Проект:Адмиралтейство/Страницы разрешения неоднозначностей:Суда/2

Several Canadian naval units have been named HMCS Anticosti.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Anticosti, Hmcs}}

[[en:HMCS Anticosti]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Antietam, after the Battle of Antietam.

  • USS Antietam (CV-36) USS Antietam (CV-36) — американский авианосец типа «Эссекс» времён Второй мировой войны. (The en:USS Antietam (CV-36), was an aircraft carrier commissioned at the end of World War II, a combatant in the Korean War, and decommissioned in 1963.)



[[de:USS Antietam]]
[[en:USS Antietam]]
[[sl:USS Antietam]]

USS Antigua may refer to more than one ship in the U.S. Navy:

  • USS Antigua (AF-17), acquired by the Navy on 28 December 1941, but was never actually commissioned. It was returned to its owner in 1944.




[[en:USS Antigua]]
[[pl:USS Antigua]]

HMS Antigua has been the name of four ships of the Royal Navy, named after the Caribbean island of Antigua:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Antigua, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Antigua]]

SS Antinous may refer to one of two Type C2-S-E1 ships built by Gulf Shipbuilding for the United States Maritime Commission:


[[en:SS Antinous]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named Antona




[[en:USS Antona]]
[[pl:USS Antona]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named Antrim:




[[en:USS Antrim]]
[[pl:USS Antrim]]
[[sl:USS Antrim]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Antrim, after County Antrim in Northern Ireland:



{{DEFAULTSORT:Antrim, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Antrim]]
[[no:HMS «Antrim»]]

Three ships of the Royal Australian Navy have been named HMAS Anzac, after the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC).

Battle honours

Five battle honours have been awarded to ships named HMAS Anzac:<ref name=newhonours>{{cite news |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/Navy_Marks_109th_Birthday_With_Historic_Changes_To_Battle_Honours |title=Navy Marks 109th Birthday With Historic Changes To Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}
</ref><ref name=honourslist>{{cite web |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/w/images/Units_entitlement_list.pdf |title=Royal Australian Navy Ship/Unit Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}

  • Корейская война Корейская война — конфликт между Северной Кореей и Южной Кореей, длившийся с 25 июня 1950 по 27 июля 1953 года (хотя официального окончания войны объявлено не было). (en:Korea 1951-53)
  • Война в Малайе Война в Малайе — колониальный военный конфликт между силами Британского Содружества и вооружённым крылом Малайской коммунистической партии в 1948—1960 годах. (en:Malaya 1956)
  • International Force for East Timor (en:East Timor) 1999
  • Война в Афганистане (с 2001) Война в Афганистане (2001—настоящее время) — военный конфликт между войсками НАТО, поддерживаемыми сначала Северным альянсом, а затем новым правительством Афганистана, и исламистской организацией Талибан, контролировавшей до этого большую часть Афганистана. (en:Persian Gulf 2001-03)
  • Вторжение коалиционных сил в Ирак (2003) Вторжение коалиционных сил в Ирак 2003 года — военная акция США и стран-союзников против Ирака, начатая под основным предлогом наличия в стране ОМП с целью свержения тоталитарного режима Саддама Хусейна. (en:Iraq 2003)



{{DEFAULTSORT:Anzac, Hmas}}

[[en:HMAS Anzac]]
[[sl:HMAS Anzac]]

One ship of the Royal Navy has borne the name HMS Anzac, after the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC). Another was planned but never completed:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Anzac, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Anzac]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named Anzio, in memory of the World War II landings at Anzio.




[[de:USS Anzio]]
[[en:USS Anzio]]
[[sl:USS Anzio]]

USS Apache or USNS Apache has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:



[[en:USS Apache]]

USS Apollo is the name of several ships:

Ships of the US Navy

In fiction


[[en:USS Apollo]]

Nine ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Apollo, after the Greek god Apollo:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Apollo, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Apollo]]
[[en:HMS Apollo]]
[[fi:HMS Apollo]]
[[hu:HMS Apollo (egyértelműsítő lap)]]
[[sl:HMS Apollo]]

{{French Navy}}
Five ships of the French Navy have born the name Apollon:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Apollon, French Ship}}

[[en:French ship Apollon]]

Three ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary have borne the name RFA Appleleaf:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Appleleaf, Rfa}}

[[en:RFA Appleleaf]]

Two ships in the United States Navy have been named Aquila after the constellation Aquila.




[[en:USS Aquila]]
[[pl:USS Aquila]]

Three ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Aquilon, to commemorate the destruction of the French ship Aquilon by HMS Antelope in 1757. Aquilon was originally the Roman name for the North Wind.



[[en:HMS Aquilon]]

{{French Navy}}
Two ships of the French Navy have born the name Aquitaine in honour of the region of region of Aquitaine:



[[en:French ship Aquitaine]]
[[fr:Aquitaine (frégate)]]
[[ja:アキテーヌ (駆逐艦)]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Arab:

See also



[[en:HMS Arab]]

SS Arabic may refer to:


[[de:SS Arabic]]
[[en:SS Arabic]]

Three ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Arabis, after the flower, the Arabis.



{{DEFAULTSORT:Arabis, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Arabis]]

USC&GS Arago was the name of two ships of the United States Coast Survey and the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, and may refer to:


[[en:USC&GS Arago]]

USCS Arago was the name of two ships of the United States Coast Survey, both of which later served in the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey, and may refer to:

  • USCS Arago (1854), a schooner in service in the Coast Survey from 1854 to 1861 and from 1866 to 1878, and in the Coast and Geodetic Survey as USC&GS Arago (1854) from 1878 to 1881
  • USCS Arago (1871), a steamer in service in the Coast Survey from 1871 to 1878 and in the Coast and Geodetic Survey as USC&GS Arago (1871) from 1878 to 1890



[[en:USCS Arago]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named Araner for one who hails from the Aran Islands.




[[en:USS Araner]]
[[pl:USS Araner]]

USS Arapaho or USS Arapahoe is a name used more than once by the United States Navy:





[[en:USS Arapaho]]
[[pl:USS Arapahoe]]

Two ships of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) have been named HMAS Ararat, for the town of Ararat, Victoria.

Battle honours

Two battle honours have been awarded to ships named HMAS Ararat:<ref name=newhonours>{{cite news |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/Navy_Marks_109th_Birthday_With_Historic_Changes_To_Battle_Honours |title=Navy Marks 109th Birthday With Historic Changes To Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}
</ref><ref name=honourslist>{{cite web |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/w/images/Units_entitlement_list.pdf |title=Royal Australian Navy Ship/Unit Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}




{{DEFAULTSORT:Ararat, Hmas}}

[[en:HMAS Ararat]]
[[nl:HMAS Ararat]]

Various ships have had the name Arbuthnot, namely:



[[en:Arbuthnot (ships)]]

Three ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Arbutus:



[[en:HMS Arbutus]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named Arcadia, after Arcadia, the district of the Peloponnesus in Greece.




