Проект:Адмиралтейство/Страницы разрешения неоднозначностей:Суда/15

HMS Queen Elizabeth could refer to one of three ships named in honour of Queen Elizabeth of England:

  • HMS Queen Elizabeth (1913) HMS Queen Elizabeth (Корабль Её Величества «Куин Элизабет») — головной корабль дредноутов серии Queen Elizabeth, названный в честь Елизаветы I, первый представитель супердредноутов с 15-дюймовым главным калибром. (en:HMS Queen Elizabeth was the lead ship of the Queen Elizabeth class of battleships, launched in 1913 and scrapped in 1948.)
  • HMS Queen Elizabeth was to have been the first of the planned CVA-01 class carriers, but the class was never constructed.
  • HMS Queen Elizabeth (CVF) HMS Queen Elizabeth — планируемый к постройке авианосец КВМФ Великобритании, первый из двух кораблей типа «Куин Элизабет». (en:HMS Queen Elizabeth will be the first ship of the Queen Elizabeth class aircraft carriers, and which is currently under construction.)
See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Queen Elizabeth}}

[[en:HMS Queen Elizabeth]]
[[es:HMS Queen Elizabeth]]
[[fi:HMS Queen Elizabeth]]
[[pl:HMS Queen Elizabeth]]
[[sl:HMS Queen Elizabeth]]

Queen Elizabeth (ship) can refer to several ships:

{{Short pages monitor}}

{{DEFAULTSORT:Queen Elizabeth}}

[[en:Queen Elizabeth (ship)]]

Queen Mary (ship) can refer to:

  • HMS Queen Mary Его Величества Корабль «Куин Мэри» (англ. HMS Queen Mary) — линейный крейсер Королевского военно-морского флота Великобритании времён Первой мировой войны. (en:HMS Queen Mary, a battlecruiser of the Royal Navy launched in 1912 and sunk at the Battle of Jutland in 1916 )
  • TS Queen Mary (en:TS Queen Mary), a Clyde Steamer launched in 1933, now retired as a floating pub/restaurant on the Embankment in London, UK
  • RMS Queen Mary «Куин Мэри» (англ. Queen Mary) — трансатлантический лайнер. (en:RMS Queen Mary, a Cunard Line ocean liner launched in 1934, now retired as a hotel in Long Beach, California, USA)
  • Queen Mary 2 Queen Mary 2 (англ. Королева Мария 2) — один из крупнейших океанских лайнеров в мире (наряду с «Oasis of the seas», «Freedom of the Seas», «Liberty of the Seas» и «Navigator of the Seas»). (en:RMS Queen Mary 2, a Cunard passenger ship that entered service in 2003)

{{DEFAULTSORT:Queen Mary}}

[[en:Queen Mary (ship)]]

Queen Victoria has been the name of several ships:

  • PS Queen Victoria (1838) (en:PS Queen Victoria), a wooden paddlewheel steamer that was wrecked in 1853 off Bailey Lighthouse, Howth with the loss of over 80 people
  • TS Queen Mary (en:TS Queen Mary) originally sailed as TS Queen Victoria from 1933 to 1935
  • RMS Queen Mary «Куин Мэри» (англ. Queen Mary) — трансатлантический лайнер. (en:RMS Queen Mary, according to shipping legend, initially supposed to be called Victoria in line with the naming of Cunard Steamship Lines liners, with an ending in -ia, as with the Lusitania, Mauritania, and the like)
  • MS Arcadia (2004) (en:MS Arcadia), a cruise liner which was intended to be Queen Victoria for Cunard Line. However, a restructuring by Cunard's parent company, Carnival Corporation, saw this vessel transferred to P&O as Arcadia
  • MS Queen Victoria Куин Виктория (QV) (англ. Queen Victoria) - круизный лайнер компании Кунард Лайн, названный в честь Королевы Виктории. (en:MS Queen Victoria - a ship of similar design and specifications to the Arcadia that was completed and named in 2007 for Cunard Line)

A number of other ships have been named simply Victoria:


[[en:Queen Victoria (ship)]]

Seven ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Queen. It is one of the oldest ship names of the Royal Navy dating from the time of Henry III of England.

The battle honours of all HM Ships Queen have been inherited by HMCS Queen, the Canadian Naval Reserve Division in Regina, Saskatchewan. HMCS QUEEN holds certain artifacts from the last HMS Queen.

Battle Honours
  • Battle of Ushant (1781) (en:Ushant 1781)
  • Славное первое июня Славное первое июня также известно как 3-я битва при Уэссане (англ. Glorious First of June; фр. Bataille du 13 prairial an 2) — морское сражение между Великобританией и Французской республикой, произошедшее 1 июня 1794 года в водах Атлантического океана. (en:First of June 1794)
  • Бой у острова Груа Бой у острова Груа (также Второй бой у о. Груа, англ. Second Battle of Groix или англ. Bridport's Action) — бой между английским и французским флотами, произошедший 23 июня 1795 года, в Бискайском заливе. (en:Groix Island 1795)
  • Крымская война Крымская война 1853—1856, также Восточная война — война между Российской империей и коалицией в составе Британской, Французской, Османской империй и Сардинского королевства. (en:Crimea 1854-55)
  • Naval operations in the Dardanelles Campaign (en:Dardanelles 1915)
  • Битва за Атлантику (1939—1945) Битва за Атлантику (Вторая битва за Атлантику, в отличие от кампании в рамках Первой мировой войны) — военная кампания Второй мировой войны, борьба союзников по Антигитлеровской коалиции с фашистской Германией и Италией за коммуникации и господство в Атлантическом океане и прилегающих к нему морях. (en:Atlantic 1944)
  • Norway 1945
  • Arctic 1945<ref>http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/his/ol-lo/vol-tom-2/par1/queen-eng.asp</ref>
See also



{{DEFAULTSORT:Queen, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Queen]]
[[en:HMS Queen]]
[[sl:HMS Queen]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Queenborough, after the town of Queenborough in Kent. One of these ships was later transferred to the Royal Australian Navy as HMAS Queenborough.

