Дашнакцутюн: различия между версиями

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→‎Гамидовская резня и реакция АРФ: Причина была не только в этом, в цитатах упоминаются и другие причины, в частности, осведомление о резне
→‎Участие в массовых убийствах в Средней Азии: 35 тыс?!?!?! Для таких цифр узбекская энциклопедия не АИ.
Строка 238:
}}<blockquote>Before the outbreak of war, in August 1914, a CUP emissary tried unsuccessfully to encourage the Ottoman section of the ARF to sponsor anti-Russian insurrection among the Caucasus Armenians in the event of war. Infuriated at the rebuff, the emissary, Behaettin Sakir, condemned the Armenians and ordered the assassination of some ARF leaders. At the same time, the Russian authorities were pursuing parallel schemes. The foreign minister Sergei Sazonov thought it ‘desirable to maintain the closest relations with the Armenians as with the Kurds in order to . . . exploit them at any given moment’ if war descended. Weapons were to be distributed over the Turkish border ‘if the rupture occurs or becomes unavoidable’.<> One such means was presented by an approach from the Armenian Catholicos of Etchmiadzin early in August 1914 seeking Russian-guaranteed postwar autonomy for ‘Turkish Armenia’. <> Vorontsov-Dashkov declared that Russia remained in favour of enforcing the earlier reform scheme, and he called for Armenians in Russia and ‘across the borders’ to prepare to implement Russian instructions in the event of war. These half-promises were a deliberate deception since Russia had no desire for an autonomous Armenia in the six provinces. Vorontsov-Dashkov’s opportunistic ‘plan for revolt among the Turkish Armenians’ foresaw the creation of armed Armenian bands under military command in the Caucasus at Olty, Sarikamish, Kagysman, and Igdyr, and, in Persia, bands at Choi and Dilman under the authority of the Russian military and the Choi consulate.33 Units in Urmia further south were also to be formed from the Assyrian population for defensive purposes. Five volunteer battalions were consequently formed—two were added later—with the support of the ARF-dominated Armenian National Bureau in Tiflis to fight alongside the Russian army. The units were composed of men hailing from the Transcaucasian territories taken by Russia in 1878, or those who had fled to the Caucasus more recently from Turkish rule. Some were also volunteers from the international diaspora.36 Most prominent among the indeterminate number of Ottoman Armenian participants37 was one of the unit leaders, the ARF deputy for Erzurum in the Turkish Parliament, and veteran of the 1896 Ottoman Bank occupation, Garegin Pasdermadjian.</blockquote></ref>.
В мае 1918 года эти отряды под Сардарапатом остановили турецкую армию; в те же дни (28 мая) была провозглашена Республика Армения.
=== Участие в массовых убийствах в Средней Азии ===
В 1918—1919 годах эмигрировавший в [[Туркестан]] вооружённый отряд дашнаков участвовал [[Ферганская долина|Ферганской долине]] под видом вооружённой дружины партии «Дашнакцутюн» в массовых убийствах жителей Средней Азии. В результате этого дашнаками было убито более 35 тысяч мирного населения. Кроме того, отряды участвовали в массовых грабежах населения. В феврале 1918 года дашнаки совместно с [[РККА]] подавили восстание в [[Коканд]]е и уничтожили огромное количество людей{{sfn|НЭУ|2000—2005|loc = Дашнаксутюн|name = НЭУ}}{{Неавторитетный источник|09|02|2016}}.
=== Деятельность в период существования Республики Армения ===