[[en:USS Arcadia]]
[[pl:USS Arcadia]]

Seven ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Archer, named after a person proficient in archery - an archer:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Archer, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Archer]]
[[en:HMS Archer]]
[[fi:HMS Archer]]
[[sl:HMS Archer]]

Two submarines of the United States Navy have been named Archerfish, after the archerfish.




[[en:USS Archerfish]]
[[pl:USS Archerfish]]
[[sl:USS Archerfish]]

USS Arctic is the name of several ships of the U.S. Navy:

See also



[[en:USS Arctic]]
[[pl:USS Arctic]]

Arctic may refer to

  • Арктика Арктика (греч. ἄρκτος — «медведь» (греч. arktikos — северный., от arctos — медведь (по созвездию Б. Медведица) — единый физико-географический район Земли, примыкающий к Северному полюсу и включающий окраины материков Евразии и Северной Америки, почти весь Северный Ледовитый океан с островами (кроме прибрежных островов Норвегии), а также прилегающие части Атлантического и Тихого океанов.  Южная граница Арктики совпадает с южной границей зоны тундры.  Площадь около 27 млн. кв. км; иногда Арктику ограничивают с юга Северным полярным кругом (66° 33′ с. ш.), в этом случае её площадь составит 21 млн. кв. км. (en:Arctic, Earth's north polar region)
  • Тундра Тундра — вид природных зон, лежащих за северными пределами лесной растительности, пространства с вечномёрзлой почвой, не заливаемой морскими или речными водами. (en:Tundra, a climate found in the Arctic, Antarctic, and alpine regions)



[[en:Arctic (disambiguation)]]

USS Arcturus is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:




[[en:USS Arcturus]]
[[pl:USS Arcturus]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named Ardent.




[[en:USS Ardent]]
[[nl:USS Ardent]]
[[pl:USS Ardent]]

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Ardent, whilst another two were planned:

See also

HMAS Ardent




{{DEFAULTSORT:Ardent, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Ardent]]
[[en:HMS Ardent]]
[[fi:HMS Ardent]]
[[it:HMS Ardent]]
[[sl:HMS Ardent]]

USS Arethusa may refer to:

See also



[[en:USS Arethusa]]
[[pl:USS Arethusa]]

Nine ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Arethusa or HMS Arethuse, after the Greek mythological nymph Arethusa who was transformed by Artemis into a fountain.

Battle honours


{{DEFAULTSORT:Arethusa, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Arethusa]]
[[fi:HMS Arethusa]]
[[it:HMS Arethusa]]
[[sl:HMS Arethusa]]

Eleven ships of the French Navy have borne the name Aréthuse in honour of the nymph Arethusa:

Sources and references


{{DEFAULTSORT:Arethuse, French Ship}}

[[en:French ship Aréthuse]]

R/V Argo may refer to:



[[en:RV Argo]]
[[pl:RV Argo]]

Five ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Argo, after the Argo, the ship of Jason and the Argonauts:



[[en:HMS Argo]]
[[sv:HMS Argo]]

The name USS Argonaut may refer to the following submarines of the United States Navy:

See also



[[en:USS Argonaut]]
[[pl:USS Argonaut]]
[[sl:USS Argonaut]]

Four ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Argonaut after the Argonauts of Greek mythology:



{{DEFAULTSORT:Argonaut, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Argonaut]]
[[fi:HMS Argonaut]]

A large number of ships of the French Navy have borne the name Argonaute in honour of the mythological navigators argonauts. Among them:

Sources and references


{{DEFAULTSORT:Argonaute, French Ship}}

[[de:Argonaute (Schiff)]]
[[en:French ship Argonaute]]

USS Argonne may refer to one of two United States Navy vessels:




[[en:USS Argonne]]
[[pl:USS Argonne]]

USS Argus may refer to one of these United States Navy ships:

  • An Argus (1813), was laid down at the Washington Navy Yard and was still on the ways when the British advanced on the National Capital late in the summer of 1814. To prevent her capture, she was burned on 24 August 1814.



[[en:USS Argus]]
[[pl:USS Argus]]

Nine ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Argus, after Argus, the hundred-eyed giant of mythology:

  • HMS Argus (1799) (en:HMS Argus (1799)) was a 10-gun sloop, originally a French privateer, captured in 1799 and broken up in 1811. (not exists)
  • HMS Argus was to have been a 36-gun fifth-rate. She was ordered in 1812, but cancelled that same year.
  • HMS Argus (1813) (en:HMS Argus (1813)) was an 18-gun Cruizer class brig-sloop launched in 1813 and sold in 1827. The sale was subsequently cancelled and she was resold in 1828. (not exists)
  • HMS Argus was to have been an 18-gun sloop. She was laid down in 1831, but cancelled later that year.
  • HMS Argus (1849) (en:HMS Argus (1849)) was a wooden-hulled paddle sloop launched in 1849 and broken up in 1881. (not exists)
  • HMS Argus (1851) (en:HMS Argus (1851)) was a coastguard vessel launched in 1851, renamed HMS Amelia in 1872, and HMS Fanny in 1889. She was hulked in 1899, used as a boom defence vessel from 1902 and was sold in 1907. (not exists)
  • HMS Argus was a coastguard vessel launched in 1864 as HMS Imogene. She was renamed HMS Argus in 1884 and was sold in 1903.
  • HMS Argus (1904) (en:HMS Argus (1904)) was a coastguard vessel launched in 1904, renamed HMS Argon in 1918 and sold in 1920. (not exists)
  • HMS Argus (1917) HMS Argus (ЕВК «Аргус», от имени мифологического Аргуса, шестой британский военный корабль с таким именем) — авианосец КВМФ Великобритании, первый в мире (en:HMS Argus (I49) was an aircraft carrier, originally laid down as the Italian liner Conte Rosso. She was purchased in 1916 and launched in 1917. She was on harbour service from 1944 and was sold for breaking up in 1946)
Royal Fleet Auxiliary


{{DEFAULTSORT:Argus, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Argus]]
[[fi:HMS Argus]]
[[pl:HMS Argus]]
[[sl:HMS Argus]]

Several ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Argyll after the region of Argyll in Scotland. Her motto is ne obliviscaris (lest we forget).



{{DEFAULTSORT:Argyll, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Argyll]]
[[sl:HMS Argyll]]

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Ariadne, after the Greek goddess:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Ariadne, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Ariadne]]
[[fi:HMS Ariadne]]

Five ships of the United States Navy have been named Ariel, after the sprite Ariel of The Tempest.

  • The HMS Ariel (1777) (en:USS Ariel (1777)), a 16-gun sloop-of-war, was originally the British HMS Ariel captured by the French in 1779, loaned to the Americans in 1780, and given back to the French the following year.