Battle honours

Eight battle honours have been awarded to ships named HMS Queenborough.<ref name=Festberg>{{cite book |last=Festberg |first=Alfred N. |title=Heraldry in the Royal Australian Navy |publisher=Silverleaf Publishing |location=Melbourne, VIC |date=1981 |page=50 |isbn=0949746002 |oclc=9780949746009}}
</ref> These battle honours are earned by an individual ship, and inherited by subsequent ships of the name.

  • Battle of Cuddalore (1758) (en:Sadras) 1758
  • Battle of Negapatam (1758) (en:Negapatam) 1958
  • Porto Novo 1759
  • Арктические конвои Арктические конвои Второй мировой войны проходили из Великобритании и США в северные порты СССР — Архангельск и Мурманск. (en:Arctic 1942-43)
  • Сицилийская операция Сицилийская операция или операция «Хаски» — одна из главных военных операций Второй мировой войны, во время которой войска союзников выбили войска стран Оси (Италии и Германии) из Сицилии и захватили остров. (en:Sicily 1943)
  • Высадка в Италии Высадка в Италии — серия операций войск антигитлеровской коалиции в сентябре 1943 года на Апеннинском полуострове. (en:Salerno 1943)
  • Битва за Средиземноморье (1940—1943) Ливийско-египетская кампания — часть Средиземноморского театра военных действий Второй мировой войны, военные действия вооружённых сил США, Великобритании и их союзников против войск Германии и Италии во время Второй мировой войны в Средиземноморском регионе с целью контроля морских коммуникаций в Средиземном море между Северной Африкой и Южной Европой. (en:Mediterranean 1943)
  • Битва за Окинаву Битва за Окинаву, также известная как Операция Айсберг — операция по захвату японского острова Окинава войсками США при поддержке американского и британского флотов. (en:Okinawa 1945)


  • {{cite book |last=Cassells |first=Vic |title=The Destroyers: their battles and their badges |year=2000 |publisher=Simon & Schuster |location=East Roseville, NSW |isbn=0-7318-0893-2 |oclc= |page=94 }}



[[en:HMS Queenborough]]

Two submarines of the United States Navy have borne the name USS Queenfish, named in honor of the queenfish, a small food fish found off the Pacific coast of North America..



[[en:USS Queenfish]]
[[pl:USS Queenfish]]

Two Australian ferries have the name MV Queenscliff:

{{DEFAULTSORT:Queenscliff, Mv}}

[[en:MV Queenscliff]]

USS Quest is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:





[[en:USS Quest]]

Three United States Navy ships have been named USS Quincy, after the town of Quincy, Massachusetts.



[[en:USS Quincy]]
[[ja:クインシー (重巡洋艦)]]
[[pl:USS Quincy]]

Multiple ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Quinnebaug.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Quinnebaug, USS}}

[[en:USS Quinnebaug]]

Three ships of the Peruvian Navy have been named BAP Quiñones after Peruvian military aviator José Quiñones Gonzáles:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Quinones, Bap}}

[[en:BAP Quiñones]]

Three ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Quorn, all named after the Quorn Hunt.

External links


{{DEFAULTSORT:Quorn, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Quorn]]
[[fi:HMS Quorn]]
[[sl:HMS Quorn]]

Belgica was and is the name of two Belgian research vessels, with a name derived ultimately from the Latin Gallia Belgica.

See also


[[en:RV Belgica]]

Ten ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Racehorse:



{{DEFAULTSORT:Racehorse, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Racehorse]]
[[en:HMS Racehorse]]

USS Racer is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:



[[en:USS Racer]]
[[pl:USS Racer]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Racer

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Racer, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Racer]]

USS Racine has been the name of two ships of the United States Navy. Both ships are named for the city of Racine, Wisconsin.



[[en:USS Racine]]
[[pl:USS Racine]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Racoon, after the Raccoon:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Racoon, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Racoon]]

USS Radford' may refer to:



[[en:USS Radford]]
[[ja:ラドフォード (駆逐艦)]]
[[pl:USS Radford]]

USS Radiant is a named used more than once by the United States Navy, and may refer to:

{{DEFAULTSORT:Radiant, Uss}}

[[en:USS Radiant]]

Three ships have been called HMS Raider.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Raider, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Raider]]

USS Rail may refer to:





[[en:USS Rail]]
[[pl:USS Rail]]

Nine ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Rainbow, after the rainbow, a common meteorological phenomenon:

See also



[[en:HMS Rainbow]]

SS Rainbow may refer to one of several Type C2 ships built for the United States Maritime Commission:


[[en:SS Rainbow]]

USS Rainier has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:



[[en:USS Rainier]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Raisonnable, the French for "reasonable":


{{DEFAULTSORT:Raisonnable, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Raisonnable]]
[[fr:HMS Raisonnable]]

The following ships of the Indian Navy have been named INS Rajput:

  • HMS Rotherham (H09) (en:INS Rajput (1942)) was a R class destroyer acquired in 1949 from the Royal Navy, where it served in World War II as HMS Rotherham (H09)
  • Раджпут (эсминец) Большой противолодочный корабль «Надёжный», также известный как эскадренный миноносец «Раджпут» (хинди भारतीय युद्ध पोत राजपूत, англ. Rajput) — головной корабль проекта 61-МЭ (код НАТО — «Kashin-II class», известный так же как «Rajput»), построенный в 1970—1980 годы в СССР по заказу Индийского правительства. (en:INS Rajput (D51) is the lead vessel of her class of destroyers, currently in active service with the Indian Navy)



[[en:INS Rajput]]

Four ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Raleigh; the later three after the city of Raleigh, North Carolina, and the first after Sir Walter Raleigh.

See also CSS Raleigh.



