком «ФИМАКО» (''[[:en:FIMACO]]'')<ref>{{cite web|url=https://www.imf.org/external/country/rus/fimaco/index.htm|title=PricewaterhouseCoopers reports on relations between the Central Bank of Russia and the Financial Management Company Limited (FIMACO), on the use of funds transferred to the Central Bank by the IMF in July 1998, and on statistics compiled by the Central Bank for the IMF|author=|website=|quote=PricewaterhouseCoopers report on relations between the Central Bank of Russia and the Financial Management Company Ltd (FIMACO)
Date posted: August 5, 1999
Removed September 30, 1999 at the request of PricewaterhouseCoopers|date=|publisher=www.imf.org|lang=en|accessdate=2018-01-28}}</ref>, второй — об использовании средств кредита самим ЦБ и третий — о статистике собранной ЦБ. Хотя расследование PCPwC и не нашло каких-либо доказательств о нецелевом использовании (присвоении) кредита, однако первый доклад вскрыл целый ряд фактов о ложной отчётности со стороны ЦБ к МВФ, а также факты «о реальном положении [[Золотовалютные резервы|валютных резервов]] и некоторых других денежных накоплений»<ref>{{Cite news|title=Facts About IMF Lending to Russia|author=|url=https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2015/09/28/04/54/vc091399|work=IMF|date=|accessdate=2018-01-29|language=en|quote=The IMF has insisted on the preparation and publication of investigations by the accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), into allegations of mishandling of the July 1998 Fund disbursement, into relations between the Central Bank of Russia (CBR) and one of its offshore subsidiaries (FIMACO), and into statistical reporting to the IMF by the CBR. The investigations found no evidence to support the allegations concerning misappropriation of funds. However, the report on FIMACO uncovered past incidents of misreporting by the CBR to the Fund of the true position of Russia's international reserves and other monetary aggregates.}}</ref>.
=== Расследование кантона Тичино ===