Мегасфен: различия между версиями

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Строка 17:
* Pushkas I. Megasthenes and Indian Society of his Time // Oikumene, 1987. Vol.6. P. P.23-29.
* Pushkas I. Megasthenes and the "Indian Gods" Heracles and Dionysos // Mediterranean Studies.2. Greece and the Mediterranen /Ed.Richard W.Clement, Benjamin F.Taggie, Robert G.Schwartz.Kirksville, 1990. P. 39-47.
* Rocher L. Megasthenes on Indian Lawbooks // JOIB,1957.6.P.125-128.
* Setha K.D. Megasthenes and the Indian Chronology as Based on the Puranas // Purana.1966. 8.I.P.16-29.
* Setha K.D. Megasthenes and the Indian Chronology as Based on the Puranas // Purana.1966. 8.2.P.9-37.