Это ОКОНЧАТЕЛЬНЫЙ разосланный вариант пресс-релиза.

2008 Wiki-conference

The K. D. Ushinsky Scientific Pedagogical Library (Demidov estate), site of the Second Wiki-conference
  • On October 18 and 19 Moscow will play host to the second international Russian-language Wiki-conference related to Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, as well as other Wikimedia projects. The conference will take place on the premises of The K. D. Ushinsky Scientific Pedagogical Library.

There will be around 100 participants who edit articles in Wikipedia and Wikimedia sister projects such as Wiktionary, Commons, and Wikibooks. It is expected that the conference will be attended by users from other cities in Russia and abroad, as well as representatives of other editions of Wikipedia.


  • The first day includes talks related to issues of Wikipedia development, which may be of interest to both active Wikipedia users and conference guests, a press conference and two round tables.
  • The second day is planned to consist of several round tables, as well as papers geared towards active users.

Press conference

The Wiki-conference of the Russian-language Wikipedia edition will take place on October 18th and 19th, 2008.

We hereby request you to publish information regarding Wikipedia and the upcoming Wiki-conference and invite you to the press conference which will take place on October 18th at 15:00 in the The K. D. Ushinsky Scientific Pedagogical Library (Bolshoy Tolmachevsky pereulok, 3).

If you are going to attend the press-conference, please, fill in registration form. The contact person: Ilya Shchurov (ilya.schurov noo.ru). The Organizing committee will be grateful if journalists can register before October 15th, as this will simplify some organization matters.


Please address all enquiries to the Wiki-conference press secretary Anastasia Lvova, stasielvova gmail.com, +7 963 775 5746.

You can also contact the Organizing committee:

The Organizing Committee’s email is ruwikiconference lists.wikimedia.org (an email sent to this address will reach all members of the committee).

Thereis a public mailing list with the latest information at ruwikiconference-l lists.wikimedia.org (subscribe).

About Wikipedia

Wikipedia has over 300,000 pages
The banner of Wikimania 2009 (Buenos Aires, Argentina

Wikipedia (http://wikipedia.org) is an online project to create an Internet encyclopedia that is free to edit and distribute.

Unlike other electronic encyclopedia projects, it is created not by governmental bodies or commercial organizations but by the concerted effort of thousands of volunteers. Since the introduction of Wikimedia’s unified login, which lets participants use a single account in all projects, cooperation between different language editions of Wikipedia has been greatly simplified.

Wikipedia has no complicated procedures. Anyone can make valuable edits to articles. Your changes immediately become available on the Internet. This simplicity forms the basis of Wikipedia’s popularity.

Changes made in bad faith are rapidly neutralized due to the project’s sophisticated technical and social organization. Some innovations in this area will be the subject of the second Wiki-conference.

The Russian-language Wikipedia edition has existed for over 7 years. It is a leader among Russian-language universal encyclopedias (including printed ones) and is placed tenth on the list of 254 Wikipedia editions by quantity of articles. Right now Wikipedia has 1 990 261 Russian-language articles which have been edited over 10 million times. It is twice as large as the Great Soviet Encyclopedia and more than 1.5 times as large as the Brockhaus and Efron Reference Dictionary. The edition contains 7 995 259 pages. Over 70 000 are not encyclopedic articles, but rather rules and manuals, user discussions of collaboration, tools for better navigation, and techincal pages. The large number of extra pages is an indirect measure for the quality of the work being done on the encyclopedia[1]. By this measure, the Russian-language edition of Wikipedia comes sixth among the editions with over 100 000 articles. It also correlates with another quality measure: the Russian-language editions has recently climbed sixth on the list of Wikipedias created using another yardstick: articles that all Wikipedia edition should have.

This means that the 'quality of the Russian-language Wikipedia’s content is growing. At the moment it is only slightly behind the quality in the Italian- and Spanish-language Wikipedias and is gaining ground on the top three of English-, German- and French-language editions.

The project has received several awards: in 2006 it received the Premiya Runeta for Science and Education, in 2007 and 2008 the Russian-language Wikipedia came second on the ROTOR list of Science and Education Website of the Year. In 2007 Wikipedia’s community took second place in ROTOR’s Internet Community of the Year award, and in 2008 it was recognized as the best.

One of Wikipedia’s advantages over printed encyclopedias is the great number of illustrations. The multimedia capabilities of the electronic encyclopedia enable the use of video clips as well as static images. Most of the illustrations are used in common with other Wikipedia editions, and there are over 1.5 million such items.

Texts and images are checked for copyright violations. All of Wikipedia’s text is available under the free GNU FDL, and most of its illustrations are also licensed freely.

The Russian-language Wikipedia’s participants come not only from Russia, but also from the ex-USSR and other countries, such as Australia, Belarus, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Germany, Israel, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, South Korea, Ukraine, the US and many others.

Wikipedia users meet face-to-face during local wiki meetups and Wikimania international meetings. Wikimania is both a scientific conference and a meeting of like-minded people which connects users of different Wikimedia projects who give talks and present current and finished projects, exchange ideas and establish new contacts. The latest edition of Wikimania took place on July 17th-19th 2008 in the prestigious new Alexandrina Library in Egypt.

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