[[en:USS Ariel]]
[[pl:USS Ariel]]

Ten ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Ariel, possibly after the archangel Ariel in Judeo-Christian mysticism, but certainly influenced by Shakespeare's "airy spirit" of the same name:

Ariel has also been the name of a naval training shore establishment:




[[en:HMS Ariel]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named Aries




[[en:USS Aries]]
[[pl:USS Aries]]

Arizona has been the name of three ships of the United States Navy.

  • USS Arizona (BB-39) «Аризона» (англ. USS Arizona) — один из кораблей ВМС США, находившихся в бухте Пёрл-Харбор 7 декабря 1941 и уничтоженных японской авиацией. (en:USS Arizona (BB-39) was a Pennsylvania-class battleship that Japanese bombers sank in the attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941.)
See also



[[en:USS Arizona]]
[[es:USS Arizona]]
[[it:USS Arizona]]
[[nl:USS Arizona]]
[[no:USS «Arizona»]]
[[pl:USS Arizona]]
[[sl:USS Arizona]]

Five ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Ark Royal:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Ark Royal, Hms}}

[[HMS Ark Royal]]
[[cs:HMS Ark Royal]]
[[de:HMS Ark Royal]]
[[en:HMS Ark Royal]]
[[eo:Ark Royal]]
[[es:HMS Ark Royal]]
[[fi:HMS Ark Royal]]
[[fr:HMS Ark Royal]]
[[pl:HMS Ark Royal]]
[[sl:HMS Ark Royal]]
[[sv:HMS Ark Royal]]

USS Arkansas may refer to one of these ships of the United States Navy named in honor of the 25th state.

See also



[[de:USS Arkansas]]
[[en:USS Arkansas]]
[[fr:USS Arkansas]]
[[it:USS Arkansas]]
[[sl:USS Arkansas]]

Arlington is the name of the following ships of the United States Navy:




[[en:USS Arlington]]
[[es:USS Arlington]]
[[pl:USS Arlington]]

HMS Armada was the name of two ships of the British Royal Navy:



[[en:HMS Armada]]

Two ships of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) have been named HMAS Armidale, for the city of Armidale, New South Wales.

Battle honours

Three battle honours have been awarded to ships named HMAS Armidale:<ref name=newhonours>{{cite news |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/Navy_Marks_109th_Birthday_With_Historic_Changes_To_Battle_Honours |title=Navy Marks 109th Birthday With Historic Changes To Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}
</ref><ref name=honourslist>{{cite web |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/w/images/Units_entitlement_list.pdf |title=Royal Australian Navy Ship/Unit Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}




{{DEFAULTSORT:Armidale, Hmas}}

[[en:HMAS Armidale]]
[[nl:HMAS Armidale]]

USS Aroostook has been the name of three ships of the United States Navy.




[[en:USS Aroostook]]
[[pl:USS Aroostook]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Arrogant, or HMS Arrogante, whilst another was planned:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Arrogant, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Arrogant]]

Seven ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Arrow, after the projectile:

The Royal Australian Navy had a 146 ton patrol boat called Arrow. Launched on 17 February 1968, it was wrecked on 25 December 1974 at Darwin, Australia.



{{DEFAULTSORT:Arrow, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Arrow]]
[[fi:HMS Arrow]]
[[sl:HMS Arrow]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named Artemis after Artemis, the Olympian goddess known to the Romans as Diana.

See also

HMS Artemis




[[en:USS Artemis]]
[[pl:USS Artemis]]

HMS Artemis after the Greek goddess Artemis is the name of a number of real and fictional ships:

Royal Navy vessels
See also

USS Artemis


{{DEFAULTSORT:Artemis, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Artemis]]

Two submarines of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Artful:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Artful, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Artful]]
[[sl:HMS Artful]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Artois. The name entered the navy with the capture of the French frigate Artois:



{{DEFAULTSORT:Artois, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Artois]]

HMS Arun is the name of two of Royal Navy vessels, named after the English River Arun:




[[en:HMS Arun]]

Two ships of the Royal Australian Navy have borne the name HMAS Arunta, derived from the Arrernte native people from central Australia.

Battle honours

Ships named HMAS Arunta have earned six battle honours.<ref name=Festberg>{{cite book |last=Festberg |first=Alfred N. |title=Heraldry in the Royal Australian Navy |publisher=Silverleaf Publishing |location=Melbourne, VIC |date=1981 |pages=25–6 |isbn=0949746002 |oclc=9780949746009}}
</ref> Five honours were earned by the Tribal-Class destroyer, and are inherited by the frigate and subsequent ships of the name.<ref name=Festberg/> In 2009 The Governor General of Australia approved the award of an additional battle honour for HMAS Arunta (FFH 151)'s 2002 active service deployment to the Persian Gulf as part of Operation Slipper.<ref>http://www.navy.gov.au/w/images/Units_entitlement_list.pdf</ref>




{{DEFAULTSORT:Arunta, Hmas}}

[[de:HMAS Arunta]]
[[en:HMAS Arunta]]
[[fi:HMAS Arunta]]

Two naval vessels of Japan have been named Asagumo (朝雲), which translates to "Morning Clouds".[1]


[[en:Japanese destroyer Asagumo]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Ashanti after the Ashanti people.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Ashanti, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Ashanti]]
[[fi:HMS Ashanti]]
[[sl:HMS Ashanti]]

Four ships of the United States Navy have been named Asheville after Asheville, North Carolina.




[[de:USS Asheville]]
[[en:USS Asheville]]

USS Ashland may refer to:



[[de:USS Ashland]]
[[en:USS Ashland]]

Four ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Asia, after the continent of Asia:



[[en:HMS Asia]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named Asp, named for the Asp, which is a small venomous snake.



[[en:USS Asp]]
[[pl:USS Asp]]

Two submarines of the United States Navy have been named Aspro after the aspro, a fish found abundantly in the upper Rhone River.




[[en:USS Aspro]]
[[pl:USS Aspro]]

USS Assertive is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:




[[en:USS Assertive]]
[[pl:USS Assertive]]

Two Canadian naval units have been named HMCS Assiniboine.

Battle honours
  • Битва за Атлантику (1939—1945) Битва за Атлантику (Вторая битва за Атлантику, в отличие от кампании в рамках Первой мировой войны) — военная кампания Второй мировой войны, борьба союзников по Антигитлеровской коалиции с фашистской Германией и Италией за коммуникации и господство в Атлантическом океане и прилегающих к нему морях. (en:Atlantic 1939-45)
  • Biscay, 1944
  • English Channel 1944-45

{{DEFAULTSORT:Assiniboine, Hmcs}}

[[en:HMCS Assiniboine]]
[[sl:HMCS Assiniboine]]

Ten ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Assistance:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Assistance, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Assistance]]

USS Assurance is a name used more than once by the US Navy:




[[en:USS Assurance]]
[[pl:USS Assurance]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Assurance. A seventh was planned but never completed:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Assurance, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Assurance]]

USS Asterion has been the name of two ship of the United States Navy.




