Гарнир: различия между версиями

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Метка: редактор вики-текста 2017
Метка: редактор вики-текста 2017
Строка 12:
== Список продуктов, которые могут быть гарнирами ==
Гарниры для [[первое блюдо|первых блюд]]:
* амандин ({{lang-en|Amandine}}) — кулинарный термин, обозначающий гарнир из [[Миндаль обыкновенный|миндаля]];
* [[Икра (кулинария)|икра]]<ref>{{cite book | last=Goldstein | first=D. | title=A Taste of Russia: A Cookbook of Russian Hospitality | publisher=Russian Life Books | year=1999 | isbn=978-1-880100-42-4 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=aKEICug2T-EC&pg=PA71 | access-date=May 28, 2017 | page=71}}</ref>;
* [[лук скорода]]<ref>{{cite book | last=Creasy | first=R. | title=Rosalind Creasy's Recipes from the Garden: 200 Exciting Recipes from the Author of the Complete Book of Edible Landscaping | publisher=Tuttle Publishing | year=2015 | isbn=978-1-4629-1793-8 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=yfNkCwAAQBAJ&pg=PA77 | access-date=May 28, 2017 | page=77}}</ref><ref>{{cite book | last=Hemphill | first=J. | last2=Hemphill | first2=R. | title=What Herb Is That?: How to Grow and Use the Culinary Herbs | publisher=Stackpole Books | year=1997 | isbn=978-0-8117-1634-5 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=j9bD37IuSscC&pg=PA18 | access-date=May 28, 2017 | page=18}}</ref>;
* [[гренки]];
* [[дюксель]];
* {{iw|Жареный лук|жареный лук|en|Fried onion}} ({{lang-en|Fried onion}}), часто подаётся к стейкам<ref>{{cite book | last=Rivers | first=F. | title=The Hotel Butcher, Garde Manager and Carver | publisher=Hotel Monthly Press | series=Home economics archive--research, tradition and history | year=1916 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=Mcc9AQAAMAAJ&pg=PA105 | access-date=May 27, 2017 | page=105}}</ref>;
* [[гремолата]]<ref>{{cite book | last=Restino | first=S. | title=Mrs. Restino's Country Kitchen | publisher=Shelter Publications | year=1996 | isbn=978-0-936070-18-6 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=KdaBrBD_8BcC&pg=PA148 | access-date=May 27, 2017 | page=148}}</ref>;
* [[микрозелень]]<ref>{{cite book | last=Millard | first=E. | title=Indoor Kitchen Gardening: Turn Your Home Into a Year-round Vegetable Garden | publisher=Cool Springs Press | year=2014 | isbn=978-1-61058-981-9 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=GEf4AwAAQBAJ&pg=PA63 | access-date=May 28, 2017 | page=63}}</ref>;
* [[яснотковые]] растения;
* [[оливковое масло]]<ref>{{cite web | title=Ramadan Special 2017: An Iftar Party Menu to impress your friends and family! | website=NDTV.com | date=May 27, 2017 | url=http://www.ndtv.com/food/ramadan-special-2017-an-iftar-party-menu-to-impress-your-friends-and-family-1704613 | access-date=May 28, 2017}}</ref><ref>{{cite book | last=Vartanian | first=A. | last2=Potter | first2=C. | last3=Heino | first3=K. | last4=McClelland | first4=R. | last5=Ball | first5=R. | last6=Menegaz | first6=V. | last7=Kovacs | first7=N. | last8=Healy | first8=H. | last9=Castaneda | first9=J. | last10=Winters | first10=K. | title=The Ultimate Paleo Cookbook: 900 Grain- and Gluten-Free Recipes to Meet Your Every Need | publisher=Page Street Publishing | year=2015 | isbn=978-1-62414-140-9 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=d0AhCwAAQBAJ&pg=PA221 | access-date=May 28, 2017 | page=221}}</ref>
* [[Parsley]] <ref>{{cite book | title=The Hotel/motor Hotel Monthly | publisher=Clissold Publishing Company | issue=v. 21 | year=1913 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=cVtGAQAAMAAJ&pg=RA11-PA77 | access-date=May 28, 2017 | page=11-PA77}}</ref>;
* [[ботва]];
* [[Петрушка (растение)|петрушка]];
* {{iw|Жареные грибы|жареные грибы|en|Sautéed mushrooms}} ({{lang-en|Sautéed mushrooms}});
* [[съедобные водоросли]], часто добавляются в [[суп]]ы и [[сашими]]<ref>{{cite book | last=Aitken | first=H. | title=The Really Useful Ultimate Vegarian Cookbook | publisher=Murdoch | year=2008 | isbn=978-1-74196-247-5 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=cAlOdra-Ls4C&pg=PT9 | access-date=May 28, 2017 | page=9}}</ref><ref>{{cite book | title=DK Eyewitness Travel Guide Japan | publisher=DK Publishing | year=2017 | isbn=978-1-4654-6432-3 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=EJOUDQAAQBAJ&pg=PT322 | access-date=May 28, 2017 | page=322}}</ref>;
* [[кунжут индийский]]<ref>{{cite book | last=Altschul | first=A.M. | last2=Wilcke | first2=H.L. | title=New Protein Foods: Seed Storage Proteins | publisher=Elsevier Science | series=Food science and technology | issue=v. 5 | year=2013 | isbn=978-1-4832-1597-6 | url=https://books.google.com/books?id=fcXYBAAAQBAJ&pg=PA437 | access-date=May 28, 2017 | page=437}}</ref>;
* плод [[Грецкий орех (плод)|грецкого ореха]].
== Примечания ==