[[de:USS Raleigh]]
[[en:USS Raleigh]]
[[es:USS Raleigh]]
[[nl:USS Raleigh]]
[[pl:USS Raleigh]]
[[sl:USS Raleigh]]

Six ships and one shore establishment of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Raleigh, after Sir Walter Raleigh:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Raleigh, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Raleigh]]
[[es:HMS Raleigh]]
[[fi:HMS Raleigh]]

Five ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Ramillies after the Battle of Ramillies (23 May 1706):


{{DEFAULTSORT:Ramillies, Hms}}

[[HMS Ramillies]]
[[de:HMS Ramillies]]
[[en:HMS Ramillies]]
[[fi:HMS Ramillies]]
[[sl:HMS Ramillies]]

Three ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Ramsey



{{DEFAULTSORT:Ramsey, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Ramsey]]

The following ships of the Indian Navy have been named INS Rana:

  • HMS Raider (H15) (en:INS Rana (1942)) was a R class destroyer acquired in 1949 from the Royal Navy, where it served in World War II as HMS Raider (H15)
  • INS Rana (D52) Большой противолодочный корабль «Губительный», также известный как эскадренный миноносец «Рана» (хинди भारतीय युद्ध पोत राणा, англ. Rana) — корабль проекта 61-МЭ (код НАТО — «Kashin-II class», известный так же как «Rajput»), построенный в 1970—1980 годы в СССР по заказу Индийского правительства. (en:INS Rana (D52) is a Rajput class destroyer, currently in active service with the Indian Navy)



[[en:INS Rana]]

There have been two United States Navy ships with variations of the name USS Randall:


[[en:USS Randall (disambiguation)]]

Two ships of the United States Navy, have been named USS Randolph, after Peyton Randolph, a member and first president of the Continental Congress. The MG Wallace F. Randolph was operated by the United States Army as a cable ship from 1942 to 1949.



[[en:USS Randolph]]
[[pl:USS Randolph]]

USS Ranger is a historic name in the United States Navy, and has been used by one ship of the Continental Navy and nine ships of the U.S. Navy:

  • The first USS Ranger (1777) (en:Ranger) was an 18-gun ship sloop built in 1777 and commanded by John Paul Jones. She was captured by the British in 1780 and renamed HMS Halifax.
  • The second USS Ranger (1814) (en:Ranger) was a schooner mounting a single 18-pounder gun, purchased in 1814 and sold in 1816.
  • The third USS Ranger (Ontario) (en:Ranger) was a 14-gun brig also purchased in 1814 for operations on Lake Ontario, and sold in 1821.
  • The fourth USS Nantucket (IX-18) (en:Ranger) was an iron vessel mounting four guns, commissioned in 1876, converted to a nautical school ship in 1908, and broken up in 1940.
  • The fifth USS Ranger (SP-237) (en:Ranger (SP-237)) was a steel yacht commissioned in 1917 and decommissioned in 1919, subsequently serving in the Department of Commerce from 1919 to 1930 before being returned to the Navy and sold in 1931.
  • The sixth USS Ranger (SP-369) (en:Ranger (SP-369)) was a minesweeper built in 1882 and commissioned in 1918, and used in coastal defense until returned to her owner in 1919.
  • The seventh Ranger (CC-5) was a Lexington-class battlecruiser renamed USS Constitution (CC-5) on 10 December 1917 and laid down in 1921, but canceled in 1923 and scrapped prior to completion.
  • The eighth Ranger (CC-4) was a Lexington-class battlecruiser originally named Lexington, renamed Ranger on 10 December 1917 and laid down in 1921, but canceled in 1923 and scrapped prior to completion.
  • The ninth Ranger (CV-4), the first U.S. Navy ship originally designed to be an aircraft carrier, was commissioned in 1934, operated in the Atlantic during World War II, and was sold for scrapping in 1947.
  • The tenth Ranger (CV-61) was an aircraft carrier, the largest in the world when launched in 1957, decommissioned in 1993.



[[USS Ranger]]
[[en:USS Ranger]]
[[es:USS Ranger]]
[[fi:USS Ranger]]
[[fr:USS Ranger (homonymie)]]
[[pl:USS Ranger]]
[[sl:USS Ranger]]

Fifteen ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Ranger

In addition to these ships, a sloop named Ranger was temporarily hired in 1718 to take part in the successful hunt for the notorious pirate Blackbeard, but does not appear to have ever formally been a part of the Navy.

In fiction

A fictitious Polaris Resolution class submarine captured in the James Bond film "The Spy Who Loved Me" was also named HMS Ranger.



{{DEFAULTSORT:Ranger, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Ranger]]

INS Ranjit may refer to one of the following Indian Navy ships:

  • HMS Redoubt (H41) (en:INS Ranjit (1942)) was a R class destroyer acquired in 1949 from the Royal Navy, where it served in World War II as HMS Redoubt (H41)
  • INS Ranjit (D53) Большой противолодочный корабль «Ловкий», также известный как эскадренный миноносец «Ранджит» (хинди भारतीय युद्ध पोत रणजीत, англ. Ranjit) — корабль проекта 61-МЭ (код НАТО — «Kashin-II class», известный так же как «Rajput»), построенный в 1970—1980 годы в СССР по заказу Индийского правительства. (en:INS Ranjit (D53) is a Rajput class destroyer, currently in active service with the Indian Navy)



[[en:INS Ranjit]]

Nine ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Rapid:

The name was also given to a British Rail Class 42 locomotive of the Warship class.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Rapid, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Rapid]]

Two Royal Norwegian Navy ships and a class of patrol boats have been named Rapp.

{{DEFAULTSORT:Rapp, Hnoms}}

[[en:HNoMS Rapp]]

USS Rappahannock is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:



[[en:USS Rappahannock]]
[[pl:USS Rappahannock]]

At least three United States Navy ships have been named USS Raritan, after the Raritan River in New Jersey.



[[en:USS Raritan]]
[[pl:USS Raritan]]

Two Royal Norwegian Navy patrol boats have been named Rask (quick).

{{DEFAULTSORT:Rask, Hnoms}}

[[en:HNoMS Rask]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name USS Rathburne, named in honor of the John Rathbun, one of the first officers of the Continental Navy. "Rathburne" is an incorrect spelling of the name Rathbun, which has also been spelled Rathbourne, Rathburn, or Rathbon.



