Это страница документации Модуль:Build bracket.

Этот модуль предназначен для создания и редактирования сложных спортивных сеток, которые не могут быть сделаны с помощью Модуль:RoundN или Модуль:Team bracket. Например, дополнительные заголовки (для сеток с двойным выбыванием; матчи за 3-е, 5-е, 7-е места и т.д.), одиночные исключённые матчи (т.е. имеющие горизонтальную линию вместо матча) и "N"-ные сетки ("N" команд на матч). Синтаксис немного сложнее, чем вышеупомянутые скобки, но проще, чем при использовании стандартного кода, доступного для викификации.


{{#invoke:Build bracket|main
| rounds =

| col1-headers = 
| col1-matches = 

| col2-headers = 
| col2-matches = 


| col1-col2-paths = 
| col2-col3-paths = 



Параметр Описание По умолчанию
rounds количество раундов (столбцов). 1
rows вручную установите количество строк. Automatic
teams-per-match введите количество команд в каждом матче. Используйте colm-teams-per-match для установки отдельных столбцов 2
colm-headers (optional) enter the row numbers where headers are desired in column m. Separate entries with ,. Half integer values are allowed. Automatic
colm-matches enter the row numbers where a match is desired in column m. Matches take up two rows by default. Separate entries with ,. Half integer values are allowed.
colm-groups enter the row numbers where a text for a group is desired in column m. Text takes up two rows by default. Separate entries with ,. Half integer values are allowed.
RDmh-hide set to yes to hide the (alpha) hth header and all matches beneath it in column m unless any of those entries are non empty. Useful for consolation matches.
colm-colm+1-paths enter the starting and ending row numbers, separated by -, from columns m and m+1 where a path is desired. Separate entries with ,. Half integer values are allowed.
colm-colm+1-cross enter the row number where paths intersect from column m to m+1.
RDm-altname Alternate name for RDm (e.g., if |RD1-altname = first, then first-team1 can be used instead of RD1-team1). Use RDmh-altname for cells under header mh.
text-altname Alternate name for RDm-textk (e.g., if |text-altname = details, then RDm-details1 can be used instead of RDm-text1).
maxround финальный раунд для показа. Этот параметр следует пропустить, если только он не меньше значения по умолчанию, установленного rounds.
minround первый раунд для показа. 1
autocol установите yes, чтобы автоматически установить максимальный раунд для отображения на основе записей. no
col-spacing введите значение в виде простого числа (например, <код>10</код> для 10 пикселей). 5
nowrap установите yes чтобы предотвратить перенос текста. no
seed-width the width of the cells for seeds. Plain numbers are assumed to be in px units (e.g., 25 for 25px 2em for 2em) 25
team-width the width of the cells for team names. Plain numbers are assumed to be in px units (e.g., 200 for 200px or 15em for 15em) 150
score-width the width of the cells for scores. Plain numbers are assumed to be in px units (e.g., 25 or 25px 2em for 2em) 25
seeds set to yes to show seed cells to show for all matches. no
legs the number of legs for all rounds. Use RDm-legs to individually set columns. Use RDm-legsk to individually set teams. 1
autolegs set to yes to automatically generate score cells per team. If legs or RDm-legs is used, autolegs will be set to no . no
byes set to yes to hide any team cells that are empty. Use RDm-byes for all matches under column m. Use RDmh-byes for matches under header h only in column m. no
show-bye-paths set to yes to replace any team cells that that are hidden byes with a path. no
aggregate set to yes to add an aggregate score box to each match. Only matches with two or more legs will show the aggregate score box. no
boldwinner set to yes to automatically bold the seed/team/score with the higher score in each match. no
shift vertically shifts all of the entries by the number entered. Use RDm-shift for individual in columns. 0
RDm, RDmh The header text of the (alpha hth) header in column m (e.g., RD1 or RD1a for the first header and RD1b for the second header in column 1).
RDm-seedk The seed of the kth team in column m. Alternatively, use RDmh-seedk for the kth team under header mh.
RDm-teamk The name of the kth team in column m. Alternatively, use RDmh-teamk for the kth team under header mh.
RDm-scorek The score of the kth team in column m. Alternatively, use RDmh-scorek for the kth team under header mh. Append the suffix -l for the lth leg or -agg for the aggregate score.
RDm-textk The text above the kth match in column m. Alternatively, use RDmh-textk for the kth match under header mh.
RD-shade the background color (in hex format, e.g. #ABCDEF) of all headers. Use RDm-shade or RDmh-shade for individual headers. #F2F2F2
RDm-RD(m+1)-path set to no or 0 to omit the paths from round m to round m+1. Note: Does not currently work for paths under subheaders. yes
paramstyle[a] set to numbered change the parameter name style of RDm-textk, RDm-seedk, RDm-teamk, and RDm-scorek to a numbered notation (|1 =,|2 =…). Set |seeds = yes add seeds. indexed
  1. May not be compatible with certain other features.

Иерархия параметров

  • Whenever there are multiple headers in a single column, more than one parameter may be assigned to a cell value. For example, in the following bracket, both |RD1-team3 = and |RD1b-team1 = can be used to assign the third team in the first column. By default, entries with subheader prefixes will override those without. In the below example, RD1b-team1 will override any value that has been set by RD1-team3.
Upper round
Lower round
RD1-team3 or RD1b-team1
  • Parameters used in articles take precedence over parameters used in the template itself. For example, suppose ArticleX used the template NTeamBracket, and suppose NTeamBracket had the parameter |RD1-seed1 = 1 set. If ArticleX implemented {{NTeamBracket|RD1-seed1=2}}, then the first team in round 1 would have a seed of 2.

