Геймплей: различия между версиями

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'''игровой процесс''' или '''Геймпле́й''' ({{lang-en|gameplay}}) или '''игровой процесс''' — компонент игры, отвечающий за интерактивное взаимодействие игры и игрока{{sfn|Rouse|2004|p=xx}}{{sfn|Craig|2004|p=183–194|quote=.. gameplay gestalt, understood as a pattern of interaction with the game system." ("A gestalt may be understood as a configuration or pattern of elements so unified as a whole that it cannot be described merely as a sum of its parts."); ".. In general, it[game play gestalt] is a particular way of thinking about the game state from the perspective of a player, together with a pattern of repetitive perceptual, cognitive, and motor operations. A particular gameplay gestalt could be unique to a person, a game, or even a playing occasion. Unique game play gestalts can also be identified across games, game genres, and players.}}{{sfn|Salen|2004|p=3|quote=Game play is the formalized interaction that occurs when players follow the rules of a game and experience its system though play.}}. Геймплей описывает, как игрок взаимодействует с игровым миром, как игровой мир реагирует на действия игрока и как определяется набор действий, который предлагает игроку игра{{sfn|Rouse|2004|p=xx|quote=A game’s gameplay is the degree and nature of the interactivity that the game includes, i.e., how players are able to interact with the game-world and how that game-world reacts to the choices players make. }}. Термин чаще употребляется в контексте [[Компьютерная игра|компьютерных игр]]<ref>{{Статья|автор=Craig A. Lindley, Lennart Nacke, Charlotte C. Sennersten|заглавие=Dissecting Play – Investigating the Cognitive and Emotional Motivations and Affects of Computer Gameplay|ссылка=https://www.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:835951/FULLTEXT01.pdf|язык=en|издание=Proceedings of CGAMES 2008|тип=paper|место=Blekinge Institute of Technology|год=2008|цитата=The experience of gameplay is one of interacting with a game design in the performance of cognitive tasks, with a variety of emotions arising from or associated with different elements of motivation, task performance and completion.}}</ref>{{sfn|Tavinor|2009|p=86|quote=[T]he interactive involvement typically associated with videogames, that is, the activities that occur when one plays a videogame.}}.
Геймплей определённо не относится к таким компонентам игры, как графика и звуковое сопровождение{{sfn|Oxford English Dictionary|2008||quote=… gameplay (in a computer game) the plot and the way the game is played, as distinct from the graphics and sound effects}}{{sfn|Oxland|2004||quote=… gameplay is the components that make up a rewarding, absorbing, challenging experience that compels player to return for more .. [Gameplay] does not come from a great visual character, not does it come from state-of-art technology and beautifully rendered art}}. Он представляет собой паттерн взаимодействия игрока с игрой на основании её правил{{sfn|Salen|2004|p=3}}{{sfn|Egenfeldt-Nielson|2008|quote=In line with the common use of the term, we will define gameplay as: the game dynamics emerging from the interplay between rules and game geography.}}, определяет связь между игроком и игрой<ref name=Laramee>{{публикация|книга|автор=Laramée, François Dominic.|заглавие=Game Design Perspectives|год=2002|isbn=978-1-58450-090-2|язык=en|ссылка=https://books.google.com/books?id=T9kS82J5LG0C&pg=PA70&dq=%22gameplay|издательство=Charles River Media|страниц=293|ref=Laramée}}</ref>, предлагаемый игровой вызов{{sfn|Adams|2003||quote=One or more casually linked series of challenges in a simulated environment"; "Gameplay is the result of a large number of contributing elements. .. gameplay is not a singular entity. It is a combination of many elements, a synergy that emerges from the inclusion of certain factors. .. The gameplay emerges from the interaction among these elements, ..}} и способы его преодоления{{sfn|Adams|2010||quote=.. defined gameplay as consisting of the challenges and actions that a game offers: challenges for the player to overcome and actions that let her overcome them. .. [T]he essence of gameplay remains the relationship between the challenges and the actions available to surmount them.}}, [[сюжет]] как участие в нём игрока{{sfn|Oxford English Dictionary|2008}}<ref name=Laramee />.