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большое внимание прессы привлекло выступление группы на фестивале Womad в 2014 году
  • Womad Festival, Charlton Park - music review by Simon Broughton для Standard, тут пара годных абзацев в конце статьи, начиная с "But the most electric welcome was for Ukrainian group DakhaBrakha — a trio of women in white dresses with large Cossack hats and a man playing drums and accordion."
  • Womad 2014 review – exceptional: classic energy and ebullience Robin Denselow для The Guardian: "DakhaBrakha are from Ukraine and matched edgy, eerie harmony vocals with concertina, cello and percussion work, in an exhilarating set that seemed to sum up their country's chaos and hope. They veered from moody and atmospheric passages to a furious, exuberant percussive finale in which they waved Ukrainian flags, looking bemused at the delighted reaction they had caused."
  • WOMAD 2014, Charlton Park. Sold-out world music festival warms to revolutionary Ukrainians by Peter Culshaw для The Arts Desk: "If I had to pick the highlight of this sun-drenched WOMAD it would have to be the fresh, emotionally charged set of Ukrainian band Dakha Brakha. I can’t recall seeing such a unanimously positive response for a relatively unknown band at the Festival. It wasn’t as if the music was obviously crowd-friendly, and parts were quite challenging, mixing soulfully sung Ukrainian folk tunes with other influences – Nigerian drumming, Bulgarian singing and Japanese koto.
    They call it “ethno-chaos”. As an untypical folk band, their jaunty stovepipe hats are not traditional but do give them an instant identity. Having spent time with them recently in Kiev I was positively disposed to them, but it was wonderful to see them totally connect with a receptive audience. Of course, part of the appeal was that they were ambassadors of the Maidan Revolution but sensibly they didn’t hit us with politics, only a flag jammed into an African djembe and an understated mention of “We’re from Free Ukraine.”"
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ДахаБраха виступила проти диктатури Интервью на BBC (укр.)