Мелларт, Джеймс: различия между версиями

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Строка 13:
== Раскопки Чатал-Хююка ==
[[Файл:CatalHoyukSouthArea.JPG|thumb|right|225px|Раскопки Чатал-Хююка ]]
Команда Меллаарта, раскапывавшая [[Чатал-Хююк]] в 1961 г., обнаружила более 150 помещений и зданий, некоторые были украшени настенными росписями, штуковыми рельефами и скульптурами. Это был важный памятник, который помог в значительной мере продвинуть знания о ранних поселениях Ближнего Востока.
When Mellaart excavated Çatalhöyük site in 1961, his team found more than 150 rooms and buildings, some decorated with [[mural]]s, plaster [[reliefs]], and sculptures. The site has since been seen as important as it has helped in the study of the social and cultural dynamics of large permanently occupied farming settlements in the Near East.
По мнению Меллаарта, Чатал-Хююк играл важную роль в культе матери-богини. С этим не согласились многие другие археологи, которые даже обвинили Меллаарта в том, что тот сочинил ряд местных мифов в поддержку своей теории. Из-за возникшего скандала турецкие власти закрыли доступ к памятнику, и раскопки возобновились лишь в 1990-е годы.
According to Mellaart’s theories, Çatalhöyük was a prominent place of [[mother goddess]] worship. However, many other archaeologists did not agree and the dispute created a controversy. Mellaart was even accused of making up at least some of the mythological stories he presented as genuine. The furor caused the Turkish government to close up the site. The site was unattended for the next 30 years until excavations were begun anew in 1990s.
The city as a whole covers roughly 32.5 [[acre]]s (130,000 m²), and housing 5,000-8,000 people, whereas the norm for the time was around one tenth of this size. The site stirred great excitement when Mellaart announced it and has since caused much head scratching. In fact, more recent work has turned up comparable features at other early [[Neolithic]] sites in the Near East, and this has benefited many people in their understanding of the site so that many of its onetime mysteries are no longer real issues.
== Сочинения ==