Армянская диаспора: различия между версиями

[непроверенная версия][отпатрулированная версия]
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Строка 101:
| {{flagicon|Georgia}} [[Грузия]]
| [[Самцхе-Джавахети]] ([[Джавахетия]]), [[Тбилиси]], [[Квемо-Картли]], [[Аджария]]
| 248 929 (перепись 2004)<ref>Georgia: «„[httphttps://web.archive.org/web/*/http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/92/Georgia_Census_2002-_Ethnic_group_by_major_administrative-territorial_units.pdf The State Department for Statistics of Georgia]“»: 248,929 represents 5,7 % ethnic Armenians in an estimated national population of 3,371,500 (The Official data of 2002). «„[[The World Factbook]]“»: 267,000 represents 5,7 % ethnic Armenians in an estimated national population of 4,693,892 (July 2004 est.). [http://www.nationmaster.com/country/gg/People Nationmaster.com: Georgia]: 400,000 represents 8,1 % ethnic Armenians in an estimated national population of 4,934,413 (The Official data of 1989).</ref>
* [[Самцхе-Джавахети]]:113 347
* [[Тбилиси]]: 82 586
Строка 134:
| {{flagicon|Argentina}} [[Аргентина]]
| [[Буэнос-Айрес]], [[Кордоба (Аргентина)|Кордоба]]
| 80 000—100 000<ref>[httphttps://books.google.com/books?id=r3vbswx_1TEC&pg=PA254&dq=armenians+in+Argentine&hl=ru&cd=8#v=onepage&q=%22community%20of%2080%20to%20100%22&f=false The Armenian immigrants and their descendants, today a community of 80 to 100 thousand, were refugees, victims of persecutions].</ref>
| западно-армянский
| [[Армяне в Аргентине]]