[[en:USS Rathburne]]
[[pl:USS Rathburne]]

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Rattler:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Rattler, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Rattler]]

Nine ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Rattlesnake, including:




[[en:HMS Rattlesnake]]
[[pl:HMS Rattlesnake]]

USS Raven and USS Raven III have been the names of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:

In fiction, USS Raven may refer to

See also



[[en:USS Raven]]
[[nl:USS Raven]]
[[pl:USS Raven]]

Fourteen ships and a shore establishment of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Raven, after birds of the genus Corvus, particularly the Common Raven:


Shore establishment


{{DEFAULTSORT:Raven, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Raven]]

Two submarines of the United States Navy have borne the name USS Ray, named in honor of the ray, a fish characterized by a flat body, large pectoral fins, and a whiplike tail.

  • The first USS Ray (SS-271) (en:Ray), (SS-271), was a Gato-class submarine, commissioned in 1943 and struck in 1960.
  • The second USS Ray (SSN-653) (en:Ray), (SSN-653), was a Sturgeon-class submarine, commissioned in 1967 and struck in 1993.



[[en:USS Ray]]
[[pl:USS Ray]]

USS Raymond is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:



[[en:USS Raymond]]
[[pl:USS Raymond]]

Re d'Italia ("King of Italy") may refer to:


[[en:Re d'Italia]]

USS Ready may refer to:



[[en:USS Ready]]

Eleven French ships of the French Navy have born the name Réale (royal):


{{DEFAULTSORT:Reale, French Ship}}

[[en:La Réale]]

USS Reaper is a name used more than once by the United States Navy:

  • USS Winjah (CVE-54) was loaned to the British during World War II as HMS Reaper (D82).




[[en:USS Reaper]]
[[pl:USS Reaper]]

Seven ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Recruit:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Recruit, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Recruit]]

Three ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Recruit:

{{shipindex|name=Recruit, USS}}


[[en:USS Recruit]]
[[pl:USS Recruit]]

USS Redfish has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:

{{Shipindex|Redfish, USS}}


[[en:USS Redfish]]

USS Redhead is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:

  • USS Redhead (AM-409), a minesweeper, which was canceled 11 August 1945.



[[en:USS Redhead]]
[[pl:USS Redhead]]

Four ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Redoubt, for the redoubt, a type of enclosed fort:

{{shipindex|name=Redoubt, HMS}}

[[en:HMS Redoubt]]

Redoutable class submarine may refer to one of the following classes of submarine for the French Navy:

{{DEFAULTSORT:Redoutable Class Submarine}}

[[de:Redoutable-Klasse (1971)]]
[[en:Redoutable class submarine]]
[[fr:Classe Le Redoutable]]
[[it:Classe Le Redoutable]]
[[ko:르두타불급 잠수함]]
[[Подводные лодки типа «Le Redoutable»]]

At least eleven vessels of the French Navy have borne the name Redoutable ("frightening"). Among them:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Redoutable, French Ship Le}}

[[en:French ship Redoutable]]
[[fr:Le Redoutable]]

USS Redwing is a name the U.S. Navy has used more than once in naming its vessels:





[[en:USS Redwing]]
[[pl:USS Redwing]]

USS Reedbird is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:



[[en:USS Reedbird]]
[[pl:USS Reedbird]]

USS Reeves may refer to:



[[de:USS Reeves]]
[[en:USS Reeves]]
[[sl:USS Reeves]]

SS Regina may refer to:


[[en:SS Regina]]

Several Canadian naval units have been named HMCS Regina.

Battle honours
  • Битва за Атлантику (1939—1945) Битва за Атлантику (Вторая битва за Атлантику, в отличие от кампании в рамках Первой мировой войны) — военная кампания Второй мировой войны, борьба союзников по Антигитлеровской коалиции с фашистской Германией и Италией за коммуникации и господство в Атлантическом океане и прилегающих к нему морях. (en:Atlantic, 1942–44)
  • Battle of the St. Lawrence (en:Gulf of St. Lawrence), 1942, 1944.
  • Mediterranean, 1943.
  • English Channel, 1944.
  • Операция «Нептун» Высадка в Нормандии или Операция «Нептун» (6 июня 1944) — также известная как День Д, высадка морского десанта союзных (английских, американских и канадских) войск в оккупированной Германией Нормандии в ходе Второй мировой войны, часть Нормандской операции. (en:Normandy, 1944.)

{{DEFAULTSORT:Regina, Hmcs}}

[[en:HMCS Regina]]
[[sl:HMCS Regina]]

USS Register has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:

  • USS Register (DE-308), a destroyer escort renamed USS Creamer (DE-308) on 10 September 1943 while under construction
  • USS Register (DE-233), destroyer escort converted during construction into the high-speed transport USS Register (APD-92)



[[en:USS Register]]

USS Regulus is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:



[[en:USS Regulus]]
[[pl:USS Regulus]]

Four vessels of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Regulus, after the star:




{{DEFAULTSORT:Regulus, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Regulus]]

USS Rehoboth has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:



[[en:USS Rehoboth]]

Four ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Reid, after Sailing Master Samuel Chester Reid.

