Сервис, Роберт Джон: различия между версиями

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Строка 13:
* ''[[The Russian Revolution, 1900-27]]'' (Studies in European History) (1999)
* ''[[A History of Modern Russia, from Nicholas II to Putin]]'' (1998, Second edition in 2003)
* ''[[{{нп3|Lenin: a biography||en||Lenin: A Biography]]}}'' (2000)
* ''[[Russia: Experiment with a People]]'' (2002)
* ''[[Stalin: A Biography]]'' (2004), Oxford, 715 pages ill. ISBN O-330-41913-7(2004)<ref>{{cite web|url=http://www.wsws.org/articles/2005/jun2005/stal-j02.shtml |title=Review of Robert Service’s Stalin: A Biography–Part One |publisher=Wsws.org |date= |accessdate=2011-08-31}}</ref>