Обсуждение:Иполи, Иштван

Последнее сообщение: 10 лет назад от Gyurika

Born 1886 May 16, parents: Ipolyi Ernő, Friedländer Matild. Regilion: Jewish. Member of the Hungarian State Opera, music teacher of the metropolitan civil school. Address: Budapest VIII., József körút 31. Marriage: 1915 February 7 in Budapest, Józsefváros to Mally Hedvig Ilona Gizella, born 1891 August 1 daughter Mally Ede and Egyházy Ilona, Religion: Roman Catholic, address: Budapest VIII., Főherczeg Sándor u. 32. (?). Source 194/1915. Hungarian civil marriage register of Budapest-Józsefváros (VIII.th district) Gyurika 19:27, 1 декабря 2013 (UTC)Ответить