See also



[[en:USS Reid]]
[[pl:USS Reid]]

USS Reindeer is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:



[[en:USS Reindeer]]
[[pl:USS Reindeer]]

Four ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Reindeer, after the Reindeer:

There was also a requisitioned trawler launched in 1902 and named Reindeer.{{Citation needed|date=August 2008}}




{{DEFAULTSORT:Reindeer, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Reindeer]]

USS Reliable has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:

{{shipindex|Reliable, USS}}

[[en:USS Reliable]]

Three ships of the Royal Navy have born the name HMS Reliance, whilst a fourth was planned:

  • HMS Reliance (1793) (en:HMS Reliance) was a discovery vessel purchased in 1793. She became famous as one of the ships with the early explorations of the Australian coast and other the southern Pacific islands. She was used for harbour service from 1800 and was sold in 1815.
  • HMS Reliance (1812) (en:HMS Reliance) was a 12-gun tender in service between 1812 and 1815. (not exists)
  • HMS Reliance (1912) (en:HMS Reliance) was a repair ship, previously the civilian ship Knight Companion. She was purchased in 1912 and was sold in 1919. (not exists)
  • HMS Reliance was to have been a repair ship. She was launched in 1944 as the Liberty ship SS Dutiful and it was intended that she would be transferred to the Royal Navy under the terms of Lend-Lease. She was instead retained by the US Navy and commissioned into their service as the USS Laertes.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Reliance, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Reliance]]

Three ships of the Royal Fleet Auxiliary have borne the name RFA Reliant:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Reliant, Rfa}}

[[en:RFA Reliant]]

Six ships in the United States Navy have been named USS Relief.




[[en:USS Relief]]
[[pl:USS Relief]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Reno, the first after Walter E. Reno, and the second after the city of Reno, Nevada.



[[en:USS Reno]]
[[pl:USS Reno]]

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Renown, whilst three others have borne the name at various stages in their construction:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Renown, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Renown]]
[[en:HMS Renown]]
[[fi:HMS Renown]]
[[pl:HMS Renown]]
[[sl:HMS Renown]]
[[sv:HMS Renown]]

USS Renshaw may refer to:



[[en:USS Renshaw]]
[[pl:USS Renshaw]]

USS Repose has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:

{{shipindex|Repose, USS}}

[[en:USS Repose]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name USS Reprisal, promising hostile action in response to an offense.

In fiction =



[[de:USS Reprisal]]
[[en:USS Reprisal]]
[[sl:USS Reprisal]]

SS Republic may refer to:


[[en:SS Republic]]

{{French Navy}}
Six ships of the French Navy have born the name Républicain ("Revolutionnary"):

Five ship of the French Navy have born the name Républicaine ("Revolutionnary"):

Two ships of the French Navy have born the name République française:

The frigate Hermione was started as République italienne

See also



[[en:French ship Républicain]]

Twelve ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Repulse.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Repulse, Hms}}

[[cs:HMS Repulse]]
[[de:HMS Repulse]]
[[en:HMS Repulse]]
[[fi:HMS Repulse]]
[[pl:HMS Repulse]]
[[sl:HMS Repulse]]
[[sv:HMS Repulse]]

USS Rescue is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:



[[en:USS Rescue]]
[[pl:USS Rescue]]

Four ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Resistance. A fifth was planned but never built:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Resistance, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Resistance]]

Three ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Resolute. A fourth was planned but never completed:

  • HMS Resolute (1805) (en:HMS Resolute) was a 12-gun gun-brig launched in 1805. She was used as a tender from 1814, a diving bell vessel from 1816 and a convict hulk from 1844. She was broken up in 1852. (not exists)
  • HMS Resolute was to have been a screw frigate. She was ordered in 1847 but cancelled in 1850.
  • Резолют (барк) Резолют — (англ. HMS Resolute) — барк ВМС Великобритании, оборудованный для арктических исследований, построен в 1850 году. (en:HMS Resolute was a discovery vessel, previously the civilian ship Ptarmigan. She was purchased in 1850 as HMS Refuge but renamed HMS Resolute later that year. She was abandoned in the Arctic in 1855, but salvaged by the Americans and returned in 1856. She was broken up in 1879.)
  • HMS Resolute (1855) (en:HMS Resolute) was an iron screw storeship purchased on the stocks in 1855 and launched that year. She became a troopship and was renamed HMS Adventure in 1857. She was broken up in 1877. (not exists)
See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Resolute, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Resolute]]

USS Resolute has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:

{{DEFAULTSORT:Resolute, Uss}}

[[en:USS Resolute]]

Resolution in a gale by Willem van de Velde, the younger depicts the second HMS Resolution c. 1678

Several ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Resolution. However, the first English warship to bear the name Resolution was actually the First rate Prince Royal (built in 1610 and rebuilt in 1641), which was renamed Resolution in 1650 following the inauguration of the Commonwealth, and continued to bear that name until 1660, when the name Prince Royal was restored, and instead the name Resolution was bestowed on the first of the vessels listed below:

The very first warship however to bear the name Resolution — though not HMS Resolution — was HMS Prince Royal that was renamed Resolution during the Commonwealth period.



{{DEFAULTSORT:Resolution, Hms}}

[[HMS Resolution]]
[[de:HMS Resolution]]
[[en:HMS Resolution]]
[[es:HMS Resolution]]
[[fi:HMS Resolution]]
[[pl:HMS Resolution]]
[[sl:HMS Resolution]]

Several Canadian naval units have been named HMCS Restigouche.

Battle honours
  • Битва за Атлантику (1939—1945) Битва за Атлантику (Вторая битва за Атлантику, в отличие от кампании в рамках Первой мировой войны) — военная кампания Второй мировой войны, борьба союзников по Антигитлеровской коалиции с фашистской Германией и Италией за коммуникации и господство в Атлантическом океане и прилегающих к нему морях. (en:Atlantic 1939-45)
  • North Sea 1940
  • Битва за Средиземноморье (1940—1943) Ливийско-египетская кампания — часть Средиземноморского театра военных действий Второй мировой войны, военные действия вооружённых сил США, Великобритании и их союзников против войск Германии и Италии во время Второй мировой войны в Средиземноморском регионе с целью контроля морских коммуникаций в Средиземном море между Северной Африкой и Южной Европой. (en:Mediterranean 1943)
  • Операция «Нептун» Высадка в Нормандии или Операция «Нептун» (6 июня 1944) — также известная как День Д, высадка морского десанта союзных (английских, американских и канадских) войск в оккупированной Германией Нормандии в ходе Второй мировой войны, часть Нормандской операции. (en:Normandy 1944)
  • Biscay 1944

{{DEFAULTSORT:Restigouche, Hmcs}}

[[en:HMCS Restigouche]]
[[sl:HMCS Restigouche]]

USS Restless is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:

  • Restless, a steam tug, built at St. Louis in 1861, was transferred by the War Department to the Navy on 30 September 1862 and renamed Mistletoe.



