Обсуждение:Колония Варбурга

Последнее сообщение: 10 лет назад от Pessimist2006

Our activity for the repatriates, who numbered more than 60,000 after the war. has been satisfactorily concluded. The last year only in Brest-Litowsk. Poland, and in Saloniki, Greece. we had to complete some activities. '1 lie urgent need of dwellings in Brest-Litowsk caused us to continue our old work and build four more houses for about sixty families at a cost of "$25,000. The purpose of this effort was to free the synagogues, which were still crowded with the homeless living under most unsanitary conditions. The result was that this Rosh Ilashanah the synagogues could once again be used for religious purpo.-es. 2,000 souls or 107t of the Jewish population of Brest-Litowsk, are now housed in dwellings built by the JDC

Это текст из архивных документов Джойнта, думаю но по теме. --Pessimist 15:28, 6 сентября 2013 (UTC)Ответить