Konica: различия между версиями

[отпатрулированная версия][отпатрулированная версия]
Содержимое удалено Содержимое добавлено
м переименование нестабошаблона
Строка 16:
Кроме того, корпорация [[Dai Nippon]] заявила о приобретении завода фирмы Konica в [[Одавар]]е, провинция [[Канагава]] (Odawara, Kanagawa) и продолжении выпуска фотобумаги под своим [[бренд]]ом, а фирма [[Seapac]] приобрела завод химических веществ.
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== Продукты ==
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=== Фотоплёнка ===
Строка 76:
=== Объективы ===
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<!--Konica SLR interchangeable lenses were named '''Hexanon'''. The optical quality of most Hexanon lenses is regarded as truly superb, particularly the older fixed-focal length (prime) lenses. Many camera manufactureres of interchangeable lenses produce a few great lenses among their line, but Konica managed to achieve near excellent quality over a broad range of focal lengths. In lens tests conducted by several photographic publications over the years, the acutance and resolving power of Hexanon optics often surpassed many of their competitors at the time, and excellent even today (providing they haven’t been abused or worn out).-->