[[en:USS Asterion]]
[[pl:USS Asterion]]

Four ships of the United States Navy have been named Astoria, after the town of Astoria, Oregon.




[[de:USS Astoria]]
[[en:USS Astoria]]
[[pl:USS Astoria]]
[[sl:USS Astoria]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Astraea, HMS Astree or HMS Astrea, after the figure of Astraea in Greek mythology:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Astraea, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Astraea]]
[[en:HMS Astraea]]

{{French Navy}}
Three French ships have born the name Astrolabe, after the instrument astrolabe:



[[en:French ship Astrolabe]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named Astrolabe Bay. Navy records explain the name as a "bay in Alaska" but Astrolabe Bay fails to appear on contemporary maps. What the ship-namers perhaps had in mind was an Astrolabe Point on the mainland of Alaska, between what was then known as Cross Sound and Lituya Bay.



{{DEFAULTSORT:Astrolabe Bay}}

[[en:USS Astrolabe Bay]]
[[pl:USS Astrolabe Bay]]

Two submarines of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Astute for the characteristic of shrewdness and discernment.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Astute, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Astute]]
[[fi:HMS Astute]]
[[sl:HMS Astute]]

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Atalanta or HMS Atalante after the athlete in ancient Greek mythology.



{{DEFAULTSORT:Atalanta, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Atalanta]]

Several Canadian naval ships have been named HMCS Athabaskan.

Battle Honours

  • Arctic, 1943-44.
  • English Channel, 1944.
  • Корейская война Корейская война — конфликт между Северной Кореей и Южной Кореей, длившийся с 25 июня 1950 по 27 июля 1953 года (хотя официального окончания войны объявлено не было). (en:Korea, 1950-53.)
  • Война в Персидском заливе Война в Персидском заливе, «Война в заливе», «Gulf war» (англ.) — война (17 января — 28 февраля 1991) между многонациональными силами (во главе с США, по мандату ООН) и Ираком за освобождение и восстановление независимости Кувейта. (en:Gulf and Kuwait)


Directorate of History and Heritage - HMCS Athabaskan


{{DEFAULTSORT:Athabaskan, Hmcs}}

[[en:HMCS Athabaskan]]
[[fi:HMCS Athabaskan]]
[[sl:HMCS Athabaskan]]

Athelqueen has been used as a name for a number of ships of the Athel Line.



Three ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Atherstone after the town of Atherstone in Warwickshire, or after its hunt:

External links


{{DEFAULTSORT:Atherstone, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Atherstone]]
[[fi:HMS Atherstone]]
[[sl:HMS Atherstone]]

Five United States Navy ships have borne the name Atlanta, after the city of Atlanta, Georgia.




[[de:USS Atlanta]]
[[en:USS Atlanta]]
[[sl:USS Atlanta]]

USS Atlantus may refer to:

  • RV Atlantis (AGOR-25) (en:RV Atlantis (AGOR-25)), is an American oceanographic research vessel at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution since 1997. The title is held by US Navy and operated under charter agreement with the Office of Naval Research.



[[en:USS Atlantis]]
[[pl:USS Atlantis]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named Atlas, after Atlas, whose name means bearer or endurer.




[[en:USS Atlas]]
[[pl:USS Atlas]]

Two ships of the British Royal Navy have been named HMS Atlas:



{{DEFAULTSORT:Atlas, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Atlas]]

Three ships and a shore establishment of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Attack:


Shore establishments

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Attack, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Attack]]

Three ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Attacker:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Attacker, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Attacker]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name USS Auburn. The first was probably named for the town of Auburn, Pennsylvania, situated on a tributary of the Little Schuylkill River, Schuylkill County, northwest of Chester, Pa., where the ship was built. The second Auburn (AGC-10) was named for Mount Auburn, northwest of Cambridge, Massachusetts. The name itself is found in Oliver Goldsmith's long poem, "The Deserted Village" (1770).

  • USS Auburn (ID-3842) (en:USS Auburn (ID-3842)) was a freighter, which was launched in 1918. She was commissioned on 24 January 1919 and decommissioned on 22 February 1919. She remained in the USSB fleet until around 1932–1933, when she was "abandoned ... due to age and deterioration."

{{cite web | url= http://www.navsource.org/archives/10/01/0110.htm | title= AGC-10 Auburn |author= Gary P. Priolo |date= 11 November 2005 |work= |publisher= Navsoure.org | accessdate= 2008-01-16 }}
</ref> command ship. Originally Katkay,<ref> DANFS says Kitkay; Navsource says Kathay.</ref> the ship was launched in 1943. She was acquired by the Navy, converted, and renamed in 1944. Auburn was struck in 1960 and sold for scrap in 1961.





[[en:USS Auburn]]
[[pl:USS Auburn]]

USS Audacious may refer to:

See also



[[en:USS Audacious]]
[[pl:USS Audacious]]

Several ships of the British Royal Navy have been named HMS Audacious.

A 14 gun sloop captured from France in 1797, Audacieux, was commissioned into the Royal Navy as HMS Audacieux. The ship was last listed in 1801.




{{DEFAULTSORT:Audacious, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Audacious]]
[[en:HMS Audacious]]
[[fi:HMS Audacious]]
[[nl:HMS Audacious]]
[[pl:HMS Audacious]]
[[sl:HMS Audacious]]

Five ships of the United States Navy have been named Augusta, the first four after the city of Augusta, Georgia, and the fifth after Augusta, Maine.




[[de:USS Augusta]]
[[en:USS Augusta]]
[[sl:USS Augusta]]

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Augusta or HMS Auguste, whilst another two were planned:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Augusta, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Augusta]]

USS Auk may refer to:




[[en:USS Auk]]
[[pl:USS Auk]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named Aulick, in honor of John H. Aulick.




[[en:USS Aulick]]
[[pl:USS Aulick]]
[[sl:USS Aulick]]

RMS Aurania can refer to any of three ships originally owned and operated by the Cunard Line:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Aurania, Rms}}

[[de:RMS Aurania]]
[[en:RMS Aurania]]
[[pl:RMS Aurania]]

Three ships have been named MV Aurora:


[[en:MV Aurora]]

Eleven ships of the Royal Navy have been called HMS Aurora or HMS Aurore, after the Roman Goddess of the dawn.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Aurora, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Aurora]]
[[en:HMS Aurora]]
[[fi:HMS Aurora]]
[[sl:HMS Aurora]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named Austin.




