Дживанмукта: различия между версиями

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'''Дживанмукта''' (от [[Санскрит|санскр]]. ''[[джива]]'' и ''[[мукти]]'') — термин в индуизме, которым в философской школе адвайта[[Адвайта-ведантыведанта|адвайты]] называют индивида, достигшего стадии самоосознания ([[нирвикалпа]] [[самадхи]]) и освободившегося из цикла [[Самсара|самсары]].<ref> Maharishi Mahesh Yogi on the Bhagavad-Gita, a New Translation and Commentary, Chapter 1-6. Penguin Books, 1969, p 132 (v 46)</ref>
Jivanmukta is a unique concept in Hindu philosophy, particularly in the school of philosophy known as [[advaita]]. The ultimate goal of [[Hinduism]] is liberation from the [[samsara|cycles of re-birth]]. This liberation is technically called '[[moksha]]'. In all schools of Hindu philosophy except advaita, liberation is necessarily an event beyond the experience of human being. But the advaita school of [[Shankara]] envisages that human is already liberated and the [[soul]] is already free — one only has only to realise, and to accept, this freedom. Souls who have had this realisation are called jivanmuktas.