Future Stock: различия между версиями

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Строка 23:
== Содержание ==
На собрании акционеров "Межпланетного экспресса" назначается новый [[CEO|генеральный директор]] — Вот тот парень, за которого проголосовали Фрай, Скраффи и Хэтти, с перевесом в один голос против Лилы, Бендера, Эми, Гермеса и профессора Фарнсворта. С Вот тем парнем Фрай познакомился буквально несколько минут назад, оказалось, он тоже из XX века.
{{нет сюжета}}
Planet Express' stockholder meeting is taking place at the Lodgatorium Comfort Dome Inn, and Fry and Zoidberg get hungry and visit the Bot-Mizwah next door to get some free food. Zoidberg must stay out (no shellfish). Hermes tells the stockholders of Planet Express that the company is on the verge of bancrupcy, while Fry and Zoidberg move on to a Cryogenic Support Group which also offers free food. There Fry meets That Guy, a 1980's stockbroker who had himself frozen until a cure to his terminal disease, boneitis, could be found. Feeling compassion for a fellow person from the 20th century, Fry invites him to work for Planet Express, and they return to the stockholder meeting where Hattie McDoogal is demanding to nominate a new CEO because the Professor has insulted her cat. Leela, Bender, Amy, Hermes and the Professor (10,000 shares each) vote for Farnsworth, while Fry (10,000 shares) and Scruffy (40,000 shares) vote for That Guy. Now Hattie (1 share) demands the floor and votes for That Guy, making him the new CEO of Planet Express.
== Персонажи ==