require( 'strict' )
local p = {}

local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs
local DebugLog = require('Module:DebugLog')
local debLog = DebugLog:new()
--local config = mw.loadData('Module:Песочница/Abiyoyo/Autosorting/config')
local config
local CP = require('Module:Песочница/Abiyoyo/Autosorting/ConfigProcessor')
local cp = CP:new()

-- Func maps
-- filter funcs declarations
local isEmptyParam, isNotEmptyParam, isEqParam, isNotEqParam, isNamespace
local isNotNamespace

local maps = {}
maps.filters = {
	['parameter-is-empty']   = isEmptyParam,
	['parameter-not-empty']  = isNotEmptyParam,
	['parameter-equals']     = isEqParam,
	['parameter-not-equals'] = isNotEqParam,
	['namespace-is']         = isNamespace,
	['namespace-is-not']     = isNotNamespace,
	default = function() return true end,

local task1, task2, task3, task4
maps.tasks = {
	['task1'] = task1,
	['task2'] = task2,
	['task3'] = task3,
	['task4'] = task4,
	default = function() return '' end,

local optTransformOnDataSet, optTransformOnParamVal
maps.optTransformers = {
	['dataset'] = optTransformOnDataSet,
	['parameter-value'] = optTransformOnParamVal,
--	['parameter-separated-values'] = transformOnParamSepVal, --?

maps.resTransformers = {}
maps.postProcs = {}

--- Call for debug and logs
function p.loggedCall(frame)
	debLog.enabled = true
	local frameArgs = getArgs(frame)
	debLog:write('Invoked with args: '.. mw.dumpObject(frameArgs), 'loggedCall')
	local functionName = frameArgs['function']
	local success, result = pcall(p[functionName], frameArgs)
	if not success then
		debLog:write(result, 'loggedCall', 'error')
		return debLog:getAll()
	return debLog:getAll() .. mw.text.nowiki(tostring(result))

---Основная функция.
-- параметр presetName нужен для поддержки старых методов типа byImage и т.п.
-- Больше низачем не нужен, потом надо убрать
function p._main (frameArgs)
	debLog:write('Invoked with args: '..mw.dumpObject(frameArgs), '_main')
	local presetName = frameArgs['preset']
	if not cp:getConfig('Module:Песочница/Abiyoyo/Autosorting/config') then
		return nil, 'Config load failed'
	if not cp:processGlobalOptions(frameArgs) then
		return nil, 'Global options interruption'	

	-- get preset enriched with defaults
	if not cp:preparePreset(presetName) then
		return nil, 'Preset is empty'

	-- check page against preset filters
	if not cp:initFuncMaps(maps) then
		return nil, 'FilterMap init failed'
	if not cp:processPresetFilters(frameArgs) then
		return nil, 'Filtered out by preset filters'
	-- get valid rules from preset and check vs. rules' definitions
	if not cp:prepareRuleStack() then
		return nil, 'Rule list is empty'
	debLog:write(cp.log,'parent log')
	-- process rules and concat result
	local rulesResult = cp.processRuleList(ruleList, cp.config.rules, frameArgs, preset)
	if rulesResult == nil then 
		return nil, 'Rules result is nil'
	return true, rulesResult

return p