Обсуждение:Армянская литература

Последнее сообщение: 1 год назад от Taron Saharyan в теме «Литература 17-18 вв.»

Дискурсивный жанр


Здравствуйте, @Taron Saharyan! В статье Вы указали дискурсивный жанр литературы. Ничего не могу найти про этот жанр. Может, в АИ подразумевается что-то другое? Не могли бы, пожалуйста, привести цитату, чтобы разобраться?

В статье:

Под влиянием западноевропейской литературы новые, более аналитические формы обретает дискурсивный жанр. Один из подобных сборников составлен Ованесом Цорцореци.

В источнике:

As in art, so in literature, Armenian borrowings from the West more usually impacted form and methodology rather than content. Previously the main genre for the discursive exposition of a theme, often evolving from a biblical citation, was the homily (jar). Now this was largely supplanted by the karoz (sermon, cf. Latin praedicatio,) which, while treating fundamentally the same subject matter, was typified by the more rigorous use of logic. Characteristically it proceeds by subdividing the main theme into its constituent elements and defining each in turn with supporting arguments so as to arrive at a more comprehensive understanding of the topic under discussion. One of the first collections was authored by Hovhannes Tsortsoretsi, while that of Bishop Bartolomeo, translated from Latin by Hakob Kmetsi in 1331, was one of the most influential. Its proverbial illustrations, in particular, were so appealing that they frequently infiltrated compilations ascribed to indigenous writers. As a whole the genre offers a wide range of information on contemporary social mores.

Taron Saharyan (обс.) 17:10, 9 декабря 2022 (UTC)Ответить

Также Вы указали, что труд Цорцореци важен для понимания "современных общественных реалий". Речь про наше время или про современность Цорцореци? Можете, пожалуйста, и на это утверждение указать цитату? С уважением, --Davidgasparyan2001 (обс.) 10:44, 9 декабря 2022 (UTC)Ответить

Спасибо, уточнил.— Taron Saharyan (обс.) 17:10, 9 декабря 2022 (UTC)Ответить

Литература 17-18 вв.


@Taron Saharyan, еще вопрос. Вы указали: "В XVII веке возникают зачатки светской интеллигенции". Можно ли сказать, что до 17 века не было армянской светской интеллигенции? Что ее выделяет? --Davidgasparyan2001 (обс.) 11:08, 9 декабря 2022 (UTC)Ответить

На следующей странице уточняется, что речь об интеллигенции европейского типа. Добавлю.— Taron Saharyan (обс.) 16:44, 9 декабря 2022 (UTC)Ответить

The first phase of the Armenian revival covers the period from 1700 to 1800 and is characterized by the slow emergence of a native intelligentsia and by the establishment of certain social and cultural infrastructures. The second phase of fifty years is marked by numerous foreign contacts, increased social conflicts, and the speeding up of the cultural life in the major urban centers. Already in the seventeenth century seeds of impending change and conflict appeared in the form of bridgeheads of Catholic penetration into the Ottoman Empire. Jesuit missionaries landed in the Ottoman Empire in 1609 and 1668. The Capuchins arrived in 1626. The College of Propaganda Fidei was founded in Rome by Pope Gregory XIV in 1640, and the Jesuit preacher Clemens Galanus landed in Constantinople shortly thereafter. The first Armenian historians of the seventeenth century, Krikor Taranaghtsi (Grigor Daranaghtsi) and Arakel Tavrizhetsi (Arakel of Tabriz), began to write around 1640, and the first Armenian printing presses were established in Constantinople in 1587 and 1677. But the most remarkable event of the seventeenth century was doubtless the appearance of the towering figure of Eremia Chelebi Kiumurjian (1637-1695). Historian, poet, pedagogue, musician, miniaturist, editor, and translator versed in nine languages, his scores of books in Armenian and Turkish on historical, historiographic, and literary subjects make him the most important man of letters during the entire pre-1800 period. The historian Leo (Arakel Babakhanian), concerned more with Kiumurjian’s social impact, says that “he was the first lay intellectual to influence the course of events, a man who created and directed public opinion, the first Armenian writer in the European sense of the word, and whose work contains the seeds of the future growth of Armenian journalism.” Fanatically anti-Catholic, Kiumuijian established a printing press in Constantinople in 1677 that “pioneered the printing activity of the following century,” says Mekhitarist scholar Father Nerses Akinian. This outstanding man appears to us today as the prototype of the Western Armenian man of letters we meet along the centuries—self-made, versed in many languages and in the sciences, hailing from no definite literary tradition and contributing to none but working on his own and dying either too young or too old, without having accomplished his destiny.

Я так понимаю, речь идет о таких авторах как Еремия Кеомурчян. Если у коллег есть возражения, предлагайте свою трактовку.— Taron Saharyan (обс.) 17:38, 9 декабря 2022 (UTC)Ответить