Клектонская культура: различия между версиями

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Название происходит от эпонимичной стоянки близ города Клектон-он-Си в Великобритании, графство [[Эссекс]], где были найдены кремневые орудия данной культуры. Характерным для данной культуры было то, что её представители искали кремневые «полуфабрикаты», близкие по форме к готовым орудиям, после чего «дорабатывали» их, откалывая мелкие куски. Таким образом они изготавливали скребки, резцы и другие орудия.
== Споры о классификации ==
== The Clactonian controversy ==
По-видимому, клектонские орудия сосуществовали с [[ашёльская культура|ашёльскими]], при изготовлении которых использовалась идентичная технология, однако в состав которых также входили [[:en:handaxe]], tools made by [[biface|bifacially]] working a flint core.
The Clactonian industry may have co-existed with the [[Acheulean]] industry, which used identical basic techniques but which also had [[handaxe]] technology; tools made by [[biface|bifacially]] working a flint core. In the 1990s it was argued {{ref|ashton}} that the difference between Clactonian and Acheulean may be a false distinction however. The Clactonian industry may in fact be the same thing as the Acheulean and only assessed as being different due to its tools being Acheulean ones made by individuals who had no need for handaxes on the occasion that they made them. Differences in environment and the availability and quality of local raw materials may account for the differences between the two industries, which, at one point it was inferred, were only perceived by modern archaeologists.
TheВ Clactonian industry may have co1990-existedе with the [[Acheulean]] industry, which used identical basic techniques but which also had [[handaxe]] technology; tools made by [[biface|bifacially]] working a flint coreгг. Inряд theисследователей 1990sвыступили itс wasточкой argued {{ref|ashton}} that the difference betweenзрения, Clactonianчто andразличие Acheuleanмежду mayклектонской beи aашёльской falseиндустриями distinctionбыло howeverмнимым. The Clactonian industry may in fact be the same thing as the Acheulean and only assessed as being different due to its tools being Acheulean ones made by individuals who had no need for handaxes on the occasion that they made them. Differences in environment and the availability and quality of local raw materials may account for the differences between the two industries, which, at one point it was inferred, were only perceived by modern archaeologists.
However, the 2004 excavation of a butchered [[Pleistocene]] elephant at the Southfleet Road site of [[High Speed 1]] in Kent recovered numerous Clactonian flint tools but no handaxes. As a handaxe would have been more useful than a chopper in dismembering an elephant carcass it is considered strong evidence of the Clactonian being a separate industry. Flint of sufficient quality was available in the area and it is likely that the people who carved up the elephant did not possess the knowledge to make the more advanced bifacial handaxe. Proponents of the Clactonian as an independent industry point to the lack of concrete evidence in favour of it being an anomalous Acheulean industry. The precise [[provenance]] of the few attributed bifacial Clactonian tools (which point to Acheulean influence) is in dispute.
However,Тем theне менее, 2004 excavation of a butchered [[Pleistocene]] elephant at the Southfleet Road site of [[High Speed 1]] in Kent recovered numerous Clactonian flint tools but no handaxes. As a handaxe would have been more useful than a chopper in dismembering an elephant carcass it is considered strong evidence of the Clactonian being a separate industry. Flint of sufficient quality was available in the area and it is likely that the people who carved up the elephant did not possess the knowledge to make the more advanced bifacial handaxe. Proponents of the Clactonian as an independent industry point to the lack of concrete evidence in favour of it being an anomalous Acheulean industry. The precise [[provenance]] of the few attributed bifacial Clactonian tools (which point to Acheulean influence) is in dispute.
The traditional chronology of Clactonian being followed by Acheulean is also being increasingly challenged since finds of Acheulean tools were made at [[Boxgrove]] in [[Sussex]] and [[High Lodge]] in Suffolk. These finds came from deposits connected with the [[Anglian Stage]], the glaciation that preceded the Hoxnian Stage and therefore would have preceded the Clactonian. Whether or not the they are separate industries it would seem that the 'Clactonian' and 'Acheulean' stone tool makers would have had cultural contact with each other.
TheВ traditionalнастоящее chronologyвремя ofвсё Clactonianчаще beingоспаривается followedтрадиционная byточка Acheuleanзрения, isсогласно alsoкоторой beingклектонская increasinglyиндустрия challengedпредшествовала sinceашёльской, findsпоскольку ofашёльские Acheuleanорудия toolsбыли wereобнаружены made atв [[Boxgrove]] in [[Sussex]] and [[High Lodge]] in Suffolk. These finds came from depositsв connectedслоях, withсвязанных theс [[:en:Anglian Stage]], the glaciation that preceded the Hoxnian Stage and therefore would have preceded the Clactonian. Whether or not the they are separate industries it would seem that the 'Clactonian' and 'Acheulean' stone tool makers would have had cultural contact with each other.
== Примечания ==