Леринское аббатство: различия между версиями

[отпатрулированная версия][непроверенная версия]
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Строка 1:
{{Infobox Oxford college
| name = Pembroke College
|Русское название = Леринское аббатство
| university = Oxford
|Оригинальное название = Abbaye de Lérins
| shield = [[Image:Pembroke crest.PNG]]
|Изображение = Abbaye de Lérins.jpg
| photo = [[Image:Pembroke Chapel Quad.JPG|240px|Pembroke College Hall over the Chapel Quad]]
|Подпись изображения =
| colours = {{scarf|start}}{{cell|#000066}}{{cell|#FF1493}}{{cell|#B0C4DE}}{{cell|#FF1493}}{{cell3|#000066}}{{cell|#FF1493}}{{cell|#B0C4DE}}{{cell|#FF1493}}{{cell|#000066}}{{scarf|end}}
|Ширина изображения = 220px
| latin_name = Collegium Pembrochianum
|Современный статус =
| named_for = [[William Herbert, 3rd Earl of Pembroke|The Earl of Pembroke]]
|Страна = Франция
| established = 1624
|Страна2 =
| sister_college = [[Queens' College, Cambridge|Queens' College]]
|Название местоположения = остров
| head_label = Master
|Местоположение = Сент-Оноре
| head = [[Giles Henderson]]
|Координаты = {{coord|43|30|23|N|7|2|49|E|type:landmark|region:GR|scale=2000}}
| JCR_president = Caroline Daly
|Конфессия = католицизм
| undergraduates = 402
|Епархия =
| MCR_president = Edvard Glūcksman
|Тип монастыря =
| graduates = 119
|Основатель = [[Гонорат Арльский]]
| latitude = 51.750062
|Первое упоминание =
| longitude = -1.257827
|Основание = [[410-е]] годы
| boat_club = [http://www.pembrokerowing.com/ Boat club]
|Основные даты = {{Достопримечательность/Даты||||||}}
| homepage = [http://www.pmb.ox.ac.uk/ College home page]
|Упразднён =
|Здания = {{Достопримечательность/Здания||||||}}
|Известные обитатели =
|Реликвии =
|Настоятель =
|Современное состояние = действующий монастырь
|Сайт = http://www.abbayedelerins.com/
|Commons = Abbaye de Lérins
'''Леринское аббатство''' ({{lang-fr|Abbaye de Lérins}}) — [[католицизм|католический]] [[монастырь]], расположенный на острове Сент-Оноре ([[Леринские острова]]) у побережья [[Канны|Канн]].
'''Pembroke College''' is one of the [[Colleges of the University of Oxford|constituent colleges]] of the [[University of Oxford]] in [[England]], located in [[Pembroke Square, Oxford|Pembroke Square]]. As of 2007, Pembroke had an estimated [[financial endowment]] of £45.5 million.<ref>Pembroke College Annual Report 2006/2007</ref>
Основан в [[410-е]] годы святым [[Гонорат Арелатский|Гоноратом]]. Уже при его жизни «''воздвигается храм Церкви Божией, удовлетворяющий нуждам собранной братии; устраиваются кельи, пригодные для проживания монахов''».<ref>[http://www.krotov.info/yakov/6_bios/13_v/429_honorat.htm Слово святого Илария о жизни святого Гонората, епископа Арелатского]</ref> К [[VIII век]]у монастырь стал одним из самых влиятельных в [[Европа|Европе]], в нём проживало более 500 [[монах]]ов. Будучи безразличными к светской культуре леринские монахи отличались [[аскетизм]]ом и высокой социальной активностью, многие из которых становись [[епископ]]ами или основывали новые монастыри.<ref>[http://www.pagez.ru/olb/dv1/39.php Дворкин А.Л. Очерки по истории Вселенской Православной Церкви]</ref>
В конце [[XI век]]а рядом с монастырём был возведён пятиэтажный [[форт]] для защиты острова от нападения с моря. В нём располагались [[трапезная]], [[библиотека]] и [[капелла]]. На острове вокруг монастыря расположены 7 [[часовня|часовен]], построенных в XI—XVII веках (одна из них — [[Архангел Михаил|архангела Михаила]] находится в руинированном состоянии).
