Гайе, Жюли: различия между версиями

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'''Жюли Гайе''' ({{lang-fr|Julie Gayet}}; род. [[3 июня]] [[1972 год|1972]], [[Сюрен]]) — французская киноактриса и кинопродюсер.<ref name=express>[http://www.lexpress.fr/styles/vip/videos-cinq-choses-a-savoir-sur-l-actrice-julie-gayet_1312900.html Cinq choses à savoir sur l’actrice Julie Gayet ] ''[[L'Express]]''. 10 January 2014. Retrieved 10 January 2014 {{fr icon}}</ref>
== Early life and education ==
Gayet was born in [[Suresnes]], [[Hauts-de-Seine]], where her father Brice Gayet was a professor of [[Gastric bypass surgery|gastric surgery]] at the [[Institut mutualiste Montsouris]] and her mother was an [[antiquarian]] (or [[antique dealer]]<ref name="IBTimes 11 Jan 2014">[http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/who-julie-gayet-alleged-lover-french-president-francois-hollande-photos-1431902 International Business Times, 11 January 2014, Who Is Julie Gayet, Alleged Lover of French President Francois Hollande? by Samantha Paine]</ref>). She received a [[French Left|left-wing]] [[intellectual]] upbringing.<ref name="Le Point">[http://www.lepoint.fr/politique/julie-gayet-ou-la-revanche-de-segolene-royal-11-01-2014-1779138_20.php Le Point, 11 January 2014 Julie Gayet, ou la revanche de Ségolène Royal]</ref><ref name="RTL 10 Jan 2014">[http://www.rtl.fr/actualites/info/people/article/julie-gayet-une-actrice-cultivee-et-engagee-7768698146 RTL.fr. 10 Jan 2014. Julie Gayet, une actrice cultivée et engagée, by Héloïse Leussier]</ref>