Коды сеток

Path codes are entered in the form a-b, where a is associated match in the first column, and b is associated match in the second column. Path codes can be grouped; for example, (a,b)-c is equivalent to a-c, b-c. To add color, append :color to the end of a path, e.g. 3-5:red. Only one extra color can be used in a bracket. { }}



Note: These are only examples to illustrate parameters. Standard 4-team, 8-team, etc. brackets are better handled by Module:Team bracket.

Стандартная сетка из 4 команд

{{#invoke:Build bracket|main
| rounds=2

| col1-headers = 1
| col2-headers = 1

| col1-matches = 3,7
| col2-matches = 5

| col1-col2-paths = (3,7)-5

<!-- Defaults -->
| RD2 = Grand Final

| RD1-seed1 = 1
| RD1-seed3 = 2
ПолуфиналыGrand Final

Сетка с 3 командами

{{#invoke:Build bracket|main
| rounds=2
| teams-per-match = 3

| col1-headers = 1
| col2-headers = 1

| col1-matches = 3,7,11
| col2-matches = 7

| col1-col2-paths = (3,7,11)-7

Сетка до двух поражений

{{#invoke:Build bracket|main
| rounds=4

| col1-headers = 1,7
| col2-headers = 1,7
| col3-headers = 7
| col4-headers = 1

| col1-matches = 4,11
| col2-matches = 3,10
| col3-matches = 9
| col4-matches = 6

| col1-col2-paths = 4-3, 11-10
| col2-col3-paths = 3-3, 10-9
| col3-col4-paths = (3,9)-6

<!-- Defaults -->
| RD1 = Upper round 1
| RD2 = Upper final
| RD3b = Lower final
Upper round 1Upper finalФинал
1-й раунд нижней сетки2-й раунд нижней сеткиLower final

Пересекающиеся пути

{{#invoke:Build bracket|main
| rounds=2

| col1-matches = 3,7
| col2-matches = 3,7

| col1-col2-paths = 3-7, 7-3
| col1-col2-cross = 5

Без посева

{{#invoke:Build bracket|main
| rounds=2
| seeds=no

| col1-matches = 3,7
| col2-matches = 5

| col1-col2-paths = (3,7)-5
{{#invoke:Build bracket|main
| rounds=2
| col1-matches = 3,6
| col2-matches = 4.5
| col1-col2-paths = (3,6)-4.5

| RD1-text1 = Text 1
| RD1-text2 = Text 2
| RD2-text1 = Text 3
Text 1
Text 3
Text 2
{{#invoke:Build bracket|main
| rounds=3
| legs = 2
| RD1-legs = 3

| col1-matches = 3,6,9,12
| col2-matches = 4.5,10.5
| col3-matches = 7.5

| col1-col2-paths = (3,6)-4.5, (9,12)-10.5
| col2-col3-paths = (4.5,10.5)-7.5
{{#invoke:Build bracket|main
| rounds=3
| legs=2
| aggregate=y

| col1-matches = 3,6,9,12
| col2-matches = 4.5,10.5
| col3-matches = 7.5

| col1-col2-paths = (3,6)-4.5, (9,12)-10.5
| col2-col3-paths = (4.5,10.5)-7.5
{{#invoke:Build bracket|main
| rounds=3
| RD1-byes = y

| col1-matches = 3,6,9,12
| col2-matches = 4.5,10.5
| col3-matches = 7.5

| col1-col2-paths = (3,6)-4.5, (9,12)-10.5
| col2-col3-paths = (4.5,10.5)-7.5

| RD1-team1 = Team 1
| RD1-team2 = Team 2
Team 1
Team 2

Нумерованные параметры

{{#invoke:Build bracket|main
| rounds=2
| col1-matches = 3,7
| col2-matches = 5
| col1-col2-paths = (3,7)-5

| paramstyle = numbered
| seeds = yes

| Text 1 | 1 | Team 1 | 5 | 4 | Team 2 | 11
| Text 2 | 2 | Team 3 | 6 | 3 | Team 4 | 3

| Text 3 | 4 | Team 2 | 2 | 2 | Team 3 | 1 
Text 1
1 Team 1 5
4 Team 2 11 Text 3
4 Team 2 2
Text 2 2 Team 3 1
2 Team 3 6
3 Team 4 3

Выделение победителя жирным

{{#invoke:Build bracket|main
| rounds=2
| legs = 3
| boldwinner=y
| col1-matches = 3,7
| col2-matches = 5
| col1-col2-paths = (3,7)-5

| RD1-seed1 = 1 | RD1-team1 = Team 1 | RD1-score1-1 = 5  | RD1-score1-2 = 12 | RD1-score1-3 = 15
| RD1-seed2 = 4 | RD1-team2 = Team 2 | RD1-score2-1 = 11 | RD1-score2-2 = 10 | RD1-score2-3 = 4

| RD1-seed3 = 2 | RD1-team3 = Team 3 | RD1-score3-1 = 6  | RD1-score3-2 = 13 | RD1-score3-3 = {{ndash}}
| RD1-seed4 = 3 | RD1-team4 = Team 4 | RD1-score4-1 = 3  | RD1-score4-2 = 2  | RD1-score4-3 = {{ndash}}

| RD2-seed1 = 4 | RD2-team1 = Team 2 | RD2-score1-1 = 2  | RD2-score1-2 = 2  | RD2-score1-3 = 5
| RD2-seed2 = 2 | RD2-team2 = Team 3 | RD2-score2-1 = 1  | RD2-score2-2 = 7  | RD2-score2-3 = 2
1Team 151215
4Team 211104
4Team 2225
2Team 3172
2Team 3613
3Team 432

См. также