Мусави, Мир-Хосейн: различия между версиями

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== Биография ==
Мир-Хосейн Мусави родился [[29 сентября]] [[1941 год]]а в городе [[Хамене]] провинции [[Восточный Азербайджан]] в [[азербайджанцы|азербайджанской]] семье<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.iranian.com/Opinion/2003/August/Azeri/|title=Are there any questions? The Azeris of modern Iran|publisher=The Iranian|author=Salman J. Borhani|date=August 4, 2003}} Former Prime Minister Mir-Mousavi and current Supreme Leader Khamenei are but a few examples of ethnic Azeris gaining positions of influence after the revolution</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://english.aljazeera.net/news/middleeast/2009/06/2009613121740611636.html|title=Mousavi sees election hopes dashed |publisher=Al Jazeera English|author=Teymoor Nabili|date=13.06.2009}} In the 2005 presidential election, Mohsen Mehralizadeh was a largely unknown and wholly unsuccessful candidate. He came in seventh and last, and yet he still won the Azeri vote in the Azerbaijani provinces. Mir Hossein Mousavi is an Azeri from Tabriz.</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/middleeast/iran/5514320/The-challenger-who-is-poised-to-seize-Irans-presidency.html|title=The challenger who is poised to seize Iran's presidency|publisher=The Telegraph|date=12.06.2009}} Born in north-western Iran in 1941, Mr Mousavi is from the country's Azeri ethnic minority.</ref>. Близкий родственник (двоюродный племянник) [[Али Хаменеи]] - его бабушка была сестрой отца президента и Высшего руководителя Ирана<ref name="Лента">{{cite news | title= Мусави, Мир-Хосейн|publisher=Лентапедия | url=http://www.lenta.ru/lib/14198430/| lang=ru}}</ref>. Мусави окончил Университет Шахид Бехешти по специальности «архитектура и градостроительство». Изучал традиционную и религиозную архитектуру.
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