Денверский университет: различия между версиями

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|Commons =University of Denver
'''Денверский университет''' ({{lang-en|University of Denver}})  — частный университет в г. [[Денвер]], [[Колорадо]], [[США]]. Аффилирован с [[Объединённая методистская церковь|Объединённой методистской церковью]].<ref name="William Joseph Whalen - Hospitals & Universities">{{cite book|url = http://books.google.com/books?id=sw9ILcqw2hsC&pg=PA162&lpg=PA162&dq=salvation+of+separated+brethren&source=bl&ots=ydrVxGCZ6w&sig=L_-DZRvpoMtZSDkrT6HNQcmd4aU&hl=en&ei=xfSvS52yE4faNZX_zJkF&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CA0Q6AEwAjgK#v=onepage&q=methodist&f=false| title = Separated brethren: a review of Protestant, Anglican, Eastern Orthodox & other religions in the United States|quote=Among Protestant denominations, Methodists take first place in hospitals and colleges. Some of their one hundred colleges and universities have all but severed ties with the denominations, but others remain definitely Methodist: Syracuse, Boston, Emory, Duke, Drew, Denver, and Southern Methodist. The church operates three hundred sixty schools and institutions overseas. Methodists established Goodwill Industries in 1907 to help handicapped persons help themselves by repairing and selling old furniture and clothes. The United Methodist Church runs seventy-two hospitals in the United States.|publisher = [[Our Sunday Visitor]]|accessdate = 2010-03-27}}</ref><ref name="General Board of Higher Education & Ministry">{{cite web|url = http://www.gbhem.org/site/c.lsKSL3POLvF/b.5392245/k.60B4/Schools_by_Jurisdiction.htm#Western| title =
Schools by Jurisdiction|publisher = [[United Methodist Church]]|accessdate = 2011-12-14}}</ref> Основан в 1864  г. бывшим губернатором Колорадо Джоном Эвансом. Является старейшим частным университетом в регионе [[Скалистые горы|Скалистых гор]].<ref>University of Denver. [http://www.du.edu/newsroom/fast-facts.html Fast Facts about the University of Denver]. Retrieved on 2009-02-04.</ref> В университете обучается около 11 000 студентов. Кампус расположен в 11  км к югу от центра Денвера.
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