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Ответственный ботовод/Botmaster: id:Pengguna:Tjmoel



With TjBot, I will be doing interwiki from idwiki. There are still a lots of article which do not yet have interwiki. It will be assisted manually.

Технические подробности/Technical details


It is using pywikipedia framework version 7703 2009-11-26

Флаг бота в других виках/Already has a bot flag


TjBot has a bot flag at: idwiki (home), be_x_old, cs, lb, sw and here are the details at SUL


  Против. According the rule Википедия:Правила применения ботов/en:

Operators of interwiki bots creating new links to articles that do not already link back must be familiar with the languages to which they are linking. Bots running standard tools such as the pywikipedia framework should be updated to the latest version daily.

Mondalor 12:55, 21 ноября 2009 (UTC)[ответить]

Hi All, apologize for the late reply. Answering to the above questions, I do admit that apparently manual updates which I've done was apparently not frequent enough. I have updated the latest interwiki and/or others Pywikipedia script (tough some will not be used outside the home-wiki). I am still new in the script thing, but I believe that you understand the purpose of my request that I am not intending to do harm in anyway possible. However, I also respect the decision take. Apologize if the bot is causing trouble though. Rgds Tjmoel 00:35, 27 ноября 2009 (UTC)[ответить]
Ok, you have updated the python wikipediabot to the latest version (include the interwiki.py script). Can you explain me why does your bot continue to write the comments in English, such as [2]? Bot must writes the comments only in Russian ([3], for example). Thanks! Mondalor 06:17, 29 ноября 2009 (UTC)[ответить]
Hi Mondalor, sorry for the late reply. I have updated the version. However, the "font" used is wrong .. I think it has something to do with the download script. I have to do it manually. Hope that it works. Let me know. — Tjmoel   talk 03:21, 2 декабря 2009 (UTC)[ответить]
Mondalor, any objections left? --Obersachse 09:16, 2 декабря 2009 (UTC)[ответить]
  За. Больше возражений нет / I have no objections. Mondalor 11:49, 2 декабря 2009 (UTC)[ответить]

