Обсуждение:Сражение у моста Фирдан

Последнее сообщение: 10 лет назад от Igorp lj в теме «Необходимы серьезные уточнения»

Необходимы серьезные уточнения


Это касается как конкретизации в виде сносок к приводимым цифрам и данным вместо абстрактного «Литература», так и №№ воинских подразделений, и др.

Пока простой просмотр только Gawrych, Dr. George W. (1996) не проясняет приведенное, например, в

Силы сторон бронетанковая бригада бронетанковая бригада


Awaiting Amir, however, was the Egyptian 2d Infantry Division reinforced with the 24th
Armored Brigade from the 23 d Mechanized Infantry Division. Two Egyptian infantry brigades
formed the first echelon, with a mechanized infantry brigade constituting the second echelon.
The 24th Armored Brigade formed the divisional reserve, but Brigadier General Hasan Abu
Sa'ada could commit the tank brigade only in the event of an Israeli penetration into the divisional

In the face of a reinforced Egyptian infantry division, Amir's two-battalion force lacked light
reconnaissance units, 81 -mm self-propelled mortars, and armored infantry. Without air cover and
artillery, Amir had to rely on tanks alone to attack defended positions (Gawrych, p. 46)

Meanwhile, the anticipated attack by Nir and Amir faced enormous difficulties. Nir pos-
sessed some fifty tanks in two battalions, one under Lieutenant Colonel Asaf Yaguri and the other
under Lieutenant Colonel Natan. Gabi Amir, for his part, was in dire need of additional forces
to assault entrenched positions. He had virtually lost Adini's entire battalion and had released
Natan to replenish this battalion. Suddenly and fortuitously, Lieutenant Colonel Eliashiv Shemshi
appeared with his armored (reserve) battalion with twenty-five tanks, two half-tracks, and two
jeeps. Shemshi had just arrived on the battlefront in an attempt to join up with Keren's Armored
Brigade. Desperate for more armor, Amir quickly received Adan's permission to commandeer
Shemshi's battalion to use in coordination with an assault on Firdan bridge (р. 49)

То же относится и к потерям:

By the end of the day, growing doubt began to set in among senior Israeli commanders as
to Gonen's ability to command the Sinai front. He had pushed Adan to attempt a crossing to the
west bank after enticing Elazar to grant his consent. In the end, the Israelis had little to show for
their effort on 8 October. Adan's division had suffered heavy losses. Each brigade had lost one
battalion, virtually wiped out in frontal assaults against fortified Egyptian positions: Adini's
battalion in Amir's brigade; Yaguri's battalion in Nir's brigade; and Joffe's battalion, later
transferred to Keren's brigade. Three battalion commanders had been lost too: Dan Sapir killed
in action, Haim Adini seriously wounded, and Asaf Yaguri a prisoner of war. (р. 50)

Как я понимаю, базой для этой статьи стал раздел https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Badr_(1973)#Israeli_counterattack

Тогда непонятно не полное соответствие между англо-вики и соотв. местами (+ данными о технике и о потерях) в данной статье:

Для контратаки египетских войск, перешедших Суэцкий канал израильское командование подготовило 200 танков из числа нескольких бригад.


Adan's 162nd Armoured Division was deployed along the Baluza–Tasa road to the north. His division was composed of Colonel Natke Nir's armored brigade with 71 tanks, Gabi Amir's brigade with 50 M60 tanks, and Aryeh Keren's brigade with 62 tanks (still en route to the area) for a total of 183 tanks.


В 13.30 израильские танки пошли в наступление и попали в ловушку. Танки Т-54/55 24-й египетской бригады открыли огонь по наступающим войскам. С другого фланга их поддерживала пехота. В считанные минуты большая часть израильских войск была потеряна, четыре батальона были практически полностью разбиты. Среди пленных оказался израильский полковник Асаф Ягури. В конце атаки у Нира осталось только 4 танка из 50, включая его собственный.


At 13:30, the attack was carried out by Amir and Nir's brigades. A lack of coordination and communication difficulties between both brigades hampered the attack. Nir's two battalions attacked at the same time in two echelons. The Egyptians allowed the Israelis to advance, then encircled them. When the attackers entered the prepared killing zone, Egyptian armor of the 24th Brigade opened fire on the advancing tanks, complemented by infantry anti-tank weapons on either flank of the Israeli forces, while tank hunting detachments attacked from the rear. Within just 13 minutes, most of the Israeli force was destroyed—the Egyptians destroyed over 50 tanks and captured eight intact. Among the captured were Lieutenant Colonel Asaf Yaguri, a battalion commander, whose unit lost 32 killed. By the end of the attack Nir had just four operational tanks remaining, including his own.

--Igorp_lj 20:33, 5 апреля 2014 (UTC)Ответить