Коасати (народ): различия между версиями

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The Coushatta were traditionally agriculturalists, growing [[maize]] and other food crops, and supplementing their diet by hunting game. They are also known for their skill at basketry. In the 20th century they began cultivating rice and [[crawfish]] on tribally owned farms. Once part of the Creek confederacy, the Coushatta tribe split and went to South Louisiana where they still reside.
Earlier, nearly all the Spanish expeditions (including the 1539 to 1543 Hernando de Soto Expedition) into the interior of [[Spanish Florida]] recorded encountering the original town of the tribe. <ref>{{cite book|author=[[Charles M. Hudson (author)|Hudson, Charles M.]]|title =Knights of Spain, Warriors of the Sun| date =1997 | publisher=University of Georgia Press}}</ref> They referred to them as «Coste», with their nearby neighbors being the Chiaha, the [[Chiska]], the [[Yuchi]], the Tasquiqui, and the Tali. This town was most likely in the [[Tennessee Valley]]. Click [[List of sites and peoples visited by the Hernando de Soto Expedition|here]] for a list of towns encountered by the [[Hernando de Soto]] Expedition.
The [[Koasati language|Coushatta language]], in the [[Muskogean languages|Muskogean]] family, is still spoken by some 400 people, although in the early 21st century fewer young people are learning it.
В 17-18 веках часть индейцев коасати вошла в состав возникающей [[Крикская конфедерация|Крикской конфедерации]], где они стали известны под названием «верхние крики» (верхние маскоги). Считается, что племя коасати находилось в близком родстве с племенем [[алабама (народ)|алабама]]. Под давлением европейских поселенцев коасати были вынуждены переселиться на запад.
In the 17th and 18th centuries, some of the Coushatta (Koasati) joined the emerging [[Muscogee (Creek)|Muscogee]] Confederacy, where they became known as part of the «Upper Creeks». They were said to be closely related to the [[Alabama (people)|Alabama]] Indians. They had moved from eastern lands under pressure of European settlers.
Earlier, nearly all the Spanish expeditions (including the 1539 to 1543 Hernando de Soto Expedition) into the interior of [[Spanish Florida]] recorded encountering the original town of the tribe. <ref>{{cite book|author=[[Charles M. Hudson (author)|Hudson, Charles M.]]|title =Knights of Spain, Warriors of the Sun| date =1997 | publisher=University of Georgia Press}}</ref> They referred to them as «Coste», with their nearby neighbors being the Chiaha, the [[Chiska]], the [[Yuchi]], the Tasquiqui, and the Tali. This town was most likely in the [[Tennessee Valley]]. Click [[List of sites and peoples visited by the Hernando de Soto Expedition|here]] for a list of towns encountered by the [[Hernando de Soto]] Expedition.
In the 1990s, they became involved in the [[Jack Abramoff Indian lobbying scandal]] after they hired [[Jack Abramoff]] to assist them in gambling-related interests.
== Язык ==
На языке [[коасати (язык)|коасати]], относящемся к [[маскогские языки|маскогской]] семье, до настоящего времени (начало 21 в.) говорят около 400 людей, однако лишь немногие молодые люди изучают этот язык.
== Киноискусство ==