In the early seventeenth century, the endowment of [[Thomas Tesdale]]—a merchant from nearby [[Abingdon-on-Thames|Abingdon]]—and [[Richard Wightwick]]—a [[clergy]]man from [[Berkshire]]—enabled the conversion of the Broadgates Hall, which had been a University hostel for law students since its construction in the fifteenth century, to form the basis of a fully fledged college. The [[letters patent]] to found the college were signed by [[James I of England|King James I]] in 1624, with the college being named after [[William Herbert, 3rd Earl of Pembroke]], [[Lord Chamberlain]] and then-Chancellor of the University.<ref>{{cite web| url=http://www.pmb.ox.ac.uk/College/History/index.php| title=History - Pembroke College, University of Oxford| accessdate=2007-11-10}}</ref>
Following its foundation, the college proceeded to expand around Broadgates, building what is now known as "Old Quad" in the 1600s. Built in stages through the seventeenth century out of the local [[Cotswolds|Cotswold]] [[limestone]], space restrictions saw the south-side of the Quad built directly on top of the old City Wall. A Chapel was built in 1732, and the introduction of further accommodation and the Hall in the mid-nineteenth century created "Chapel Quad"—widely considered one of the most beautiful Quads in the University.<ref name="Buildings">{{cite web| url=http://www.pmb.ox.ac.uk/College/Buildings/index.php| title=Buildings - Pembroke College, University of Oxford| accessdate=2007-11-10}}</ref> The Chapel was designed and built by William Townsend, although the interior was dramatically redesigned by [[Charles Kempe]]—a Pembroke graduate—in 1884. Pembroke alumnus Dr. Damon Wells is a significant benefactor of the College over many years; he enabled the restoration of the Chapel in 1972, and continues to support the Chaplaincy and History Fellowship. The Chapel which is still used for regular worship bears his name.<ref>{{cite web| url=http://www.pmb.ox.ac.uk/College/The_Chapel/Chapel_History.php| title=Chapel History - Pembroke College, University of Oxford| accessdate=2007-11-10}}</ref>
Основное монастырское здание было возведено в XI веке, но после закрытия монастыря в [[1789 год]]у оно было разрушено. После закрытия монастыря [[мощи]] святого Гонората, хранившиеся в нём с [[1391 год]]а, были перенесены в [[Нотр-Дам-дю-Пюи|кафедральный собор]] [[Грасс (Франция)|Грасса]], где хранятся по настоящее время. В середине [[XIX век]]а на острове возродилась монашеская жизнь благодаря ордену [[Цистерцианцы|цистерцианцев]]. В [[1859 год]]у они приступили к восстановлению монастыря. Новое здание было возведено в [[романский стиль|романском стиле]], от оригинальных построек были сохранены только башни и внутренний двор.
The most recent expansion of the college came in the 1960s, after the closure of Beef Lane to the north of Chapel Quad. The private houses north of the closed road were acquired by the College in a piecemeal fashion and reversed so that access was only possible from the rear. The new area is now known as "North Quad", which was formally opened in 1962.<ref name="Buildings"/> A modern annex was built near to college on the banks of the [[River Thames|Isis]] at [[Grandpont, Oxford|Grandpont]], provides accommodation for almost a hundred undergraduates, usually those in their final year. The building is commonly known as "The GAB", after being named after the diplomat [[Sir Geoffrey Arthur]]—a former master of the college (1975-1985).<ref>{{cite web| url=http://www.pmb.ox.ac.uk/College/Buildings/Geoffrey_Arthur_Building.php| title=Geoffrey Arthur Building - Pembroke College, Oxford| accessdate=2007-11-10}}</ref>
[[Файл:Monastère de Saint Honorat 01.jpg|thumb|center|380px|Общий вид монастыря]]
Для посещения доступны только монастырская церковь, [[клуатр]] и небольшой музей со средневековыми [[манускрипт]]ами. Вся восточная часть острова полностью закрыта для посетителей и носит название «зона тишины». На острове монахи выращивают [[виноград]], [[апельсин]]ы, [[лаванда|лаванду]], занимаются [[виноделие]]м.
[[Samuel Johnson]] was one of the College's more famous alumni, though he did not complete his degree (he was later awarded an honorary degree by the University); lack of funds forced him to leave Oxford after about a year and a half. Two of his desks and various other possessions are displayed around the college. [[James Smithson]], whose bequest founded the [[Smithsonian Institution]] in [[Washington, D.C.]] (despite him never having visited the [[United States]]) was an undergraduate at Pembroke, under the name "James Lewis Macie"—he changed his name to that of his natural father after the death of his mother. Meanwhile Senator [[J. William Fulbright]], who established the [[Fulbright Program]], was a [[Rhodes Scholar]] at Pembroke in the 1920s.
