Обсуждение:Носорог (гравюра Дюрера)

Последнее сообщение: 13 лет назад от Томми Нёрд в теме «Непереведённые фрагменты»

Интереснейшая гравюра и история с ней связанная! Посмотрите, какой огромный выбор избранных статей на эту тему в других языковых разделах. Надо обязательно довести статью до номинации. --Dmitry Rozhkov 01:19, 6 января 2008 (UTC)Ответить

Непереведённые фрагменты


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A tone block was created around 1620 to create a chiaroscuro woodcut in two tones, (seen in the printing by Willem Janssen in Amsterdam).[33][34] The original woodblock continued to be used, even though later printings are marred by woodworm holes and a crack through the rhino's legs.



In 1790, James Bruce's travelogue Travels to discover the source of the Nile dismissed Dürer's work as "wonderfully ill-executed in all its parts" and "the origin of all the monstrous forms under which that animal has been painted, ever since". Even so, Bruce's own illustration of the African white rhinoceros, which is noticeably different in appearance to the Indian rhinoceros, still shares conspicuous inaccuracies with Dürer's work.[41] Semiotician Umberto Eco argues that Dürer's "scales and imbricated plates" became a necessary element of depicting the animal, even to those who might know better, because "they knew that only these conventionalized graphic signs could denote «rhinoceros» to the person interpreting the iconic sign." He also notes that the skin of a rhinoceros is rougher than it visually appears and that such plates and scales portray this non-visual information to a degree.Томми Нёрд 13:25, 27 февраля 2011 (UTC)Ответить