Обсуждение:Справочник по математике (Бронштейн, Семендяев)

Последнее сообщение: 3 года назад от Matthiaspaul в теме «History of Russian editions, in particular regarding 14th edition»

History of Russian editions, in particular regarding 14th edition


Hi, I'm the author of the English version of this article about "Bronshtein and Semendyayev". To list any edition of this classic work regardless of language and publisher, I need some help from Russian Wikipedia editors. The history of the Russian editions is quite interesting, as editions 2 (1948) to 11 (1967) were still based on and a continuation of the original Russian edition (1945), while edition 12 (1980) was based on a retranslation of the German edition 19 (1979) by Ziegler and Grosche. This also appears to be the case of the Russian edition 13 (1986), although, according to my information, it considerably differs in the total page count from Russian edition 12 (which could imply other changes). Strangely enough, I could not find any information about a Russian edition 14. At least the Russian edition 15 (1998) is a reprint of the Russian edition 11 (1967). I am aware of another reprint edition from 2009. Are there any more editions since 1998? Overview:

Given this complex history, it is particularly interesting if a Russian edition 14 existed at all, and if so, if it was based on the Russian edition 13 or 11. For any edition, I would also be interested in the exact page count (ideally provided in a form like (hypothetical) "xvi+746 pages + 2 errata sheets"), the publication date and possibly identifiers like license numbers or ISBNs. This is not only interesting "in itself", but can also help to deduce on which prior version some edition was based on and if there were major changes or only corrections. If the foreword of a particular edition reveals any information regarding what changed and what exact fixes from other editions were incorporated (something like (hypothetically) "based on 19th German edition, incorporating fixes from the English edition 3, new chapter written by XYZ"), this would be very useful as well to consolidate and complete the Russian history of the book. If you have any additional information or corrections of the already compiled info please reply here or on the talk page of the English article. Thanks. (Sorry, I understand a bit Russian but do not speak Russian myself, so I have to write in English.) --Matthiaspaul (обс.) 19:02, 26 июля 2020 (UTC)Ответить

I'm not think anybody in Wiki can help you. I recommend you to contact the publishing houses "Наука" (https://naukapublishers.ru/history/kontakty) or "Мир" (http://www.mathnet.ru/php/organisation.phtml?option_lang=rus&orgid=7631). Leonid G. Bunich / обс. 17:14, 31 июля 2020 (UTC)Ответить
Hi Leonid. Thanks for your answer. To be honest, I had hoped that the work would still be in frequent-enough circulation also in Russia, so that enough readers would read this Wikipedia page and feel encouraged to check and report the data of their own sample of the book (and over time we would get a full picture), or that they would even start further research on their own and/or contact the publisher so this would really become some international team-work tracking down and completing the history of this influential work. :-) (I have made the experience that data provided by publishers is not always accurate, f.e. it was not in the case of data provided by the German publishers Teubner Leipzig (page numbers) and Europa-Lehrmittel (page numbers, order codes), but, of course, things might be different for Nauka). Greetings. --Matthiaspaul (обс.) 11:19, 16 августа 2020 (UTC)Ответить