Обсуждение:Паскуали, Лиана

Последнее сообщение: 13 лет назад от в теме «Untitled»



О смерти Лианы Паскуали 1: Liana Pasquali Posted by Patricia Jaeger on 07/08/10 01:40 PM I've just received word from the family of Madame Liana Pasquali of her death, at age 95, in her home in Sardinia, Italy. She was a virtuoso harpist and teacher, who studied with Tournier and taught in both Italy and Bucharest for many years. Honored at a recent World Harp Congress, she was influential in the careers of many artist-teachers today, including Stana Bunea (now of Canada), Ian Roncea, Anna-Maria Ravnopolska of Bulgaria, and others. http://www.harpcolumn.com/forum/message-view?message_id=12215036 09:38, 17 июня 2011 (UTC)Ответить