[[en:USS Restless]]
[[pl:USS Restless]]

HMS Restoration has been the name two Royal Navy ships, named after the English Restoration.




[[en:HMS Restoration]]

Two ships in the United States Navy have been named USS Retaliation.



[[en:USS Retaliation]]
[[pl:USS Retaliation]]

Four ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Retribution:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Retribution, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Retribution]]

Three ships of the US Navy have borne the name USS Reuben James. Reuben James was a Boatswain's Mate who distinguished himself fighting the Barbary pirates.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Reuben James}}

[[de:USS Reuben James]]
[[en:USS Reuben James]]
[[sl:USS Reuben James]]

Six ships in service to the United States have been named Revenge.



[[en:USS Revenge]]
[[pl:USS Revenge]]

Thirteen warships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Revenge:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Revenge, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Revenge]]
[[en:HMS Revenge]]
[[es:HMS Revenge]]
[[fi:HMS Revenge]]
[[pl:HMS Revenge]]
[[sl:HMS Revenge]]

There have been a number of ships named HMS Redoubtable in the Royal Navy.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Revenge, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Redoubtable]]

{{French Navy}}
Five ships of the French Navy have born the name Révolutionnaire ("Revolutionnary"):

See also



[[en:French ship Révolutionnaire]]

USS Reybold is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:




{{DEFAULTSORT:Reybold, Uss}}

[[en:USS Reybold]]
[[pl:USS Reybold]]

USS Rhea is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:



[[en:USS Rhea]]
[[pl:USS Rhea]]

{{Unreferenced|date=November 2008}}
Four ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Rhode Island in honor of Rhode Island.

Fictional starship
  • In the Star Trek fictional universe, the USS Rhode Island (NCC-72701) is a Nova class starship.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Rhode Island}}

[[de:USS Rhode Island]]
[[en:USS Rhode Island]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Rhyl, after the town of Rhyl in Wales:



[[en:HMS Rhyl]]

Four vessels of the British Royal Navy have been named HMS Ribble, after the English river:



{{DEFAULTSORT:Ribble, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Ribble]]

USS Rich may refer to:



[[en:USS Rich]]
[[pl:USS Rich]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name Richard E. Byrd, in honor of polar explorer Rear Admiral Richard E. Byrd (1888–1957).


{{DEFAULTSORT:Richard E. Byrd}}

[[en:USS Richard E. Byrd]]

{{French Navy}}
A number of ships of the French Navy have been named in honour of Armand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal and Duc de Richelieu, considered to be one of the founders of the French navy. Among them,


{{DEFAULTSORT:Richelieu, French Ship}}

[[en:French ship Richelieu]]

USS Richland is a name used more than once by the U.S Navy:




[[en:USS Richland]]

Seven ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Richmond, after the English town of Richmond, or numerous holders of the title of Duke of Richmond:




[[en:HMS Richmond]]
[[sl:HMS Richmond]]

Three ships in the United States Navy have been named USS Richmond for the capital of Virginia.

See also



[[en:USS Richmond]]
[[pl:USS Richmond]]

Ridderschap van Holland (Dutch - "Knighthood of Holland") is a name that has been held by various Dutch naval and merchant ships, including:

The name refers to the "Knighthood" Estate within the States of Holland; it would be shortened to Ridderschap.


[[en:Ridderschap van Holland]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Rifleman:

See also



{{DEFAULTSORT:Rifleman, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Rifleman]]

USS Rigel is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:



[[en:USS Rigel]]
[[pl:USS Rigel]]

A number of steamships have been named the SS Rimutaka after the Rimutaka Mountains in New Zealand:

{{shipindex|name = Rimutaka, SS}}

[[en:SS Rimutaka]]

Four ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Rinaldo:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Rinaldo, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Rinaldo]]

Seven ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Ringdove, another name for the Barbary Dove:



{{DEFAULTSORT:Ringdove, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Ringdove]]

Two ships in the United States Navy have been named USS Ringgold, in honor of Rear Admiral Cadwalader Ringgold (1802–1867).



[[en:USS Ringgold]]
[[pl:USS Ringgold]]

Rio Grande do Sul (S11) may refer to one of the following submarines of the Brazilian Navy:

{{DEFAULTSORT:Rio Grande Do Sul (S11)}}

[[en:Brazilian submarine Rio Grande do Sul (S11)]]

USS Ripple has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:


[[en:USS Ripple]]

Three ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Rippon, an archaic version of Ripon, a city in North Yorkshire. A fourth has been named HMS Ripon:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Rippon, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Rippon]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have been assigned the name USS Rival.

  • USS Rival (AM-292) would have been an Admirable-class minesweeper. Construction, however, was canceled on 6 June 1944, prior to completion.

{{DANFS |http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/r7/rival-i.htm |http://www.history.navy.mil/danfs/r7/rival-ii.htm}}



[[en:USS Rival]]
[[pl:USS Rival]]

{{for|the class of difficulty for rivers|International Scale of River Difficulty}}

Several classes of ships have been called River class:

Patrol vessels
See also


[[en:River class]]
[[tr:River sınıfı]]

USS Riverside may refer to:



[[en:USS Riverside]]
[[pl:USS Riverside]]

USS Jackson may refer to a number of United States Navy warships:

Supply ships



[[en:USS Jackson]]

USS Roamer is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:



[[en:USS Roamer]]
[[pl:USS Roamer]]

Multiple ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Roanoke, after either Roanoke, Virginia or the Roanoke River.



[[en:USS Roanoke]]
[[pl:USS Roanoke]]

Several ships of the United States Navy have been named Peary or Robert E. Peary, after R.Adm. Robert E. Peary (1856–1920), the Arctic explorer.

