Обсуждение:Охотник на оленей

Последнее сообщение: 12 лет назад от Max Guinness в теме «Русины-Русские»

Protagonists are not Ruthenians - they are russians. Believe me, American of the ruthenian origin. Also talk on Russian.

The wedding scenes were filmed in St. Theodosius Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Cleveland, Ohio.[9] The wedding took five days to film. An actual priest was cast as the priest at the wedding.[4] The amateur extras lined up for the crowded wedding-dance sequences drank real liquor and beer.[21] The scenes were filmed in the summer, but were set in the fall.[4] To accomplish a look of fall, individual leaves were removed from deciduous trees.[22][23] Zsigmond also had to desaturate the colors of the exterior shots, partly in camera and in the laboratory processing.[23][24]

The production manager asked each of the Russian immigrant extras to bring to the location a gift-wrapped box to double for wedding presents. The manager figured if the extras did this, not only would the production save time and money, but the gifts would also look more authentic. Once the unit had wrapped and the extras disappeared, the crew discovered to their amusement that the boxes weren't empty but filled with real presents, from china to silverware. "Who got to keep all these wonderful offerings," wrote Deeley "is a mystery I never quite fathomed."[21] 19:43, 21 декабря 2010 (UTC)Mike PolyanskiyОтветить



Вопрос этнической принадлежности героев картины вызывает постоянную полемику. Режиссёр каких-либо заявлений на этот счёт не делал. Поводов для споров много: венчаются в храме по русской православной традиции (многие русины придерживаются греко-католической веры), танцы на свадьбе русскими никак не назовёшь. Чеботаревич — да, возможно, русин, но Пушков и Вронский — ?? Для избежания дальнейших разногласий на правах автора редакции большей части статьи стабильной с апреля 2010 года предлагаю сохранить нейтральную версию, исполненную этой датой--Max Guinness 06:23, 10 октября 2011 (UTC)Ответить