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'''WilliamУильям ErnestЭрнст HenleyХенли''' (23 Augustавгуста 1849 г. – 11 Julyиюля 1903 г.) was- anанглийский English poetпоэт, criticкритик andи [[Editing|editor]]издатель, bestболее rememberedвсего forизвестный hisстихотворением 1875 poemг. "[[InvictusНепокоренный]]".
==Жизнь и карьера ==
==Life and career==
Хенли родился в [[Глостере|Глостер]] и был самым старшим из шести детей. Его отец, книготорговец, Уильям, умер в 1868 году, оставив после себя многочисленные долги. Мать, Мэри Морган, была потомком поэта и критика Джона Уортона. В 1861 - 1867 гг. Хенли учился в школе "Крипт Грэммар" (основанной в 1539 г.).
Henley was born in [[Gloucester]] and was the oldest of a family of six children, five sons and a daughter. His father, William, a bookseller and stationer, died in 1868 and was survived by young children and creditors. His mother, Mary Morgan, was descended from the poet and critic Joseph Wharton. Between 1861 and 1867, Henley was a pupil at the [[The Crypt School, Gloucester|Crypt Grammar School]] (founded 1539).
A commission had recently attempted to revive the school by securing as headmaster the brilliant and academically distinguished [[Thomas Edward Brown|T. E. Brown]] (1830–1897). Though Brown's tenure was relatively brief (c.1857–63), he was a "revelation" to Henley because the poet was "a man of genius—the first I'd ever seen". Brown and Henley began a lifelong friendship, and Henley wrote an admiring obituary to Brown in the ''New Review'' (December 1897): "He was singularly kind to me at a moment when I needed kindness even more than I needed encouragement".<ref>John Connell, ''W. E. Henley'', London, 1949, p.31</ref>