In addition:




{{DEFAULTSORT:Robert E. Peary}}

[[en:USS Robert E. Peary]]
[[pl:USS Robert E. Peary]]

USS Roberts may refer to more than one United States Navy ship:



[[en:USS Roberts]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Roberts, after Field Marshal Frederick Roberts:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Roberts, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Roberts]]

USS Robin may refer to:





[[en:USS Robin]]
[[nl:USS Robin]]
[[pl:USS Robin]]

USS Robinson may refer to more than one United States Navy ship:



[[en:USS Robinson]]
[[pl:USS Robinson]]

USS Rochester has been the name of many ships of the United States Navy. All of the ships are named for the city of Rochester, New York.



[[en:USS Rochester]]
[[ja:ロチェスター (重巡洋艦)]]
[[pl:USS Rochester]]

Four ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Rochester, after the town of Rochester on the River Medway:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Rochester, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Rochester]]

Rockaway may refer to:


In California:

In New Jersey:

In New York:

In Oregon:

See also




USS Rocket is a name used more than once by the U.S. Navy:



[[en:USS Rocket]]
[[pl:USS Rocket]]

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Rocket. Another was planned but never completed:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Rocket, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Rocket]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Rocksand:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Rocksand, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Rocksand]]

Three ships in the United States Navy have been named USS Rodgers for John Rodgers (1772–1838), his son, John Rodgers (1812–1882) and his great grandson, John Rodgers (1881–1926).

Rodgers (DD-170) was renamed Kalk (DD-170) on 23 December 1918.

See also



[[en:USS Rodgers]]
[[pl:USS Rodgers]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Rodney, at least the last five after Admiral George Brydges Rodney. A seventh was planned but never completed:




[[de:HMS Rodney]]
[[en:HMS Rodney]]
[[fi:HMS Rodney]]
[[sl:HMS Rodney]]

Two ships in the United States Navy have been named USS Roe for Francis Asbury Roe.



[[en:USS Roe]]
[[pl:USS Roe]]

Fourteen ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Roebuck after a small deer native to the British Isles.




[[de:HMS Roebuck]]
[[en:HMS Roebuck]]

USS Rogers has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:



[[en:USS Rogers]]

USS Rogers Blood has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Rogers Blood}}

[[en:USS Rogers Blood]]

Three ships of the French Navy have born the name Roland Morillot in honour of lieutenant de vaisseau Roland Morillot:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Roland Morillot}}

[[en:French ship Roland Morillot]]

Roma was the name of three battleships of the Regia Marina (Italian Royal Navy), and may refer to:


[[en:Italian battleship Roma]]
[[it:Roma (disambigua)#Navi e aeronavi]]
[[sr:Италијански бојни брод Рома (вишезначна одредница)]]

Five ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Romney. The origins of the name are from the town of New Romney, although it maybe that the name entered the Royal Navy in honour of Henry Sydney, 1st Earl of Romney.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Romney, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Romney]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Romulus, after Romulus, one of the founders of Rome in Roman mythology:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Romulus, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Romulus]]

USS Rondo has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:



[[en:USS Rondo]]

One ship and two shore establishments of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Rooke. after Admiral Sir George Rooke:


Shore establishments

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Rooke, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Rooke]]

Several ships of the United States Navy have borne some version of the name Roosevelt in honor of members of the Roosevelt family.

Three of the ships have been named USS Theodore Roosevelt, in honor of President Theodore Roosevelt.



[[en:USS Roosevelt]]
[[pl:USS Roosevelt]]

HMS Rorqual has been the name of two Royal Navy submarines. A rorqual is a type of whale:




[[en:HMS Rorqual]]

Seven ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Rosario, after the Spanish word Rosario, meaning rosary:



[[en:HMS Rosario]]

Twenty one ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Rose after the rose:

See also



[[en:HMS Rose]]
[[fi:HMS Rose]]
[[sl:HMS Rose]]

USS Roselle has been the name of more than one United States Navy ship, and may refer to:

{{shipindex|Roselle, USS}}

[[en:USS Roselle]]

Two ships in the United States Navy have been named USS Ross. The first ship was named for Captain David Ross and the second for Captain Donald K. Ross (1910–1992).



[[de:USS Ross]]
[[en:USS Ross]]
[[sl:USS Ross]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Rothesay, after the town of Rothesay in Scotland.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Rothesay, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Rothesay]]

HMNZS Rotoiti has been the name of three ships of the Royal New Zealand Navy:

{{DEFAULTSORT:Rotoit, Hmnzs}}

[[en:HMNZS Rotoiti]]

SS Rotterdam may refer to one of six ships of the Holland America Line:


[[en:SS Rotterdam (disambiguation)]]

Seven ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Rover:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Rover, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Rover]]

Four ships in the United States Navy have been named USS Rowan after Stephen Clegg Rowan.



[[en:USS Rowan]]
[[pl:USS Rowan]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Royal Anne. A third was renamed before being launched:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Royal Anne, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Royal Anne]]

One ship and one shore establishment of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Royal Arthur, in reference to the legendary King Arthur:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Royal Arthur, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Royal Arthur]]

Two ships of the British Royal Navy have been named HMS Royal Charles, both after King Charles II.


