Обсуждение:Цельсий, Андерс

Указание на то, что "после смерти Цельсия в 1744 году шкала была перевернута М. Штремером" не вполне соответствует истине. "Переворот" шкалы был осуществлен К. Линнеем в 1745 году. Цитата статьи с сайта университета в Уппсале:

When describing the orangery Linnaeus gave this most interesting technical report:"since the caldarium (the hot part of the greenhouse) by the angle of the windows, merely from the rays of the sun, obtains such heat that the thermometer often reaches 30 degrees, although the keen gardener usually takes care not to let it rise to more than 20 to 25 degrees, and in winter not under 15 degrees..." and Linnaeus continues in a footnote: "... our thermometer shows 0 (zero) at the point where water freezes and 100 degrees at the boiling-point of water." It is thus graded in the same way as our contemporary thermometer. Besides the pithy physical description of the Caldarium, it is worth noting that this is the first time in history *16th of December 1745* that we are given a temperature report in "modern" celsius-degrees and that was from the orangery in the Botanical Garden of Uppsala University, today known as the Linnaeus garden.


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