Чингачгук: различия между версиями

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или ''xinkwi xkuk'' /{{IPA-all|xiŋɡwixkuk|}}/ «Хингуихкук»)<ref>Delaware Tribe od Indians, Lenape Talking Dictionary: ''[http://www.talk-lenape.org/detail.php?id=14537 English: big snake, Lenape: xinkwi xkuk
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'''Чингачгу́к''' (по [[Делаварские языки|делаварский]]: ''Chingachgook'' /{{IPA|xiŋɡaxˈgoːk|}}/ '''ХингахгокХингахго́к''', '''Великий''' ['''Большой'''] '''Змей''',<ref>John Heckewelder, [https://archive.org/stream/histmannerscust00heckrich#page/430/mode/2up Letter XXVI from Mr. Heckewelder, Bethlehem, 10th October], 1816. In: John Gottlieb Ernestus Heckewelder, [https://archive.org/details/histmannerscust00heckrich History, manners, and customs of the Indian nations who once inhabited Pennsylvania and the neighboring states]. By the Rev. John Heckewelder, of Bethlehem, Pa. New and Revised Edition. With an Introduction and Notes by the Rev. William C. Reichel, of Bethlehem, Pa. Philadelphia: Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 1881. Part II. A Correspondence between the Rev. John Heckewelder of Bethlehem, and Peter S. Duponceau, Esq., corresponding secretary of the Historical and Literary Committee of the American Philosophical Society, respecting the Languages of the American Indians. (pp. 349-433), [https://archive.org/stream/histmannerscust00heckrich#page/430/mode/2up p. 431, ''Chingachgook, a large snake''].</ref><ref>William A. Starna (1979), [http://external.oneonta.edu/cooper/articles/suny/1979suny-starna.html Cooper's Indians: A Critique (SUNY Oneonta)]. Presented at the 2nd Cooper Seminar, James Fenimore Cooper: His Country and His Art at the State University of New York College at Oneonta, July, 1979. Originally published in: James Fenimore Cooper: His Country and His Art, Papers from the 1979 Conference at State University College of New York, Oneonta and Cooperstown. George A. Test, editor. (pp. 63-76). ''[http://external.oneonta.edu/cooper/articles/suny/1979suny-starna.html Cooper took the term directly from Heckewelder. However, it has been pronounced incorrectly since its appearance in Cooper's works. It is pronounced properly "chingachgook," the ch- in initial position resembling a gutteral "h" ("hing'"). Heckewelder, a German, rendered the spelling as Cooper wrote it, but the pronunciation would be as in Heckewelder's native language.]''</ref> или ''xinkwi xkuk'' /{{IPA-all|xiŋɡwixkukxiŋɡwixˈkuːk|}}/ «ХингуихкукХингуихку́к»)<ref>Delaware Tribe od Indians, Lenape Talking Dictionary: ''[http://www.talk-lenape.org/detail.php?id=14537 English: big snake, Lenape: xinkwi xkuk]''.</ref> — герой ряда литературных произведений [[Фенимор Купер|Фенимора Купера]]. Принадлежит к литературному типу «[[благородный дикарь]]».
Происходит из племени [[Северная Америка|североамериканских]] [[индейцы|индейцев]] [[могикане|могикан]]. Чингачгук — мудрый и храбрый воин. Он добр и справедлив, его уважают друзья и боятся враги.