Юто-ацтекские языки: различия между версиями

[непроверенная версия][непроверенная версия]
Содержимое удалено Содержимое добавлено
м переименование категории по обсуждению
м параметр удалён Shine Phantom'ом, removed: |цвет = СА
Строка 1:
|цвет = СА
|название = Юто-астекские языки
|таксон = Семья
Строка 50 ⟶ 49 :
== Литература ==
* Campbell, Lyle. 1979. Middle American languages. In ''The Languages of Native America: Historical and Comparative Assessment'', edited by Lyle Campbell and Marianne Mithun, pp. 902—1000 902–1000. University of Texas Press, Austin.
* Campbell, Lyle. 1997. ''American Indian Languages: The Historical Linguistics of Native America''. Oxford University Press.
* Goddard, Ives. 1996. Introduction. In ''Languages'', edited by Ives Goddard, pp. 1-16 1–16. Handbook of North American Indians, William C. Sturtevant, general editor, Vol. 17. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C.
* Goddard, Ives. 1999. «Native Languages and Language Families of North America.» Wall Map. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska Press.
* Miller, Wick R. 1983. Uto-Aztecan languages. In ''Southwest'', edited by Alfonso Ortiz, pp. 113—124 113–124. Handbook of North American Indians. William C. Sturtevant, general editor, Vol. 10. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D. C.
* Mithun, Marianne. 1999. ''The Languages of Native North America''. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-23228-7 (hbk); ISBN 0-521-29875-X.
* Steele, Susan. 1979. Uto-Aztecan: An assessment for historical and comparative linguistics. In ''The Languages of Native America: Historical and Comparative Assessment'', edited by Lyle Campbell and Marianne Mithun, pp. 444—544 444–544. University of Texas Press, Austin.
* Súarez, Jorge. 1983. ''The Mesoamerican Indian Languages''. Cambridge University Press.