{{DEFAULTSORT:Royal Charles}}

[[cs:HMS Royal Charles]]
[[en:HMS Royal Charles]]
[[pl:HMS Royal Charles]]

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Royal George after various members of the House of Hanover. A ninth was renamed before being launched:

See also


{{DEFAULTSORT:Royal George, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Royal George]]
[[en:HMS Royal George]]
[[fi:HMS Royal George]]

Several ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Royal James:




{{DEFAULTSORT:Royal James, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Royal James]]

A number of ships of the French Royal Navy have born the name Royal Louis. Among them:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Royal Louis, French Ship}}

[[en:French ship Royal Louis]]

Eight ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Royal Oak, after the Royal Oak in which Charles II hid himself during his flight from the country in the English Civil War:


{{DEFAULTSORT:Royal Oak, Hms}}

[[de:HMS Royal Oak]]
[[en:HMS Royal Oak]]
[[fi:HMS Royal Oak]]
[[fr:HMS Royal Oak]]
[[it:HMS Royal Oak]]
[[nl:HMS Royal Oak]]
[[no:HMS «Royal Oak»]]
[[pl:HMS Royal Oak]]

Royal Odyssey may refer to the following cruise ships:


[[en:Royal Odyssey]]

Seven ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Royal Sovereign, while another was planned but renamed before being launched:

  "Sovereign of the Seas 1638" (history),
  Crown, 2006, webpage:





{{DEFAULTSORT:Royal Sovereign}}

[[de:HMS Royal Sovereign]]
[[en:HMS Royal Sovereign]]
[[es:HMS Royal Sovereign]]
[[fi:HMS Royal Sovereign]]
[[pl:HMS Royal Sovereign]]
[[sl:HMS Royal Sovereign]]

Two ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Royal William


{{DEFAULTSORT:Royal William, Hms}}

[[en:HMS Royal William]]

Several ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Royalist:



[[en:HMS Royalist]]
[[fi:HMS Royalist]]
[[sl:HMS Royalist]]

17 ships of the French Navy have been named Rubis ("Ruby"), or Ruby as it was spelled until the 18th century:

See also
Sources and references


{{DEFAULTSORT:Rubis, French Ship}}

[[en:French ship Rubis]]

Nine ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Ruby:

There was also HMS Ruby Prize, a 44 gun fourth rate ship of the line captured from the French in 1695 and sold in 1698.

See also



[[en:HMS Ruby]]

USS Ruff is a name used twice by the U.S. Navy for minsweepers;



[[en:USS Ruff]]
[[pl:USS Ruff]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name USS Runner, named for the runner, an amberfish inhabiting subtropical waters, so called for its rapid leaps from the water.



[[en:USS Runner]]
[[pl:USS Runner]]

Several ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Rupert or derivatives of the name, after Prince Rupert of the Rhine, son of Frederick V, Elector Palatine and a famous Royalist cavalry commander during the English Civil War.



[[en:HMS Rupert]]

At least three ships of the Imperial Russian Navy have been named Rurik after Rurik, the semi-legendary founder of ancient Russia.

  • Рюрик (фрегат) Рюрик — паровой фрегат российского Императорского флота. (en:Rurik (1851) - frigate served in the Crimean War)
  • Рюрик (крейсер, 1892) Рюрик — крейсер 1 ранга согласно действовавшей в те годы классификации кораблей Российского Императорского Флота, в просторечии именовался «броненосным» как и другие крейсера имевшие вертикальное бортовое бронирование российского Императорского флота. (en:Rurik (1892) - armoured cruiser sunk at the Battle of Ulsan)
  • Рюрик (крейсер, 1906) Рюрик — броненосный крейсер российского Императорского флота. (en:Rurik (1906) - Russian armoured cruiser built by Vickers)


{{DEFAULTSORT:Rurik (Ship)}}

[[en:Rurik (ship)]]

Two units of the Royal Australian Navy (RAN) have been named HMAS Rushcutter, for Rushcutters Bay, New South Wales.

{{DEFAULTSORT:Rushcutter, HMAS}}

[[en:HMAS Rushcutter]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name USS Rushmore, in honor of the Mount Rushmore National Memorial in the Black Hills of South Dakota.



[[de:USS Rushmore]]
[[en:USS Rushmore]]

Two ships of the United States Navy have borne the name USS Russell. The first was named in honor of Rear Admiral John Henry Russell and the second was named for Admiral Russell and his son, Commandant of the Marine Corps John Henry Russell, Jr.

  • The first, Russell (DD-414), was a Sims-class destroyer, launched in 1938 and struck in 1945.
  • The second, Russell (DDG-59), is an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, launched in 1993 and still in service as of 2008.
See also



[[de:USS Russell]]
[[en:USS Russell]]

Five ships of the Royal Navy have been named HMS Russell.




[[en:HMS Russell]]

Six ships of the Royal Navy have borne the name HMS Rye, either after the cereal rye, or the town of Rye, East Sussex:



[[en:HMS Rye]]

Five classes of submarine are known as the S class:


[[de:U-Boot-Klasse S]]
[[en:S class submarine]]
[[it:Classe S (sommergibile)]]
[[pl:Okręty podwodne typu S]]
[[pt:Classe S de submarinos]]
[[sv:S-klass (ubåtsklass)]]

USS S. P. Lee may refer to:



[[en:USS S. P. Lee]]
[[pl:USS S. P. Lee]]

Two Royal Navy ships have been called HMS S1:




[[en:HMS S1]]

Two ships have been known as SMS Cormoran:


[[de:SMS Cormoran (1909)]]
[[en:SMS Cormoran]]

Two ships have been named SMS Niobe:


[[de:SMS Niobe (1899)]]
[[en:SMS Niobe]]
[[Ниобе (крейсер)]]

There have been two ships in the German Imperial Navy named SMS Nürnberg :


[[de:Nürnberg (Schiffsname)]]
[[en:SMS Nürnberg]]

There have been two ships in the German Imperial Navy named SMS Württemberg:


[[en:SMS Württemberg]]

Adler was the name of four ships of Argo Line, Germany


[[en:SS Adler]]

A number of steamships have been named Aenos.


[[en:SS Aenos]]

A number of steamships have been named Alaska


[[de:Alaska (1881)]]
[[en:SS Alaska]]
[[ja:アラスカ (客船)]]

Aldershot was the name of a number of steamships


[[en:SS Aldershot]]

Alice was the name of a number of steamships'


[[en:SS Alice]]

A number of merchant ships have been called SS Amsterdam.


[[en:SS Amsterdam]]

Anglia was the name of a number of steamships.


[[en:SS Anglia]]

A number of ships have been named Anglo-Norse.


[[en:SS Anglo-Norse]]

A number of ships have been named Arcadia.

See also


[[en:SS Arcadia]]

A number of steamships have carried the name Artemis.


[[en:SS Artemis]]