Минас Тигранян: различия между версиями

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С того времени известен как один из видных деятелей армянского освободительного движения XVIII века.
Сопровождал [[Исраэль Ори|Исраэля Ори]] в поездках в Европу и Россию по делам освобождения Армении. Однако в Вене они получил отказ (Австрия же в 1699-ом году подписала с Турцией мирный договор). После долгих скитаний по Европе армяне поняли, что реальным союзником Армении может быть только Россия{{Sfn|Encyclopædia Iranica. ARMENIA AND IRAN VI||quote=onlyIn Israel Ori1677, scionwith the leadership of anCatholicos ArmenianYakob melikof familyJulfa, fora aboutsecret twomeeting decadeswas conductedheld unproductivein negotiationsEchmiadzin withattended aby numberrepresentatives of Westernthe governmentsclergy, the secular aristocracy, and finallyof becamethe meliks (secular lords) of Siwnikʿ and Arcʿax. The assembly decided to send a delegation to Rome and convincedhoped that theirby onlyexpressing hopeobedience wasto Russiathe whichPope wasthey gettingwould stronger.}}receive armed assistance to achieve the task of liberation.
Catholicos Yakob crossed into Georgia in secret, conducted negotiations with the lay and clerical leaders of Georgia and then traveled to Constantinople with his colleagues, intending to depart for Rome from there to request help from the Pope. But the 82-year old catholicos fell sick at Constantinople in 1680 and died. Of his fellow travelers, only Israel Ori, scion of an Armenian melik family, for about two decades conducted unproductive negotiations with a number of Western governments, and finally became convinced that their only hope was Russia which was getting stronger. In 1701, Ori traveled to Moscow with the Archimandrite Minas Tigranean, and presented to Peter the Great his plan for the liberation of Armenia, with the help of Russia, by means of the military forces of the meliks of Siwnikʿ and Arcʿax. The implementation of that plan was put off until the 1720s, during which time Ori went to Isfahan as ambassador of Russia, to survey the internal situation of the country, and upon his return he died in 1711}} .
Как соратник Гандзасарского [[католикос]]а Есаи в 1701 году был направлен им в Москву на правах постоянного представителя при русском дворе.