[[en:USS Austin]]
[[pl:USS Austin]]
[[sl:USS Austin]]

One ship of the Royal Navy and two ships of the Royal Australian Navy have borne the name Australia, while a fourth ship was to receive the name had her transfer from the Royal Navy to the Royal Australian Navy not been cancelled:

Battle honours

Ships named HMAS Australia are entitled to carry ten battle honours:<ref>{{cite news |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/Navy_Marks_109th_Birthday_With_Historic_Changes_To_Battle_Honours |title=Navy Marks 109th Birthday With Historic Changes To Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=4 March 2010}}
</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/w/images/Units_entitlement_list.pdf |title=Royal Australian Navy Ship/Unit Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=4 March 2010}}

  • Rabaul 1914
  • Первая мировая война на море Балтийское море (en:North Sea 1915-18)
  • Битва за Атлантику (1939—1945) Битва за Атлантику (Вторая битва за Атлантику, в отличие от кампании в рамках Первой мировой войны) — военная кампания Второй мировой войны, борьба союзников по Антигитлеровской коалиции с фашистской Германией и Италией за коммуникации и господство в Атлантическом океане и прилегающих к нему морях. (en:Atlantic 1940-41)
  • South West Pacific theatre of World War II (en:Pacific) 1941-43
  • Сражение в Коралловом море Сражение в Коралловом море — морское сражение на Тихом океане. (en:Coral Sea 1942)
  • Бой у острова Саво Бой у острова Саво (англ. Battle of Savo Island), также известный как Первый бой у острова Саво и, в японских источниках, Первый бой в Соломоновом море (яп. 第一次ソロモン海戦 Dai-ichi-ji Soromon Kaisen?) — Первое ночное морское сражение на Тихом океане у острова Гуадалканал, состоявшееся с 8 на 9 августа 1942 года, между японским соединением вице-адмирала Гунъити Микавы и американо-австралийскими группами прикрытия TG 62.2 и TG 62.3 десанта на остров, в рамках операции «Уотчтауэр» под командованием британского контр-адмирала Виктора Кратчли. (en:Savo Island 1942)
  • Битва за Гуадалканал Битва за Гуадалканал (Гуадалканальская кампания), носившая также кодовое название Операция Уотчтауэр, проходила с 7 августа 1942 по 9 февраля 1943 года на Тихоокеанском театре военных действий Второй мировой войны. (en:Guadalcanal 1942)
  • Новогвинейская кампания Новогвинейская кампания (1942—1945) — одна из основных кампаний Второй мировой войны (en:New Guinea 1942-44)
  • Сражение в заливе Лейте Сражение в заливе Лейте (Второе сражение в Филиппинском море) — самое масштабное морское сражение в истории. (en:Leyte Gulf 1944)
  • Invasion of Lingayen Gulf (en:Lingayen Gulf) 1945



{{DEFAULTSORT:Australia, Hmas}}

[[de:HMAS Australia]]
[[en:HMAS Australia]]
[[hu:HMAS Australia (egyértelműsítő lap)]]
[[pl:HMAS Australia]]
[[sl:HMAS Australia]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have borne the name Avenge.

See also



[[en:USS Avenge]]
[[pl:USS Avenge]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have borne the name Avenger.

See also



[[en:USS Avenger]]
[[es:USS Avenger]]
[[nl:USS Avenger]]
[[pl:USS Avenger]]

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Avenger:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Avenger, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Avenger]]
[[en:HMS Avenger]]
[[fi:HMS Avenger]]
[[sl:HMS Avenger]]

USS Avocet may refer to:




[[en:USS Avocet]]
[[pl:USS Avocet]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Avon. Avon comes from a Brythonic word meaning "river".




[[en:HMS Avon]]

Awa Maru may refer to:

  • Пароход Пароход — судно, приводимое в движение паровой машиной или паровой турбиной (последние также называют турбоходами). (en:SS Awa Maru (1899), an NYK Lines passenger and cargo vessel built in 1898-1899; this ship was taken out of commercial service in 1930)
  • Теплоход Теплоход — самоходное судно, основным двигателем которого является двигатель внутреннего сгорания, чаще всего — дизельный. (en:MS Awa Maru (1943), an NYK Lines passenger and cargo vessel built in 1941-1943; this ship was torpedoed during war in 1945)



[[en:Awa Maru]]

Ayanami may refer to:

In Japanese naval destroyers:

In others:

  • Рей Аянами Рей Аянами (яп. 綾波レイ Аянами Рэй?) — один из центральных персонажей аниме-сериала и манги «Евангелион», вышедших в 1995 году. (en:Rei Ayanami, a character in the anime show Neon Genesis Evangelion)
  • Ayanami, a character dubbed by Hayami Shou in the anime show 07-Ghost



Four ships in the United States Navy have been named USS Aylwin for John Cushing Aylwin.

  • USS Aylwin (DD-355) DD 355 Aylwin (Корабль соединённых штатов Элвин) — американский эсминец типа Farragut. (The en:USS Aylwin (DD-355), was a Farragut-class destroyer, commissioned in 1935, served in World War II and decommissioned in 1945.)



[[en:USS Aylwin]]
[[pl:USS Aylwin]]
[[sl:USS Aylwin]]

USS Azalea is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:




[[en:USS Azalea]]
[[pl:USS Azalea]]

There have been Four B classes of submarine:


[[en:B class submarine]]
[[pl:Okręty podwodne typu B]]
[[sv:B-klass (ubåtsklass)]]

Soviet submarine B-401 may refer to one of the following submarines of the Soviet Navy:

{{DEFAULTSORT:B-401, Soviet Submarine}}

[[en:Soviet submarine B-401]]

Soviet submarine B-402 may refer to one of the following submarines of the Soviet Navy:

{{DEFAULTSORT:B-402, Soviet Submarine}}

[[en:Soviet submarine B-402]]

Soviet submarine B-405 may refer to one of the following submarines of the Soviet Navy:

{{DEFAULTSORT:B-405, Soviet Submarine}}

[[en:Soviet submarine B-405]]

Soviet submarine B-464 may refer to one of the following submarines of the Soviet Navy:

{{DEFAULTSORT:B-464, Soviet Submarine}}

[[en:Soviet submarine B-464]]

Soviet submarine B-470 may refer to one of the following submarines of the Soviet Navy:


{{DEFAULTSORT:B-470, Soviet Submarine}}

[[en:Soviet submarine B-470]]

PNS Babur may refer to one of these ships of the Pakistan Navy:


[[en:PNS Babur]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Bacchante, from "Bacchante" - the name for a priestess of the Roman god Bacchus. Yet another ship of this name was ordered but later cancelled. (The ancient Bacchante were also known as Maenads, and there had also been a HMS Maenad (J335).)


{{DEFAULTSORT:Bacchante, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Bacchante]]
[[no:HMS «Bacchante»]]
[[sl:HMS Bacchante]]

Three ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary have borne the name RFA Bacchus, after Bacchus, the god of wine in Roman mythology:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Bacchus, Rfa}}

[[en:RFA Bacchus]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named Bache.




