SilvonenBot (обс. · вклад · журналы · блокировки · фильтры)

Botmaster: Silvonen

Цель / Purpose


Add interwiki links. Already flagged in da, de, et, fi, fiu-vro, fr, is, nds, nl, nn and sv (more languages pending).

Технические подробности / Technical details


This is a pywikipediabot-based bot using a daily updated version of It usually runs in an automatic mode starting from Finnish, but sometimes I assist it manually to resolve conflicts. Russian is one of the languages that I see most often in my warnfiles, so it would be nice to get a flag here. I don't unfortunately speak much Russian, but I do know the alphabet and some basic vocabulary.

I will now make some test edits. Please let me know if I need to do more or stop. --Silvonen 05:41, 2 марта 2008 (UTC)[ответить]

Обсуждение / Discussion


Hello! I stopped the test run today. Any further comments or questions? --Silvonen 06:16, 17 марта 2008 (UTC)[ответить]

Итог / Summary


Посмотрел другие языковые разделы. Статус присвоен. Dr Bug (Владимир² Медейко) 19:44, 21 марта 2008 (UTC)[ответить]