Экологический ресурс: различия между версиями

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* ''Environmental Handbook for Ecological Resources Management''. February 2014. Texas Department of Transportation. 320.01.GUI, Version 1. 16 pages [http://ftp.dot.state.tx.us/pub/txdot-info/env/toolkit/320.01.gui.pdf]. This handbook provides a regulatory background for compliance with federal regulations for the management of ecological resources, with the exception of the Endangered Species Act.
* ''Environmental Handbook for Ecological Resources Management: The Endangered Species Act'', May 2014. Texas Department of Transportation. 310.01.GUI, Version 2. 8 pages [http://ftp.dot.state.tx.us/pub/txdot-info/env/toolkit/310-01-gui.pdf]. This handbook provides a regulatory background for compliance with the Endangered Species Act.
* ''[[Кузеванов, Виктор Яковлевич|Кузеванов В. Я.]], Никулина Н.А.'' [http://bogard.isu.ru/articles/2016_ecores|/2016_ecores.pdf], 2016. К определению термина "экологические ресурсы". Вестник КрасГАУ. 2016. №5 , с. 77-83.
[[Категория:Экологические термины]]