Издательство Принстонского университета: различия между версиями

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== Избранные публикации ==
* ''The Meaning of Relativity'' / [[Albert Einstein]] (1922)
* ''[[Atomic Energy for Military Purposes]]'' / [[Де Вольф Смит, Генри|Henry DeWolf Smyth]] (1945)
* ''[[How to Solve It]]'' / [[Пойа, Дьёрдь|George Polya]] (1945)
* ''[[The Open Society and Its Enemies]]'' / [[Karl Popper]] (1945)
* ''[[The Hero With a Thousand Faces]]'' / [[Joseph Campbell]] (1949)
* The [[Richard Wilhelm|Wilhelm]] / Baynes translation of the ''[[Книга Перемен|I Ching]],'' Bollingen Series XIX.
* ''[[Anatomy of Criticism]]'' / [[Фрай, Нортроп|Northrop Frye]] (1957)
* ''[[Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature]]'' / [[ФейнманРорти, Ричард Филлипс|Richard Rorty]] (1979)
* ''[[QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter]]'' / [[Фейнман, Ричард Филлипс|Richard Feynman]] (1985)
* ''[[The Great Contraction 1929-1933]] '' / Milton Friedman and Anna Jacobson Schwartz (1963)
* ''[[Military Power: Explaining Victory and Defeat in Modern Battle]]'' / [[Stephen Biddle]] (2004)