Узун Хасан: различия между версиями

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'''Узун Хаса́н''' ({{Lang-az|اوزون حسن , Uzun Həsən}}; {{Lang-tr|اوزون حسن; Uzun Hasan}}; {{Lang-fa|اوزون حسن}}; '''Ну́срат ад-Дин Абу Наср Хаса́н-бек'''; февраль/март 1425{{Sfn|Sumer|2012}}, [[Диярбакыр]] — {{ДатаСмерти|6|1|1478}}, [[Тебриз]]<ref name="Uzun Ḥasan"/>) — глава и правитель [[Туркоманы|туркоманской]] племенной конфедерации<ref name="Uzun Ḥasan"/><ref>V. Minorsky. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Vol. 17, No. 3 (1955), pp. 449—462:"''There still remain many interesting and important problems connected with the emergence in the 14th century of the '''Turkman federations''' of the Qara-qoyunlu (780—874/1378-1469) '''and Aq-qoyunlu''' (780—908/1378-1502). The roots of the Persian risorgimento under the Safavids (1502—1722) go deep into this preparatory period.'' "</ref> [[Ак-Коюнлу]] и одноименного государства с [[1453]] по [[1478 год]], создавший недолговечную империю, в состав которой входили территории [[Иран]]а, [[Ирак]]а, восточной [[Анатолия|Анатолии]]<ref name="Uzun Ḥasan"/>, [[Армения|Армении]]<ref name="Кембридж">The New Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. 7. Cambridge University Press, 2008. Стр. 826: {{oq|en|Between 1463 and 1479 Mehemmed II fought against the Venetians, who fiercely defended their possessions in the Morea and in Albania, but lost the island of Euboia (Negroponte). He also fought against the Genoese, and expelled them from their possessions in the Crimea (1475). Finally, in 1480, he despatched an army which landed in southern Italy and occupied Otranto. On the other side, in Anatolia, he put an end to the emirate of Karaman (1475). His great foe in the east was Uzun-Hasan, the lord of the Akkoyunlu, who ruled over '''Persia, Mesopotamia and Armenia'''. Uzun-Hasan controlled important parts of the caravan routes connecting central Asia with Anatolia and possessed focal points of trade, such as the town of Erzindjan. Therefore, serious conflict of interests existed between him and the Ottoman sultan. Furthermore, the Akkoyunlu lord became more dangerous by establishing good relations with the pope and the Venetians. He was finally badly defeated by the Ottomans at Otluk Beli in 1473.}}</ref><ref name="Uzun Ḥasan"/> и [[Азербайджан]]а<ref name="Uzun Ḥasan"/>.
В [[1461 год]]у начал кампанию против [[Кара-Коюнлу]]. Со смертью [[Джаханшах]]а в [[1467 год]]у, Узун Хасан присоединил территории в Азербайджане и Ираке. K [[1469 год]]у подчинил территорию всего Ирана<ref name="Uzun Ḥasan">{{Из|Британника|http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/621133/Uzun-Hasan|заглавие=Uzun Ḥasan}}</ref>.