== Известные насельники монастыря ==
[[Файл:Saint Honorat d'Arles.jpg|thumb|150px|<center>Святой Гонорат Арелатский, основатель Леринского монастыря</center>]]
* [[святой Патрик]], просветитель Ирландии<ref>[http://www.france-orthodoxe.net/photo/?x=gaule&id=28 Мемориальная доска в Леринском монастыре]: «на этом „Острове святых“ в начале V века под руководством святого Гонората будущий апостол Ирландии святой Патрик готовился к своей миссии, старательно занимаясь священными науками и приобщаясь к святости».</ref>;
* святитель [[Максим Риезский]] ({{lang-fr|[[:fr:Maxime de Riez|Maxime de Riez]]}});
* святитель [[Иларий Арелатский]] ({{lang-fr|[[:fr:Hilaire d'Arles|Hilaire d'Arles]]}}), списатель жития святого Гонората;
* святитель [[Евхерий Лионский]] ({{lang-fr|[[:fr:Eucher de Lyon|Eucher de Lyon]]}});
* святитель [[Луп из Труа]] ({{lang-fr|[[:fr:Loup de Troyes|Loup de Troyes]]}});
* святитель [[Фавст Риезский]] ({{lang-fr|[[:fr:Fauste de Riez|Fauste de Riez]]}});
* святитель [[Кесарий Арелатский]] ({{lang-fr|[[:fr:Césaire d'Arles|Césaire d'Arles]]}});
* святитель [[Агрикола Авиньонский]];
* преподобный [[Викентий Леринский]] ({{lang-fr|[[:fr:Vincent de Lérins|Vincent de Lérins]]}}), автор «Памятных записок» ({{lang-la|[[:fr:Commonitorium|Commonitorium]]}}).
Although he had been an undergraduate at [[Exeter College, Oxford|Exeter College]], [[J. R. R. Tolkien]] was a [[Fellow]] of Pembroke from 1925 to 1945, and wrote ''[[The Hobbit]]'' and the first two books of ''[[The Lord of the Rings]]'' during his time there.
{{начало цитаты}}Уже все страны наперебой направляли туда ищущих Бога. Всякий, кто желал Христа, устремлялся к Гонорату, и равным образом всякий, кто искал Гонората, находил Христа. Ведь там он был весь полон сил и устроил свое сердце, словно высокую твердыню и светлейший храм. Ибо там обитали целомудрие, то есть святость, вера, мудрость и добродетель; там блистали праведность и истина. Итак, как бы широкими жестами и с раскрытыми объятиями он призывал всех в свое окружение, то есть в любовь Христову; и все, один за другим, отовсюду стекались к нему. И ныне какая страна, какой народ не имеют в его монастыре своих сограждан?{{конец цитаты|источник=Слово святого Илария о жизни святого Гонората, епископа Арелатского (''перевод с латыни Д.&nbsp;Зайцева'')}}
Among the College's more recent Masters was [[Roger Bannister]], the first man to run the mile in under four minutes.
== Примечания ==
Pembroke was described by [[John Betjeman]], in ''Summoned by Bells'':
== Литература ==
* {{книга|автор = |часть = Глава II. Слово святого Илария о жизни святого Гонората, епископа Арелатского (''перевод с латыни, примечания: Д. Зайцев'')|заглавие = Арелатские проповедники V—VI вв. Сборник исследований и переводов|оригинал = |ссылка = |ответственный = Под ред. А.&nbsp;Р. Фокина|издание = |место = М.|издательство = Центр библейско-патрологических исследований Отдела по делам молодежи Русской Православной Церкви|год = 2004|том = |страницы = 59—91|страниц = |серия = |isbn = 5-9622-0019-5|тираж = 1000}}
* St. Honorat Island. Guide of visits on the island. 2008.
* {{книга|автор = |часть = |заглавие = Les Pères de la Gaule chrétienne|оригинал = |ссылка = |ответственный = Textes choisis et présentés par Sœur Agnès Egron|издание = |место = Paris|издательство = Les [[Éditions du Cerf]]|год = 1996|том = |страницы = 155—228|страниц = |серия = |isbn = 2-204-05457-7|тираж = }}
:How empty, creeper-grown and odd
:Seems lonely Pembroke's second quad
[[Категория:Альпы Приморские]]
:Still, when I see it, do I wonder why
[[Категория:Леринский монастырь|*]]
:That college so polite and shy
:Should have more character than Queen's
:Or Univ, splendid in the High.
