Обсуждение:Хартсхорн, Ричард

Последнее сообщение: 6 лет назад от Alexandronikos в теме «Фамилия»



Извините. Я не знаю русского, но я знаю, что русский алфавит. Я использую Google переводчик. Ричард Hartshorne был мой дед. Hartshorne произносится "хартсхорн" (harts-horn), не хартшорн. "хартсхорн" или "харцхорн" лучше, чем "хартшорн". Посмотрите на статью о его брат Чарльз Hartshorne http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charles_Hartshorne#Early_life_and_education The Tetrast 21:34, 1 июня 2009 (UTC) The Tetrast (en.wikipedia).Ответить

  • Thanks for posting. I know that Harts-horne is a correct pronunciation of his last name, but as it's not clear even for English native-speakers, it should not be a surprise that in process of translation in Russian the more logical way of Hartshorne transliteration as Хартшорн was chosen. The same is about Charles Hartshorne.[1] The situation about W.Bunge (traditional German Бунге instead of Банге) is similar. And it's not a surprise that works of W.Isard, E.Taafe and D.Harvey were translated and published in Russian under formally transliterated titles Изард, Таафе and Харвей instead of Айзард, Тейф and Харви. In recent publications these features were partly corrected, especially speaking about Isard and Harvey, two living classics of human geography. But as Хартшорн seems to be more traditional and not greatly disputed spelling of your grandfather's last name in Russian, I placed this variant as the title of the article but noted that Хартсхорн is more correct variant of spelling and pronunciation. The same is about Bill Bunge.--Vlas 22:51, 1 июня 2009 (UTC)Ответить
    • Thanks, Vlas. The whole Hartshorne family pronounces it harts-horn. Philosophers and geographers in the USA usually know the correct pronunciation because of Charles and Richard. "Shorn" is a word in English and the combination "hart-shorn" causes peculiar imagery. A shorn hart? A shorn heart? Etc. There is a mathematician Hartshorne who, somebody told me, pronounces it hart-shorn. That goes to show, there's always an exception. Well, sometimes people give up trying to get others to pronounce their names correctly. This happens to people with French names. "Deubert" changes over time from "deu-BAIR" to "DYU-brt." Pronunciations of just about every written English word are unclear for native English speakers until they learn the word individually in school. Our spelling system is like an old, old city with mostly irregular and unpredictable streets. Thanks again. The Tetrast 02:53, 2 июня 2009 (UTC).Ответить



В БРЭ - Хартшорн.--Alexandronikos (обс.) 14:13, 14 января 2018 (UTC)Ответить