Список исторических персоязычных государств: различия между версиями

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Строка 195:
| [[Тебриз]]
| [[ 1375]] — [[1468]]
| [[Персидский язык|Персидский]], [[Азербайджанский язык|Азербайджанский]]
| [[Персидский язык|Персидский]], [[Огузский язык|Огузский]], [[Арабский язык|арабский]], [[курдский язык|курдский]], [[армянский язык|армянский]]<ref name="КемриджИран">Кембриджская история Ирана (The Cambridge History of Iran), том VI, стр. 154: {{oq|en|It was in these circumstances that the two confederations evolved, and under these conditions that they prospered, so that during the second half of the 8th/14th century they were both able to found dynasties, that of the Aq Quyunlu in Diyarbakr, with its centre at Amid, that is in the lands of the Tigris and Euphrates with Urfa and Mardin in the south and Baiburt in the north; that of the Qara Quyunlu immediately to the east, with a centre at Arjlsh on the north-east shore of Lake Van, and spreading north to Erzerum and south to Mosul. The territories of both confederations were then occupied, as they had long been already, by a predominantly sedentary population, consisting of Armenians, Kurds, Aramaeans and Arabs, but at first including no Persian elements.}}</ref>
| [[Файл:Qara Qoyunlu Turcomans 1407–1468.png|150px]]
| [[Ак-Коюнлу]]
| [[Диярбакыр]] (1453—14711453—1467) <br>[[Тебриз]] (1468—1478 г.1468—1501) <br>[[Багдад]]
| [[1468]]—[[1501]]
| [[Персидский язык|Персидский]]
| [[Азербайджанский язык | Азербайджанский]]
| [[Файл:Map Aq Qoyunlu 1478-en.png|150px]]