[[en:USS Bache]]
[[pl:USS Bache]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named Badger:

See also



[[de:USS Badger]]
[[en:USS Badger]]
[[sl:USS Badger]]

Eight ships and one shore establishment of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Badger, after the Eurasian Badger:


Shore Establishment

{{DEFAULTSORT:Badger, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Badger]]
[[fr:HMS Badger]]

Two Royal Navy vessels have been named HMS Badminton, after Badminton, Gloucestershire:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Badmington, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Badminton]]

Four ships of the United States Navy have borne the name Bagley. The first three after Ensign Worth Bagley. The fourth, FF‑1069, honors both Worth Bagley and his brother, Admiral David W. Bagley.

  • USS Bagley (DD-386) DD 386 Bagley (Корабль соединённых штатов Бэгли) — американский эсминец типа Бэгли, головной в серии. (en:USS Bagley (DD-386), was the lead destroyer of her class, launched in 1936 and decommissioned in 1946.)



[[de:USS Bagley]]
[[en:USS Bagley]]
[[sl:USS Bagley]]

Bahia (S12) may refer to one of the following submarines of the Brazilian Navy:

{{DEFAULTSORT:Bahia (S12)}}

[[en:Brazilian submarine Bahia (S12)]]

Four ships of United States Navy have been named Bailey for Theodorus Bailey:

  • USS Bailey (DD-492) DD 492 Bailey (Корабль соединённых штатов Бэйли) — американский эсминец типа Benson. (The en:USS Bailey (DD-492), was a Benson-class destroyer, commissioned in 1942 and decommissioned in 1946.)



[[en:USS Bailey]]
[[pl:USS Bailey]]
[[sl:USS Bailey]]

USS Bainbridge may refer to:

  • USS Bainbridge (CGN-25) «Бейнбридж» (англ. CGN-25 Bainbridge) — корабль ВМС США, первый в мире атомный фрегат, единственный корабль своего типа. (en:USS Bainbridge (CGN-25), was commissioned as a nuclear powered destroyer leader and in service from 1962 to 1996.)
  • USS Bainbridge (DDG-96) USS Bainbridge (DDG-96) — 46-й эскадренный миноносец из серии запланированных к 13 сентября 2002 г. 62 эсминцев УРО типа «Арли Бёрк», строительство которых было одобрено Конгрессом США. (en:USS Bainbridge (DDG-96), is an Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer, commissioned on 12 November 2005 and currently in service. )



[[de:USS Bainbridge]]
[[en:USS Bainbridge]]
[[sl:USS Bainbridge]]

USS Baker may refer to more than one United States Navy ship:



[[en:USS Baker]]
[[ko:USS 베이커]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named Balch, for Rear Admiral George Balch.

  • USS Balch (DD-363) DD 363 Balch (Корабль соединённых штатов Бэлч) — американский эсминец типа Porter. (en:USS Balch (DD-363), was commissioned in 1936 and decommissioned in 1945.)



[[en:USS Balch]]
[[ja:バルチ (駆逐艦)]]
[[pl:USS Balch]]
[[sl:USS Balch]]

Two ships of the Royal Australian Navy have been named HMAS Ballarat, for the city of Ballarat, Victoria.

Battle honours

Three battle honours are carried by ships named HMAS Ballarat:<ref name=newhonours>{{cite news |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/Navy_Marks_109th_Birthday_With_Historic_Changes_To_Battle_Honours |title=Navy Marks 109th Birthday With Historic Changes To Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}
</ref><ref name=honourslist>{{cite web |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/w/images/Units_entitlement_list.pdf |title=Royal Australian Navy Ship/Unit Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}




{{DEFAULTSORT:Ballarat, Hmas}}

[[de:HMAS Ballarat]]
[[en:HMAS Ballarat]]
[[nl:HMAS Ballarat]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named Ballard, after Edward J. Ballard.




[[en:USS Ballard]]
[[pl:USS Ballard]]

{{Mergeto|Baltic|date=July 2009}}
Several steamships have been named Baltic:


[[en:Baltic (steamship)]]

USS Baltimore may refer to:

See also



[[de:USS Baltimore]]
[[en:USS Baltimore]]
[[es:USS Baltimore]]
[[nl:USS Baltimore]]
[[pl:USS Baltimore]]
[[sl:USS Baltimore]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named Bancroft in honor of George Bancroft.

  • USS Bancroft (DD-598) DD 598 Bancroft (Корабль соединённых штатов Бэнкрофт) — американский эсминец типа Benson. (The en:USS Bancroft (DD-598), was a Benson-class destroyer commissioned in 1942 and decommissioned in 1946.)
See also



[[en:USS Bancroft]]
[[pl:USS Bancroft]]
[[sl:USS Bancroft]]

Two ships of the British Royal Navy have been named HMS Bangor.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Bangor, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Bangor]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named Banner, after Banner County, Nebraska.




[[en:USS Banner]]
[[pl:USS Banner]]

USS Banshee is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:




[[en:USS Banshee]]
[[pl:USS Banshee]]

Five ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Banterer:

{{DEFAULTSORT:Banterer, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Banterer]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named Barataria, after Barataria (or "Barrataria") Bay in Louisiana.



[[en:USS Barataria]]
[[pl:USS Barataria]]

USS Barb has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:

{{Shipindex|Barb, USS}}


[[de:USS Barb]]
[[en:USS Barb]]

Two submarines of the United States Navy have been named Barbel, after the barbel, a type of European carp.




[[de:USS Barbel]]
[[en:USS Barbel]]
[[sl:USS Barbel]]

Barbet is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:




[[en:USS Barbet]]
[[pl:USS Barbet]]

Five ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Barfleur after the Battle of Barfleur:



{{DEFAULTSORT:Barfleur, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Barfleur]]
[[it:HMS Barfleur]]
[[sl:HMS Barfleur]]

Three warships of the Royal Navy have been given the name HMS Barham in honour of Charles Middleton, 1st Baron Barham. A fourth was planned but never completed:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Barham, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Barham]]
[[en:HMS Barham]]
[[fi:HMS Barham]]
[[it:HMS Barham]]
[[sl:HMS Barham]]

USS Barnegat may refer to:



[[en:USS Barnegat]]
[[pl:USS Barnegat]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named Barney for Commodore Joshua Barney.

See also



[[en:USS Barney]]
[[pl:USS Barney]]
[[sl:USS Barney]]

HMS Barossa or HMS Barrosa has been the name of more than one British Royal Navy ship, and may refer to:

The Barrosa Corvette was built in Woolrich, England. She was sent to Japan with a squadren sent to Simonasaki, Nagasaki, and Hakodati. Having visited China, she was sent back to England in 1867.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Barossa, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Barossa]]
[[en:HMS Barossa]]
[[sl:HMS Barrosa]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Barracouta, after the fish Thyrsites atun. Another was renamed before being launched:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Barracouta, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Barracouta]]

Four ships of the United States Navy have been named Barracuda, for the barracuda, a voracious, pike-like fish.