==Coat of Arms==
[[en:Lérins Abbey]]
[[fr:Abbaye de Lérins]]
The arms of Pembroke College were granted by the [[College of Arms|College of Heralds]] on 14 February 1625, the formal [[blazon]] describing it as:
<blockquote>“Per pale [[azure]] and [[gules]] three Lyons [[Charge (heraldry)|rampant]] [[Argent]], in a Cheife party per pale Argent and [[Or (heraldry)|Or]], in the first a Rose Gules, in second a Thistle of Scotland proper”.</blockquote>
Both James I, as founder of the college, and the Earl of Pembroke are commemorated in the arms. The former, representing the union of the crowns as James I of England and James VI of Scotland, is symbolised by the rose (of England) and the thistle (of Scotland). The three lions rampant are taken from the Earl’s personal coat arms.
== Courses ==
Pembroke offers a broad range of courses, covering almost all the subject areas offered by the university. In particular, the college has had a strong involvement with [[Management Studies]], being the first traditional Oxford College to appoint a [[Fellow]] in the field.<ref name="E&M">{{cite web|url= http://www.pmb.ox.ac.uk/Students/Admissions/Courses/Economics_and_Management.php?courseId=7|title= Pembroke College Course Guide: Economics & Management}}</ref> The college has maintained a close relationship with the [[Saïd Business School]] and with an intake of eight students per year, has more Economics & Management undergraduates than any other college.
== The JCR and MCR ==
[[Image:Pembroke Lodge.jpg|thumb|right|The lodge and the entrance to Pembroke College in [[Pembroke Square, Oxford|Pembroke Square]]. [[Samuel Johnson]] had rooms on the second floor above the entrance, as an undergraduate in 1728.]]
Pembroke is home to a [[Junior Common Room|JCR]] (undergraduate community) notable for its artistic wealth and sporting prowess. The JCR is one of the wealthiest in Oxford due to the purchase and sale of a [[Francis Bacon]] painting in the early twentieth century (see below), and has used those funds to support a socially progressive student support scheme and an impressive artistic acquisition programme. The MCR is housed in a suite of historic rooms and is noted for its connections with a wide range of nations. Its current patron is [[John Kerr, Baron Kerr of Kinlochard|Lord (John) Kerr]], former head of the [[Foreign and Commonwealth Office]] and Ambassador to the [[United States]].{{Fact|date=January 2009}}
The college is also home to the Emery gallery and the JCR art fund, founded by the sale of a Francis Bacon painting for £400,000, which is empowered to make significant contemporary purchases for the college.{{Fact|date=January 2009}}
The college has a strong sporting reputation across the university. Recent years have seen the JCR achieve particular success at [[Rugby Union|rugby]], and [[cricket]], [[football (soccer)|football]], [[hockey]] and [[darts]]. The MCR has been particularly strong at women's boxing, [[polo]] and cricket.
[[Pembroke College Boat Club (Oxford)|Pembroke College Boat Club]] is one of Oxford's strongest boat clubs, with the men's and women's boats currently sitting 2nd and 3rd on the river in [[Eights Week|Summer Eights]] respectively. In 2003, Pembroke became the first college to win the "Double Headship Trophy" for having both men's and women's Eights head the river.
==Ornithology Society==
With support from the student body, [[Pembroke Ornithology Society]] was founded in 2008 and aims to become one of the top [[Ornithology]] Societies in the University.<ref>{{cite web| url=http://www.pembrokecollege.org/NetCommunity/Document.Doc?id=51| title=The Pembrokian - Pembroke College, Oxford|}}</ref> It is currently looking to expand into areas such as bird [[conservation]] and data-collection. Invited speakers have included [[Howie Watkins]], while its termly publication, [[The Birdsheet]], was launched in January 2009 and is believed by some to be at the front line of avian discussion.
