Традиционная китайская медицина: различия между версиями

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Традиционные аспекты - это ещё не значит традиционная медицина, медицина там названа восточной, а не традиционной
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[[Файл:Traditional Chinese medicine in Xi'an market.jpg|thumb|На рынке фармацевтических ингредиентов в [[Сиань|Сиане]]]]
'''{{Нет АИ 2|Традиционная|24|11|2017}} китайская медицина''' (ТКМ, {{lang-en|Traditional Chinese Medicine, TCM}}) — система современных<ref name="taylor3-2">''Taylor K.'' [https://web.archive.org/web/20091016100137/http://www.acucentre.com.au/Classics/HistPersp/KTaylor/KTaylor%203.2.pdf CHAPTER 3 (part2): Modernizing the Old. The Creation of a 'Traditional' Chinese Medicine, 1953-6] {{недоступная ссылка|число=16|месяц=05|год=2013|url=http://www.acucentre.com.au/Classics/HistPersp/KTaylor/KTaylor%203.2.pdf}} // Chinese Medicine in Early Communist China, 1945-63. A medicine of revolution.— London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2005.<br />«TCM is a medical construct distinct to Communist China. The term refers only to Chinese medicine from mid-1956 as located in mainland China. I will therefore adopt the convention of using the acronym TCM to describe only the standardized, government-created, institution-bound medicine that has existed in the PRC since 1956. This is quite distinct from the general, uncapitalized term 'traditional Chinese medicine' which refers to past forms of Chinese medicine in general. I believe that it is heuristically useful to make this distinction of TCM as a modern subset of contemporary Chinese medicine, because it allows us a certain consensus among scholars».</ref><ref name="taylor86">''Atwood K.'' [http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/?p=505 A Partial Book Review: Chinese Medicine in Early Communist China, 1945-63: a Medicine of Revolution, by Kim Taylor]<br />The ''Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)'' that has been fostered in the PRC is not traditional. The very adjective ''Traditional'', in regard to Chinese medicine, was not formally used in China until the mid-1950s, and even then was applied «exclusively in English language literature produced by the Chinese mainland press…» (Taylor, p. 86)</ref><ref name="hai">''Hong Hai'' [http://journal.acs-cam.org.uk/data/archive/2009/200903-article2.pdf Kuhn and the Two Cultures of Western and Chinese Medicine] // Journal of Cambridge Studies, Vol 4. No.3 September 2009, p.20<br />«Chinese medicine henceforth became known as „Traditional Chinese Medicine“ (TCM) to refer to the state-sanctioned practice of Chinese medicine. ''It was „traditional“ only in the sense of having originated from the classics of Chinese medicine'' and being a different system from modern Western medicine. But in fact it was a new system that reflected the social and political milieu of modern China.<br />The first national textbook appeared in 1958, titled Outline of Chinese Medicine (Zhongyixue gailun 中医学概论). It was superseded by other specialized texts covering foundational theory, diagnostics, acupuncture and moxibustion, ''material medica'', prescriptions, internal medicine, pediatrics, gynecology, skin diseases so forth. The structural similarity of these textbooks to their Western medical counterparts was obvious and deliberate. The textbooks constituted a massive systematization of medical theory and practice, the first to appear in Chinese history».</ref> учений и практик, зародившаяся в [[Древний Китай|Древнем Китае]] и возникшая из внимательного наблюдения за функционированием человеческого организма и последующей систематизации этих наблюдений с использованием характерной для данного региона [[Парадигма (философия)|парадигмы]], которую можно охарактеризовать как учение о символах и числах. В [[Китай|Китае]] рассматривается как часть науки о «воспитании жизни» («ян шэн сюе» — {{lang-zh2|養生學}}), куда помимо медицины входят и различные методы психофизиологических практик ([[ушу]], [[цигун]], [[дао]]-инь и т. д.), [[диетология]] и тому подобное.
В середине 1950-х годов в Китае был возрождён интерес к древним учениям и практикам<ref name="taylor3-2"/><ref name="taylor86"/>, в это время ТКМ окончательно сформировалась как вид [[Альтернативная медицина|альтернативной медицины]]<ref name="jackson">''Jackson J. P.'' [http://www.ukskeptics.com/acupuncture.php What is acupuncture?] // UKSkeptics</ref> и стала позиционироваться правительством как национальное достояние, символ Китая<ref name="modern">[http://www.shen-nong.com/eng/history/modern.html Modern China 1912AD ~ present] / TCM History. Shen-Nong.org</ref>, как научная дисциплина<ref name="atwQuo">''Atwood K.'' [http://www.sciencebasedmedicine.org/?p=505 A Partial Book Review: Chinese Medicine in Early Communist China, 1945-63: a Medicine of Revolution, by Kim Taylor]<br />«…They should learn how to use modern science to explain the principles of Chinese medicine. They should translate some classical Chinese medicine books into modern language, with proper annotations and explanations. Then a new medical science, based on the integration of Chinese and Western medicine, can emerge. That would be a great contribution to the world».</ref><ref name="coombs">[https://web.archive.org/web/20070610170419/http://coombs.anu.edu.au/SpecialProj/ASAA/biennial-conference/2006/Paton-Michael-ASAA2006.pdf Cap — Anu<!-- Заголовок добавлен ботом -->]</ref>. После 1972 года, когда границы стали более прозрачными, ТКМ получила заметное распространение в западных странах<ref name="intro">[http://www.shen-nong.com/eng/history/introduction.html Introduction] / TCM History. Shen-Nong.org</ref>.