  • USS Barracuda was the original name of a submarine that was renamed USS F-2 (SS-21) in 1911 while under construction
  • USS Barracuda (SP-23) (en:USS Barracuda (SP-23)) was the proposed designation as a patrol boat for the private motorboat Barracuda, which was inspected for possible service in late 1916 or early 1917 but never entered U.S. Navy service



[[de:USS Barracuda]]
[[en:USS Barracuda]]

Barracuda class may refer to one of several classes of submarine:

{{DEFAULTSORT:Barracuda Class}}

[[en:Barracuda class submarine]]

Four ships of the United States Navy have been named Barry in honor of Commodore John Barry.




[[de:USS Barry]]
[[en:USS Barry]]
[[sl:USS Barry]]

USS Bartlett may refer to:


[[en:USS Bartlett]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named Barton in honor of Rear Admiral John Kennedy Barton.

  • USS Barton (DD-599) DD 599 Barton (Корабль соединённых штатов Бэртон) — американский эсминец типа Benson. (en:USS Barton (DD-599), was a Benson-class destroyer, that was sunk by enemy action on 13 November 1942.)



[[en:USS Barton]]
[[pl:USS Barton]]
[[sl:USS Barton]]

Ten ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Basilisk, after the Basilisk, a mythical lizard:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Basilisk, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Basilisk]]
[[es:HMS Basilisk]]
[[fi:HMS Basilisk]]

Two submarines of the United States Navy have been named Bass after the spiny-finned fish.

See also



[[en:USS Bass]]
[[pl:USS Bass]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named Bataan, after the Bataan Peninsula, the scene of doomed American resistance in April 1942.




[[de:USS Bataan]]
[[en:USS Bataan]]
[[sl:USS Bataan]]

SS Batavier II may refer to one of the following ships of the Batavier Line:

{{DEFAULTSORT:Batavier Ii}}

[[en:SS Batavier II]]

SS Batavier V may refer to one of the following ships of the Batavier Line:

{{DEFAULTSORT:Batavier V}}

[[en:SS Batavier V]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name Batfish, named in honor of the batfish, any of several fishes; a pediculate fish of the West Indies, the flying gurnard of the Atlantic, or a California sting ray.




[[en:USS Batfish]]
[[pl:USS Batfish]]

USS Bath has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:



[[en:USS Bath]]
[[pl:USS Bath]]

Two ships of the Royal Australian Navy have been named HMAS Bathurst, for the city of Bathurst, New South Wales.

Battle honours

Two battle honours have been awarded to ships named HMAS Bathurst:<ref name=newhonours>{{cite news |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/Navy_Marks_109th_Birthday_With_Historic_Changes_To_Battle_Honours |title=Navy Marks 109th Birthday With Historic Changes To Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}
</ref><ref name=honourslist>{{cite web |url=http://www.navy.gov.au/w/images/Units_entitlement_list.pdf |title=Royal Australian Navy Ship/Unit Battle Honours |date=1 March 2010 |publisher=Royal Australian Navy |accessdate=14 March 2010}}




{{DEFAULTSORT:Bathurst, Hmas}}

[[en:HMAS Bathurst]]
[[nl:HMAS Bathurst]]

Three ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Battleaxe:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Battleaxe, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Battleaxe]]
[[en:HMS Battleaxe]]
[[fi:HMS Battleaxe]]

TS or USTS Bay State may refer to one of these training ships of the Massachusetts Maritime Academy:


[[en:USTS Bay State]]

Bay class can refer to any of the following classes of warship;


[[en:Bay class]]

Three ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary have borne the name RFA Bayleaf:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Bayleaf, Rfa}}

[[en:RFA Bayleaf]]

USS Bazely may refer to:




[[en:USS Bazely]]
[[pl:USS Bazely]]

USS Beagle may refer to:



[[en:USS Beagle]]
[[pl:USS Beagle]]

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Beagle, after a dog breed. The most notable of these ships is the second HMS Beagle, 1820–1870, which transported Charles Darwin around the world in the voyage of the Beagle.



{{DEFAULTSORT:Beagle, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Beagle]]
[[en:HMS Beagle (disambiguation)]]
[[fi:HMS Beagle]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name Beale, in honor of Edward Fitzgerald Beale.




[[en:USS Beale]]
[[ja:ビール (駆逐艦)]]
[[pl:USS Beale]]
[[sl:USS Beale]]

The following ships of the Indian Navy have been named INS Beas:



[[en:INS Beas]]

USS Beatty may refer to:




[[en:USS Beatty]]
[[es:USS Beatty]]
[[pl:USS Beatty]]
[[sl:USS Beatty]]

USS Beaufort may refer to any of five ships of the United States Navy named after Beaufort, South Carolina.

See also



[[en:USS Beaufort]]
[[pl:USS Beaufort]]

Five French Navy ships have been named after the hydrographer Charles-François Beautemps-Beaupré:



[[en:French ship Beautemps-Beaupré]]
[[fr:Beautemps-Beaupré (bâtiment hydrographique)]]
[[ja:ボータン・ボープレ (海洋観測艦)]]

Ten ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Beaver, after the animal, the beaver:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Beaver, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Beaver]]

Three ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Bedford, named initially after William Russell, created Duke of Bedford in May 1694 and not after the town of Bedford:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Bedford, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Bedford]]

Two vessels and two shore establishments of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Bee, after the insect, the Bee. A third ship was ordered but never completed:

  • HM Schooner Bee was a 79' wooden supply schooner of 30.5 tonnes displacement, stationed at the Penetanguishene Naval Establishment from 1817 to 1831.
  • HMS Bee (1842) (en:HMS Bee) was a wooden screw and paddle vessel launched in 1842 and broken up in 1874. (not exists)
  • HMS Bee (1915) (en:HMS Bee) was an Insect class gunboat launched in 1915 and sold in 1939.
  • HMS Bee was to have been another river patrol boat. She was ordered in 1939, but cancelled in 1940.
Shore establishments
  • HMS Bee was a Coastal Forces Motor Launch working up base at Weymouth in commission between 1942 and 1943.
  • HMS Bee was a Coastal Forces ML working up base at Holyhead, taking over from the previous base in 1943 and being paid off in 1945.

Other shore establishments have borne similar names

  • HMS Beecroft was a naval base in Nigeria between 1960 and 1978.
  • HMS Beehive was a Coastal Forces base at Felixstowe between 1940 and 1945.



[[en:HMS Bee]]
[[pl:HMS Bee]]

Two vessels of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Begonia after the flower.



{{DEFAULTSORT:Begonia, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Begonia]]

At least four vessels of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Belette. (Belette is French for "weasel".)