== Notable former students ==
{{Seealso|Category:Alumni of Pembroke College, Oxford}}
* [[King Abdullah II of Jordan]], current ruler of Jordan
* [[William Adams (master)|William Adams]], religious writer and essayist
* [[Patience Agbabi]], performance poet
* [[Michael Bettaney]], a former [[MI5]] intelligence officer convicted of treason in 1984
* [[Francis Beaumont]], playwright
* [[Gaspar Bergman]], film director
* [[William Blackstone]], jurist and barrister
* [[Edmund Bonner]], bishop, known as 'Bloody Bonner'
* [[Thomas Browne]], seventeenth-century author
* [[William Camden]], antiquarian and historian
* [[Oz Clarke]], oenophile and broadcaster
* [[David Cracknell]], former Sunday Times Political Editor
* [[Mary Creagh]], Labour politician
* [[Julian Critchley]], journalist and Conservative politician
* [[Denzil Davies]], Labour politician
* [[Maria Eagle]], Labour government minister
* [[J. William Fulbright]], American Democratic Senator
* [[Charles Hawtrey (stage actor)|Charles Hawtrey (19th century actor)]]
* [[George Procter Hawtrey]], actor and playwright
* [[Michael Heseltine]], former Conservative Deputy Prime Minister and publisher
* [[Walter Isaacson]], author and President and CEO of the [[Aspen Institute]]
* [[Samuel Johnson]], lexicographer, biographer, writer, poet [[Image:Dr Johnson's desk.jpg|thumb|right|[[Samuel Johnson]]'s desk, in Broadgates.]]
* [[Roz Kaveney]] (as Andrew J. Kaveney), writer
* [[Charles Kempe]], Victorian stained glass designer.
* [[John Kerr, Baron Kerr of Kinlochard]], diplomat
* [[Philip Lader]], former American Ambassador to the UK, businessman
* [[Richard Lugar|Richard G. Lugar]], American Republican Senator
* [[Viktor Orbán]], Hungarian Prime Minister 1998-2002
* [[Tarik O'Regan]], composer
* [[John Pym]], parliamentarian and critic of [[Charles I of England]]
* [[Radosław Sikorski|Radek Sikorski]], Polish politician and current Minister of Foreign Affairs
* [[James Smithson]], mineralogist, benefactor of the [[Smithsonian Institution]].
* [[John Snagge]], BBC newsreader and commentator
* [[Thomas Stanage|The Rt Revd Thomas Shaun Stanage, DD]], Anglican Bishop in South Africa
* [[Samuel John Stone]], Anglican clergyman and hymnwriter (''[[The Church's One Foundation]]'')
* [[Honeysuckle Weeks]], actress
* [[George Whitefield]], leader of the [[Methodist]] movement in the eighteenth century
== Academics, fellows, and teachers ==
[[Image:Pmb chapelquad snow 20070208.JPG|thumb|Pembroke College Chapel Quad in the snow (February 2007).]]
''(The names of current members are followed by links to their College pages)''
* [[R. G. Collingwood]]
* [[John Eekelaar]] ([[British Academy|F.B.A.]]) [http://www.pmb.ox.ac.uk/cgi-bin/profiles_academic.cgi?profileid=32 *]
* [[Peter J. King]] [http://www.pmb.ox.ac.uk/cgi-bin/profiles_academic.cgi?profileid=247 *]
* [[Martha Klein]] [http://www.pmb.ox.ac.uk/cgi-bin/profiles_academic.cgi?profileid=68 *]
* [[John Krebs|John Richard Krebs, Baron Krebs]] ([[Fellow of the Royal Society|F.R.S.]])
* [[Piers Mackesy]], military historian, F.B.A.
* [[Christopher Melchert]] [http://www.pmb.ox.ac.uk/cgi-bin/profiles_academic.cgi?profileid=82 *]
* [[Naci Mehmet]]
* [[Guy Newbury]] [http://www.music.ox.ac.uk/people/staff-listings/academics/dr-guy-newbury-ma-oxon.-mphil.-sussex-phd.-durham.html *]
* [[Zbigniew Pełczyński]]
* [[J. R. R. Tolkien]]
* Metropolitan Kallistos of Diokleia ([[Timothy Ware]])
== References ==
<references />
== External links ==
*[http://www.pmb.ox.ac.uk/ Pembroke College Website]
*[http://www.pembrokejcr.co.uk/ JCR Website]
*[http://www.pembrokemcr.com/ MCR Website]
*[http://www.pcbc.co.uk/ PCBC Website]
[[Category:Pembroke College, Oxford|Pembroke College]]
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