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Ответственный ботовод/Botmaster: es:Usuario:Mr.Ajedrez



Interwiki. It works automatically

Технические подробности/Technical details


Pywikipedia (Python)

Имеется флаг бота в других виках?/Already has a bot flag in other wikipedias?


Flags: es, ca, nl, nap


I use interwiki.py with -force and -auto. I don't know if there are bot wars, my bot isn't manual. Mr.Ajedrez 20:02, 1 июня 2011 (UTC)[ответить]
It seems that -force is the reason of such bot wars, is it possible not to use it? rubin16 07:04, 2 июня 2011 (UTC)[ответить]
I use the bot in several wikipedias, if I don't use -force, it won't be operative in other wikipedias. -force only delete pages that don't exist. It shouldn't malfunction. Mr.Ajedrez 13:30, 2 июня 2011 (UTC)[ответить]
"-force" allows to remove interwikis with mismatching disambiguation state. All of these examples are that case. To remove olny non-existing pages you should use option "-cleanup". Please read the instruction more carefully. --Emaus 23:09, 2 июня 2011 (UTC)[ответить]
I'd do that, but -cleanup doesn't work when it write it. So I have to use -force. I don't know why that happens, perhaps because my pywikipedia version can different than the one the instructions use. Mr.Ajedrez 15:21, 3 июня 2011 (UTC)[ответить]
Cleanup option is present in latest pywikipedia versions. If it doesn’t work for you, you can contact developers. But I am against this request until «-force» option is used: it requires active botmaster, working locally and ready to answer all user’s questions rubin16 16:28, 3 июня 2011 (UTC)[ответить]
I've downloaded the new pywikipedia version and now I can use -cleanup, and I'll use it. Mr.Ajedrez 17:22, 4 июня 2011 (UTC)[ответить]



Flag granted but be careful with removing and cleaning up interwiki rubin16 09:32, 5 июня 2011 (UTC)[ответить]