  • {{colledge}}
  • {{cite book|last=Gossett|first=William Patrick|year=1986|title=The lost ships of the Royal Navy, 1793-1900|publisher=Mansell|isbn=0-7201-1816-6}}
  • Roche, Jean-Michel (2005) Dictionnaire des Bâtiments de la Flotte de Guerre Française de Colbert à nos Jours. (Group Retozel-Maury Millau).
  • {{cite book |first=Rif|last=Winfield|title=British Warships in the Age of Sail 1793–1817: Design, Construction, Careers and Fates|publisher=Seaforth|year=2008|isbn=1861762461}}

{{Cruizer class brig-sloop}}
{{DEFAULTSORT:Belette, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Belette]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named Belknap, in honor of Rear Admiral George Eugene Belknap.




[[de:USS Belknap]]
[[en:USS Belknap]]
[[sl:USS Belknap]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named Bell, in honor of Rear Admiral Henry Haywood Bell.

See also



[[en:USS Bell]]
[[pl:USS Bell]]
[[sl:USS Bell]]

USS Bellatrix may refer to:.




[[en:USS Bellatrix]]
[[pl:USS Bellatrix]]

{{French Navy}}
Four ships of the French Navy have borne the name Belle Poule (Beautiful Chick). Legend has it that the name derives from Belle Paule, the name of a privateer christened in honour of Paule de Viguier, baronne de Fonterville, in 1533. The ships are:

  • the 26-gun frigate Belle Poule (1765), famous for her duel against the English frigate HMS Arethusa on 17 June 1778, which started the French intervention in the American War of Independence; the British 64-gun ship of the line HMS Nonsuch captured her in 1780
  • the 40-gun frigate Belle Poule (1802-1806) which acted as a commerce raider in the Indian Ocean until the British captured her in 1806
  • the 60-gun frigate Belle Poule (1828-1888), famous for bringing back the remains of Napoléon from Saint Helena to France in 1840; she was under command of François d'Orléans, prince of Joinville, and was painted black for the mission
  • The modern schooner Belle Poule, training ship of the Naval Academy, whose actions with the Free French Forces during the Second World War are commemorated by her bearing a French flag with the croix de Lorraine


{{DEFAULTSORT:Belle Poule, French Ship}}

[[de:Belle Poule]]
[[en:French ship Belle Poule]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Belle Poule, from the French meaning Beautiful Chick:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Belle Poule, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Belle Poule]]

Eight French ships of the French Navy have born the name Belle:

  • A 6-gun frigate (1668)
  • A galley (1669)
  • A captured Spanish frigate (1676)
  • A barque (1678)
  • A galley (1679)
  • A barque (1684)
  • A galley (1688)
  • A barque (1691)


{{DEFAULTSORT:Belle, French Ship}}

[[en:French ship Belle]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named Belleau Wood, after the Battle of Belleau Wood near Château-Thierry in France.



{{DEFAULTSORT:Belleau Wood}}

[[de:USS Belleau Wood]]
[[en:USS Belleau Wood]]
[[pl:USS Belleau Wood]]
[[sl:USS Belleau Wood]]

USS Bellerophon may refer to:

See also



[[en:USS Bellerophon]]
[[pl:USS Bellerophon]]

Four ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Bellerophon after the hero Bellerophon in Greek mythology, whilst another two were planned:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Bellerophon, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Bellerophon]]
[[en:HMS Bellerophon]]
[[fi:HMS Bellerophon]]
[[it:HMS Bellerophon]]
[[sl:HMS Bellerophon]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Belliqueux:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Belliqueux, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Belliqueux]]

Three ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Belleisle after Belle Île off the coast of Brittany:

See also



[[de:HMS Belleisle]]
[[en:HMS Belleisle]]
[[sl:HMS Belleisle]]

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Bellona after a Bellona, the goddess of war in Roman mythology:



{{DEFAULTSORT:Bellona, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Bellona]]
[[en:HMS Bellona]]
[[fi:HMS Bellona]]
[[it:HMS Bellona]]
[[sl:HMS Bellona]]

{{French Navy}}
Eleven ships of the French Navy have born the name Bellone, in honour of Bellona:


Several privateers also bore the name. Notable is the 34-gun Bellone, under Jacques François Perroud [3], which captured the East Indiaman Lord Nelson on 14 August 1803 [4]. A painting by Auguste Mayer commemorates the action.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Bellone, French Ship}}

[[en:French ship Bellone]]

USS Belmont is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:




[[en:USS Belmont]]
[[pl:USS Belmont]]

{{Unreferenced|date=January 2009}}

{{Infobox ship begin}}

{{Infobox ship image   |Ship image=center|300px   |Ship caption=Ben-my-Chree in Douglas Harbour  }}
{{Infobox ship career |Ship name=Ben-my-Chree |Ship namesake=мэн. Girl of my Heart}}
{{Infobox ship characteristics |Ship tonnage=12,747 |Ship length={{convert/LoffAon}}

|r=а |u=м |n=метра |t=Метр |o=ft |b=1 |j=0-0}}

The MV Ben-my-Chree is a Ro-Pax vessel that is operated by the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company. The vessel is the company's flagship.

The ship is registered in Douglas, Isle of Man. She is the sixth vessel to carry the name.

History of the Ben-my-Chree

The Ben-my-Chree was ordered in 1997 by Sea Containers for the Isle of Man Steam Packet Company, costing around £24 million. She was built by van der Giessen de Noord of the Netherlands. She was brought around to the island from Holland by the Captain Vernon Kinley.

The 'Ben' was the first new ship built for the company since 1976 and the sixth vessel to be called Ben-my-Chree. The vessel was launched on 4 April 1998 and entered service on Tynwald Day (July 5), and at a gross tonnage of around 12,000, she was the largest ship to enter service with the company. The vessel received a lot of criticism due to her low passenger capacity of 500, (carrying no more than 350 per sailing), and the fact she had no open deck for passengers. The Company insisted this was a "comfort level" for the vessel's size. Since then, the island has come to warm to the vessel.

In 2004, the Ben-my-Chree received a major refit, which included a new passenger accommodation section, creating an open deck for passengers, and her stern door was modified. This refit now allowed the Ben-my-Chree to carry her full capacity of 630 pax. On 2 April 2008, the Ben-my-Chree went in for another refit, which included a new livery and internal refit. On 16 July 2008, the Ben-my-Chree completed 10 years of Manx service. On 25 July 2008, the Ben-my-Chree suffered a technical failure, with the Viking taking her Heysham sailing until she was repaired.

Onboard Facilities=

Deck 7, offers a range of seating options and the following services:

  • Legend's Bar
  • Coast-to-Coast Café
  • Ocean Avenue Shop
  • Junior Shipmates children's play area

Deck 7 also holds the Steam Packet lounges:

  • Manannan Premium Lounge
  • Manannan Executive Club Lounge
  • Niarbyl Reserved Lounge
  • Dog Lounge

Deck 8 has the outside deck, as well as the 4 berth cabins.

Current Service=

Currently operating services from Douglas to Heysham.

Photo gallery
External links


{{Steam Packet Ships}}


[[en:MS Ben-my-Chree]]